HomeMy WebLinkAbout126-Anthony & Betty Russi · ~ 3355 S. Mellonville Ave. This instrument prepareu by: Director of Utilities, Paul Moore, City of Sanford, P. O., Box 1778, Sanf~r~F~~.L ~~ ~S ~D~U~! made th~a ~ dH Of June A.D. 19__~S~ between .Anthony & Betty Russi Of ~he C01,1~b~ of K,~min~l,= ,~ end Sta%e Of F part iesof the first part, and CITY OF 5ANF~, FI~)RIDA. a munic~pal corporation, s.it~ate in Semiuole County, Florida, party of the second part,~d ~ /TVF ~0~/. WITNESSETB. That part iesof the first part, for and i~ co~=ideration of the sum ot~)ne Dollar a~d other valuable con- sideration to ~a~e in ha~d paid by part2 of the second part~ receipt whereof is hereby ack~owle~ed, _ha~ granted and conveyed, and by these presents do~ gr~t end convey to party of the second part, its successors~ assi~ and licensees, a perpetual easement under, upon, and across the .property ~i~uate in Sanford, Seminole CountT, Florida, more pax~cularly d~scribed O a~ From the center of Section 7, Township 20 South, Range 31 East Seminole County, Florida; run N.orth 00°15'00" West, along the West line of the Northeast % of said Section 7, a dista'nce of 857.67 feet for a POINT OF BEGINNING; thence run East, parallel with the South line o~ said Northeast ¼, a distance of 629.71 feet, thence run North 60°00'00" West, 38.28 feet, thence run West 452.20 feet to a point on the East Right- of-Way line of Me!!onville Avenue, thence run So'uth 00°15'15" East, along said East Right -of-Way line, 225,07 feet, thence run East 70, .00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINN~NG.Sou%h 1~ £ee~ of c sub *e t n ose for p~i~m~ey ~,~ ~%~ ~urp s, including specifically storm and sanitary sewers, -~d for the ~nctallation, ~n~pection, servicing! repair, maintenance, and replacement of all utilities now exist~ or hereafter to exist on said property, such ease- ment includ~ the ri~t of ~ree i=gress a~d ~gress over and across said property for any of the purposes aforesaid, together with the right to open an alley for use of party of the seco~ part and ~he general public. " IN WITNESS WHEREOF, part les of the first part ha.~ here- unto set their han~s and sea~d~dthe day -~ year first above w~itten. Signed, Sealed,- and delivered in the presence of: /mussi Betty Documentary Tax Pd, $~ 0~' znole $ , Intangible Tax STATE Florida ,., I m~y C~T~ that on t~s 4~ ~ ~e ~ above State and Coumty before me, an officer duly authorized to ad- minister serbs and take acknowle&~-ment:, ~:_-conally appeare~ Anthon~ Russi r and Bett,~ Ru~i to me well-know~ and Zmown to me to be the individuals described in and who executed the foregoix~ easement, who acknowledged before me that they the~ecuted the eame as free act and deed. I~ WITNESS ~OF, I have hereunto set my hand and official thisSeal atlbth Sanford,,,.~,~,,~,O%~lty~(%0~,... ' '~ '~",-J~g~ ~' Of Sam4na]~t 19~0 ., ~tate: of Florida t