HomeMy WebLinkAbout121-Codisco Inc p.E. E~gineering Services; ThiS instrument was pre.red by Mack Lazenby, Florida 32771. 8005 1042 East 24th street; %ford, ~ ~8~ G~T OF ~~ SEMINOLE CO,. FL. ~ d m~S I~T~E, made this 9th day of _N°vember ~% ~~~ - ~- ~+~een CODISCO INC. ~ ~. ' " ~ n i~0 ~ u~.., ~ ..... . ..... ~ Florida ~ ,. ~ ...... . Seminole ~ ~d S~a~ u~ _ ~ ~ of the cowry o~ --_ - 2TmV ~F S~FORD, FLORIDA, a -~+ ~. of the first p~t, ~a ~~nle cowry, Florida, · P~~ ~nrnoration, situate ~ ~ ~ ~;' p~ty of the secona = ~ That p~tY of the first part, for ~d ~ ~ WITNESS~H, o the s~ o~ne Dollar ~d other valuable con- o consideration of aid by p~ty of th~ sec~n~ P~"'--~ .~d bw these pres~nu~ -~_T~ ~d licensee~, he secona P~, ~ ~ across ~ae p~-.- neroetual easem~u.~y~,~ ~-~ida- more p~lu .... ~ ~ford, Sem~ole uo~ =~ , follows: easement of theprooerty describe~ as: the .,%I Corner of Lo% 36, M. M. Smztns An ingress & egress From a p.O.B, located at . ded in Pb 1, Pg 86 . · a' = the the plat thereof as reco~Rg 59-11E, 630.22', SubdivzszOn accor ~z~o . 666.50' , thence S00-12-00E, of the public records of Seminole Co. Florida run 65~.6t , t~.ence ........ ~00-14-58%~, 529.91', to the p.O.B. S89-~5-92U, 2599.~3', thence :_A~.,di.= specifically . _.~^- ~n utility purposes, ~ut_~~ Lusoection, for o~olic az~ ~ --~ ~ the ~s~a~' - ~.~ --- ~ ~M ~nit~Y sewers, ~u ~ ~ment of all U~ll~u~ se~ic~g~ repa~, ~~ e~ist on said properu~, ~ r~ow existing or nezeaIu=x' u~ -- ~gress ~d egress over ~d merit ~cluding the right of free aforesaid, to~ether 8cross said orooertw for any of the o~ooses of th6 seSond with the right to open ~ alley for ~se-of p~ty p~t ~d the genersl public. , t of the first part ha~ here- IN WITN~S W~F..P~ ~. ~=v ~u we~ first above ~to set his _ h~d_ ~= seal_ u~ ~ __d _ written. S~gned, sealed, and delivered 2~he pr~nce ~of: ~ STATE O~__Florida COUNTY OF _Seminole I HEREBY CERTIFY tha on this day in the next above named m': officer duly authorized =o ad- State au~ Cou~j u~a. uz~ m~3 _L-.,..-~,,~ . nersonally appeared minister oaths a~d tak Ernest A. Cavallaro ' · 8D.~. WhO execu~uu u.~.~ ,, ? ~ ~. ~nmm am his free ac~ before ~ ,,~,4,,~' .... heretic set my h~d and official .,..'~ ~T}~S WHEREOF, I ~av~. Seminole., State of_Fl°rzda -' c ~ot~Y I ~ Co~issio~ ~ices: