021010 rm min CITIZEN'S ADVISORY BOARD Minutes Wednesday, February 10, 2010 6:30 P.M. City Commission Chambers PRESENT: Mark McCarty, Helen Mausser, Betty Jack, David Daly, Agnes Knighton, Steve Chusmir, Joe Torresin, Brian Tooley- Police Chief and Gracy Posley Absent: Excused — Mark Russi and Katheryn Alexander Audience: Anna McCollough, and Torresin Family Called to Order by Mr. McCarty. Mr. McCarty and Chief Tooley introduced new member Joe Torresin. Mr. Torresin and each Board member introduced themselves. Mr. McCarty requested the Minutes of January 13, 2010 be adopted if there were no changes. Motioned by Mrs. Mausser, seconded by Mr. Chusmir; Minutes were approved as written. Old Business "'How to improved next quarterly meeting — 1) contact churches 2) neighbor watch monthly calendar reminder 3) quarterly flyer 4) notify district City Commissioner. Chief Tooley commented there are 190 churches in Sanford. SP.D. will soon host Chiefs breakfast with local ministers. Chief Tooley Address CAB • Deputy Chief Presley's position closes February 11 He started as Community Improvement Director, February 6 "'Community Policing initiated twelve new neighborhood watches at apartment complexes due to increase in vehicle burglaries. • Proactive investigative effort — letter mailed to victims of residential burglaries within Celery Lakes, Celery Key, Palm Point and Tusca Place with hopes of unclaimed property being identified. SP.D. is successful in arrests and property claims. Career Repeat Offender Program (CROP) is working well for SP.D. (see SP.D.'s website). • Women Behind Bars, TV program was at SP.D. January 28 re Jennifer Latham (baby kidnapping from CFR Hospital). SP.D. officers interviewed. "'Police and Fire Headquarters is progressing well. Distributed picture of HQ walls, southside of the building. • Reminder that Ride Along Program is open to CABoard. • Officers Bowen and Golden's disciplines re inappropriate MCT messaging and how the disciplines were determined. Citizen's Advisory Board February 10, 2010 Page 2 of 2 ■Greg Blake, Pep Works (leadership, enthusiasm and diversity) will provide off -site training to all SP.D. employees February 18 and 19 New Business "'Mr. Chusmir suggested an officer and P.D. stats be highlighted in the Sanford Herald on a regular basis. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:40 P.M. Minutes prepared by Gracy Posley, CABoard Secretary.