HomeMy WebLinkAbout05121978 min Members Present: Board of Adjustment May 12, 1978 11:30 A.M. • B. L. Perkins, Chairman Bob Karns Garnett White Larry Blair Members Absent: W. M. Philips Others Present: Bill Braceland, Building Official The Board of Adjustment met to consider the following requests for variance. The first letter submitted: Board of Adjustment City Hall Sanford, Florida Gentlemen, I am submitting the following information for your consideration in requesting variance in the Zoning Ordinance as it pertains to front 41, yard setback requirements in SR -1A Zoned District. Legal description, Lot 2, Replat of Block A, Highland Park. Property location 2019 Coronado Concourse. The planned use of the property is an enclosed front porch. Any consideration given this request will be appreciated. Signed: George Scales, Owner Mr. E. R. Wood was present to represent the request for the variance and the plan showed a 4' variance and a letter was submitted with signatures of five neighbors, stating they gave conserft for the 4' variance. After discussion Mr. White moved to approve the request, Mr. Blair seconded. Motion carried. The next request for consideration , the following letter: Board of Adjustment City Hall Sanford, Fl Gentlemen, • I am submitting the following information for your consideration in requesting variance in the Zoning Ordinance as it pertains to Side yard setback requirements in SR -1 Zoned District. .Board of Adjustment - May 12, 1978 — • Page 2 Legal description, Lot 17, Block D, South Pinecrest. 111 Property location 164 Pinecrest Drive. The planned use of the property is screen porch. Any consideration given this request will be appreciated. Signed: Margaret L. Kinney, Owner Mrs. Kinney was present and submitted a letter to the Board of Adjustment from Marcella E. Hintz Hammons, owner of 166 Pinecrest Dr. saying she had no objection to the variance. The variance needed was 12 ft. After discussion, Mr. Karns moved to grant the variance, Mr. Blair seconded. Motion carried. The next letter submitted for consideration: Board of Adjustment City Hall Sanford, FL Gentlemen, I am submitting the following information for your consideration • in requesting variance in the Zoning Ordinance as it pertains to living area requirements in SR-1A Zoned District. Legal description, lots 3 & 4, Block 12, Bel Air. Property location Bel -Air Blvd. The planned use of the property is two single- family residence, 952 sq. ft. living area each, with garage. Any consideration given this request will be appreciated. Signed: Leroy E. Hardman, Owner Mr. John F. Darby was present to present a letter of objection to the Board. He owns property and resides at 1324 E. 24th St. (letter attached) Mr. White said that the purpose of the Board of Adjustment being to consider hardship cases, he felt that any self - imposed hardship was not to be considered. Mr. White moved to deny the variance of 348 ft. for the construction of these homes. Mr. Karns seconded. Motion carried. Mr. White pointed out that study of the Zoning Ordinance is in order because of the difference is sq. ft. from SR -1 to SR -1A. He asked the Staff to request the Planning & Zoning Board to study the question • of the great difference and find a solution. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. All W. M. Philips, Sec'y. T!-as. B. L. Perkins, Chair ;: ti 411 MAY 12, 1978 MEMORANDUM T0: MR. B. L. PERKINS, CHAIRMAN, BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT FROM: JOHN F. DARBY, 1324 E. 24TH ST., SANFORD edrii g. aZ MR. CHAIRMAN, MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT, CITY OF SANFORD. MY NAME IS JOHN DARBY AND MY WIFE AND I LIVE ON THE CORNER OF BEL AIRE BLVD. AND E. 24TH STREET. THE PURPOSE OF THIS PRESENTATION IS TO RECOMMEND TO THE BOARD THAT THEY DENY THE REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE IN THE ZONING ORDINANCE AS IT PERTAINS TO LIVING AREA REQUIREMENTS IN SR-1A ZONED DISTRICT, IN LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 12, BEL AIR. WHEN WE BUILT ON LOTS 7 AND 8, BLOCK 12, IN 1954, WE HAD TO • COMPLY WITH THE 1300 SQUARE FEET MINI MUM AND IT IS MY OPINION AND THE OPINION OF OTHER HOMEOWNERS IN THE AREA THAT THERE SHOULD BE NO EXCEPTION GRANTED TO THE OWNER OF THESE LOTS. OZIER WELLER BUILDERS WERE GIVEN A VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT HOMES ON EACH SIDE OF LOTS 3 AND 4, SMALLER THAN 1300 SQ. FT. AFTER WORLD WAR II. THERE WAS A SEVERE HOUSING SHORTAGE THEN AND RETURNING VETERANS NEEDED HOMES BADLY. TODAY THERE ARE A NUMBER OF HOUSES NEARBY WHICH ARE EMPTY OR FOR SALE. IF THE BOARD GRANTS THIS VARIANCE, IT WILL TEND TO LOWER PROPERTY VALUES IN THE VICINITY AND YOU WILL SEE MORE "FOR SALE" SIGNS THAN YOU NOW HAVE ON HOMES IN THE AREA. You WILL ALSO HAVE HOME OWNERS SEEKING ADJUSTMENTS IN THEIR CITY TAXES IF YOU LOWER YOUR ZONING REQUIREMENTS ON THESE • LOTS. THE FACT THAT THERE ARE HOUSES BELOW 1300 SQ. FT. IN THE AREA IS NOT A VALID REASON TO PERMIT OTHERS. THERE IS NO LOGIC _ IN MAKING ANOTHER MISTAKE BECAUSE A MISTAKE WAS MADE OVER A QUARTER OF A CENTURY AGO. MRS. ALBERTINA RUSSI, WHO OWNS AND LIVES IN THE HOUSE NEXT TO LOTS 3 AND 4, BLOCK 12, CIRCULATED A PETITION FOR PROPERTY OWNERS SURROUNDING LAKE JEM TO SIGN. THIS PETITION WAS PICKED UP BY THE MAIL MAN FROM MRS. WARREN KNOWLES' MAIL BOX AND SENT TO ORLANDO TO THE LOST MAIL SECTION AND WE HAVE BEEN UNABLE TO RETRIEVE IT AS OF THIS DATE. MRS. RUSSI IS ON A TRIP TO EUROPE WITH HER SON, TONY. I AGREED TO PRESENT IT TO YOU TODAY. IF THE BOARD NEEDS THIS PETITION TO COME TO A DECISION ON THIS VARIANCE, I REQUEST THAT THIS MATTER BE DEFERRED UNTIL A LATER DATE. • 4 40 . . , Board of N fririfor i, _'1or ftr, 32(t1 7i sentlemen: 1 s the owner o e the nronerty a i j scent tr Lot 17, Falk i), South 'inecrest, 1 wish to ::o on record as having; no objection to tie re < ste d vlridnce is the Zuinn Orainr nc p rtaini.,i - to the side yard to accommodate a screened oorcn on the 16) 'inecrest nrooerty. ACIAtia.ect. E %U J 166 , lE� ' ir,ccr:.c;, 'iTive