HomeMy WebLinkAbout114-FP&LPre~.are~ ~by: Rachel lqay ~ ~ EASEMENT L ' ] Form 3'/22 tE't°cged) ~'v' ~/mO ~tc Ma~___rc 2ih__~_,~ 19 85 _ ERNo. ~c.~3 T~.~Rge' ~O Pole No.. Tbe undersigned, owner (s) of the premises described below, in consideration of thc payment of $ 1.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of wbich is hereby acknowledged, grant and give to Florida Power & Light Company, its licensees, agents, successors, and assigns, an easement forever for the construction, operation and maintenance of overhead and underground electric utility facilities (including wires, poles, guys, cables, conduits and appur- tenant equipment) to be installed from time to time; with the right to reconstruct, improve, add to, enlarge, change the voltage, as well as, the size of and remove such facilities or any of them, on the property described as follows: The South 1212.4 feet of Lot 7, Pine Lake Groves, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 9, Page 27 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; subject to easement of record. Containing 24.4935 Acres. together with the right to permit any other person, firm or corporation to attach wires to any facilities hereunder and lay cable and conduit within the easement and to operate the same for communications purposes with the right of ingress and egress to said premises at all times, to clear the land and keep it cleared of all trees, undergrowth or other obstructions within the easement area; to trim and cut and keep trimmed and cut all dead, weak, leaning or dangerous trees or limbs outside of the easement area which might interfere with or fall upon tbe lines or systems of communications or power trans- nfission or distribution, and further grants, to the fullest extent the undersigned has the power to grant, if at all, the rights hereinabove granted on the land heretofore described, over. along, under and across the roads, streets or ldghways adioining or through said property. IN %ITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned hax2Lesigned and sealed this agreemenl on M~rc 2t~---- 19 8~. Signed sealed and delivered in the presence of: ~,~.~ --~'&~ K~wie~~ ~it¥ Manger _(SEAL) STATE OF FLORIDA AND COUNTY OF_ Seminole The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2 1st · day of _March __ , 19 8~ by W. E. Knowles __ and H. N. Tamm~ Jr. respectivelytheCit--~5 Man~a_qer ~k~ and _CitD; Clerk--~~°f the " ' ci alit" corporation on behalf of the corporation Sanfor~d ,a __~_un~ i% -~ ...... ' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~'6'r'd-daY of by ' '