HomeMy WebLinkAbout106-Windsong Development CorpSanford, Instrument Preparers. BY: Richard Holloway, Cit~of Box 1778, Sanford Florida 32772-1778. A.D. 19 ~., between Wind~n~ ~velo~ent ~rp. of ~ntral Florida ,,t cE ~he Cowry cE ~ ~e , ~d S~ate cE ~Florida p~ ~E the ~i~s~ p~r~, ~d CiTY OF S~FO~D, FLORIDA, m~icipa~ co~o~aOion, situate ~ Seminole Oo~y, Florida, p~y o~ ~he second P~; ~ h~d psid by p~Y cE ~e second ~de~a~ion ~ · ~ -~ ~rebv ac~owledge~ ha~ gr~ oonveyed, ~ ese resen o2 ~h~ ~eoo~ P~, ~s suooessors~ ~, ~ ......... ~ ,,~e~- uDon~ ~ across ~he property ~ ~Eord, ~em~ole Oo~y, Flor~, mcr. p~ioul~ly ~e E~terly 10 feet of the West~ly 17 feet ~ ~ ~ of ~ts 6, 7, & 8, Block 27 of the 4th Section of ~e~ld ~ reco~ed in the plat thereof for public alley and utility p,~poses including specificall~ sto~ ~d s~it~Y sewers, ~d for the ~stallat~on, mnsp~c~on, . . - · ' n~ce ~d replacement of all ut~lltz~s seducing, repaz~, ma~ ~ ~t on said property, such ease now existing or aereaz~er u · · '~ t of free ingrsss ~d egress 9~er.~d. merit ~clud~nE the.r~h.. .... ~. ~ n~ooses aforesa~a, across said proper~y ~oz ~ i~: 5_~ ~artv of the secona with the right to o~en ~:~liey ~or ~ ~ ~ - p~t ~d the general puo~u. W~EOF. o~t~ of the first part ha~ here- IN WITNESS a~he day and ye~ first above ~to set his _ ~ se ~itten. Signed, sealed, and delivered iu the presence of: STATE OF Florida 00UNTY OF Seminole .. I HEREBY C~qTIFY that on this day in the next above named State and County before me an officer duly authorized to ad- mLuister oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared " ~' ':) ' ' ual described . to be the ~ndivld to me we& who executed the foregoing easement, wko acknowledged iu and ~ free act before me that ~ executed the same as and deed. WHERE0W, I have hereunto set my hand and official IN WITNESS .,x---~ .~ At' ~minole . state of ¥1nrid~ ' seal at Sanford .,,~"J:.l_,~0~/ ~- '-'~'~Xi~--~ ' - this ",, "/n , S ~ ~y commission expires June 26, 1985 P~', nrd.d In Pl~l I:)~ok c~ P, ge ~ of the Dubl~c '0 I I 7 O-L 2 1HH-6, Florida ^dmlnistraflve Code, requirers that ~ legal descrlp. tlon drawing be. ar the notation tha~ I THIS IS riOT ,~ SLIRVEY Reco, d~'4 in Pint Rook ~-, Page ~.. ~'~. '0 ~0' %. /E3' -~ / .-,. ~ t' Z72 fO CH. 2 1HH-6. Florida Adminlsti-aflve Code. requires that a legal descrtp. 6on drawing b~'ar the notation that THIS IS NOT A SURVEY '0 CH. 21HH-6, Flodda Administrative Cc-de, require~ that a legal descrip- tion drawing ~ar the notation that THIS IS IIOT ^ SEIRYE¥