HomeMy WebLinkAbout100-Steven & Susan Harriett of Sawn f o,r ~p~D~g in- · rument Prepared By Richard Holloway, ~ity 3277~ ' .... This Inst . ~ ~. ~ ~78 Sanford, Flor~ eering Divismon, r 0719 GR~T OF ~S~ ~:~M~NOLE CO. FL. THIS INDENTURE, made this 17th_ day of _ June _, A.D. 198_~.3, between --Steven D. & D. Susan Harriett ' and State of Florida _, of the County of Seminole _, - psmt~e~ of the first p~rt., ~ud CiTY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a munic-~al co~poration, situate i~ Seminole County, Florida, party of the second pa~t; WITNESSETH, That part ie$ of the first, part, for and in consideration of the sum o~-One Dollar an= other valuable con- sideration to be in ha~d paid by p~rty of the second - eb acknowledged, have granted and = ~.~.iot ~ereof is her .Y ..... and convey to party ou=,yj ' --~ -~e its successors, =~ ~ ~, ~ooertY sit-ua~e of t~e secun= p~.-, _~_~ ~non ~nd across ~ ~.- ~ _~L ~--~ibed etual easemen~ un=~, -= .~_k~o more Dartlcu~arxJ ~r~ford, Seminole Oo~ty, Fzu~-~==, as: UIItIIY EASEMENT The NorthweEter]Y 15 feet of tot 104~ Rose Court accord4ng to the p]at thereOf as recorded 9age 3 of the Pub]4c Records of 5em4no]e County, ~lor4da. for ~hki=xat~ ~d utility p,~poses, including specifically for the installation, ~spection, _t - .-- ~air ma~en~u~ ~d =_~ ~ro~ertv se~mcm~t --~ -'-~-~r to exist on s~*~ men~ ~cluding the righ~ of free across sai~ proper~Y for ~Y of the p~poses aforesaid, together wi~ the righ~ ~o open ~ alley for use of party of ~he second p~t ~d the general public. - ~- ~irs~ ~ ~a~ here- ~t i es oI ~ ~ : . IN WITNESS ~F, p___~ ay and e~ fmrst above ~to set ~heir_ ~ ~d s:~ ~ d ~ Y written. Signed, sealed, and delivered i~/e presence of: STATE O~ FLORIDA __, Ste~cen D. Har, r/iett. ~/ ~ -~q). Susan Harriett COUNTY OF Seminole ~'~ - --' · - '- ~e next above named co that on th~s aay ~ ~ . ad- I HEREBY CER.TI_FY -- ~n fleer duly authgFzze~t_°~__a State and County oezo~re~ m~.~wl°e~ents' personally, al~P~'~- CD ....... ~o d tak~ ~ ....... ~ - Steven D. and D- Susan Harriett:r to me to be the indiVl~t_ual~e, scr. ibed co ell_l~no~ and kno? - - t. who aoknoW]Le~ge~ to me 1N re 0111 easemen . . and who executed the e1%; ed %e as .free before me that ~ and deed. O~ FLoRID~ _, this 2~st - ~¢ " ' ~