HomeMy WebLinkAbout097-BML Investments,! utility and Drainage Ease~ THIS EASEMENT, made this 18th day of January, 1983, by and between BML Investments, a Florida general partnership; PRN Investments, a Florida general partnership; Jercme D. Feinstein and Joan Feinstein, his wife whose address is 158 East AltamOnte Drive Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 (GRA~DOR) and City of Sanford a nunicipal corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florida, and whose address is City Hall, Sanford, Florida (GRANTEE). WITNESSETH: For and in consideration of the sum of $10.00 together with other good and valuable consideration paid by Grantee to Grantor, the receipt and sufficiency of which is acknowledged by the parties hereto, Grantor, by these presents, does hereby give, grant, bargain and sell uJ]to the Grantee and its successors and assigns, a non-exclusive easea~nt and right-of-way for' utilities and drai~lage including the perpetual right to enter upon sa~d Easement at any tiJ~ that it may see fit ~u~d lay, reconstruct, operate,__ maintain and repair all such utility lines, mains, fixtures, pipes, accessOries ~d appurtenances thereto for the purpose of operating such k~ utilities under the following property situate, lying and being in Seminole County, Florida to wit: ',~- See Schedule A attached heretO and hereby made a part of ~ Grantee shall have the right tO e~cavate, patrol, inspect, alter, h~orove, repair, maintain or remove such utility lines, mains, equi~]~nts and accessOries including the right and privileges reasonably necessary or convenient for the enjoyment or use thereof for the purposes above described and shall also have t~e further right to trim, cut, renDve trees, bushes, undergrowth and all other obstructions interfering with the location, construction and mainten~u%ce of the pipe lines, n~ins, equipments and accessories appurtenant thereto; provided, however, notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, in the event that Grantee in the exercise of the rights herein granted distt~bs the then present state of the easen~nt area, Grantee shall promptly restore said easement site to its prior condition as nearly as possible. Grantor further grants to Grantee the reasonable right to enter upon the adjacent adjoining lands of Grantor for the purpose only of ingress and egress. The Grantee its successors and assigns, shall hold and have this Easement in perpetuity or until the use thereof is abandoned. This agreement shall be binding upon the successors and assigns, personal representatives, executors and administrators of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS ~EREOF, the undersigned have set their ]~mnd and seal the date first above written. WITNESSES, as to all~ signatures: STATE OF FLO~zID~ CO{~r~Y OF SF~LE I HERL~Y CERTIFY that on this day, before me, officer duly authorized in the State ~u~d County aforesaid to take acknowledgements, personally appeared W.J. C~xi%mb N.A. Rossi~an, Jeron~ D. Feinstein, and Joan F~nstein to ne known to be the persons described in and w~k~ execute/the fo~,e~g lnstrun~nt and they acknowledged that they executed s~r~// .. ~ ...... . g ~, ~..' .~' ... my hand and official seal in the Sount las t this 18th day of January, 1983. / ~o'~y' Prepared By: Donna Baker . ~ ~ ~ ~;.~'; tK,~- , ' BML/PRN Investme ts . 158 East Altamonte Drive Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 SCHEDULE A The Southwesterly rear 20 feet of Lots 7 through 10 inclusive (less the Southwesterly 10 feet thereof), the Northwesterly rear 20 feet of Lots 11 through 14 inclusive (less the Northwesterly 10 feet thereof), and the Southwesterly rear 20 feet of Lots 28 through 32 (less the Southwesterly 10 feet thereof), Hidden Lake Villas Phase I as recorded in Plat Book 26 Pages 99 through 101 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, together with the Southwesterly 20 feet of lot 33 (less the Southwesterly 10 feet thereof), and that part of Lot 34 which lies within the Southwesterly 20 feet of Lot 33 extended Northwesterly (less the Southwesterly 10 feet thereof) Hidden Lake Villas, Phase II as recorded in Plat Book 27 Pages 1 and 2 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida.