HomeMy WebLinkAbout097A-BML Investmentsutility and Drainage Eas~ THIS FASF~ff~NT, made this 18th day of January, 1983, by and t~tween P~ Investn~z]ts, a Florida general part~'~ership; PRN Invest~ents, a Florida general partnership; Jerome D. Feinstein and Joan Fe~stein, his wife v/nose address is 158 East Altamonte Drive Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 (GR/%NTOR) and City of Sanford a municipal corporation Organized and existing under the laws., of the State of Flor4da, and whose address is City Hall, Sanford, Florida (GR/~TEE). WITNESSETH: For and in consideration of the s~n o[ $10.00 together wit_h othcz- ~d valu~le ~nsideration ~id ~ Grantee to Gr~tor, the rc~eipt ~d sufficiency of ~ich is acb~owl~g~ by ~]e p~ties hereto, Grantor, by these presents, d~s hereby give, ~t, ~gain and sell unto the Gr~tee ~d its su~essors ~d assi~s, a non-exclusive ease~r~nt and right,f-way for utilities ~ ~ainage inclnding ~e ~tua! right to enter u~n sa~ ~nt at ~y th~ t~t it ~y see fit ~Id lay, r~ons~uct, o~ra~,__ ~ ~d repa~ ~1 such utility l~es, n~s, f~t~es, pi~s, .... ~essories ~ ap~n~ces ~ere~ for ~e p~se of o~rat~g such ~L ,:~ utilities u~ ~e following property situate, lying ~x] S~dnole Comity, Florida to wit: S~ ~h~ule A attachc~ hereto ~d hereby n~de a p~t of Grantee shall have the right to excavate, patrol, inspect, alter, improve, repair, maintain or remove such utility lines, mains, equipments and accessories including the right and privileges reasonably necessary or convenient for the enjoyment or use thereof for the purposes above described and shall also have the further right to trim, cut, red, Dye trees, h~shes, uu~derqrowth ~-~d all other obstruction.~ interforJnq wi~h the location, construction arid n~intenanc(~ of: thc. p[[~ line~;, n~ins, c~t]h?nont~; aund accessories appurtenant thereto; provided, hu~_'vcr, notwith~;tandJng anythi~]g herein to the contrary, in the event tJ~at Crantee in the exercise of the rights herein grant¢~] disturbz~ the then present st~nte of thc easement area, Grau~tee shall proniotly restore said eas~tent site to it_s prior cOndition as nearly as possible. Grantor further grants to Grantee the reasonable right to ~%ter upon the adjacent adjoining lands of Grantor for the purpose only of ingress and eqress. The Grau]tee its successors and assi{jn.~;, shall hold and have this Easen~nt in perpetuity or until thc use [helTc~f This agrc~nent st~ll be bindi;lcj u[~)n tile .~;ucces.~or.,~ al x! ass ig~ ~s, per::;o~al representatives, executors auld ac~inistrators of the parties hereto. IN WITNESS WHERSDF, the undersigned have set their hand and seal the date first above written. ~ ~ BY-. ~/~-~--fff~_ .. WITNESSES, as to all signature3: D. ~ Feinstefn I HEi~Y CE~I~ that on this day, k~,[orc ne, ~/offficer duly authorized ~ the State ~d Co~ty aforesaid to t~e ackn~l~q~nts, ~?rsonally ap~ed ~.J. C~, N.A. ~ss~, Jerone D. Feinstein, ~d Joan F~ste~n ~ n~ ~ ~ ~ ~e ~rmns descri~ in and ~o execut~ ~ forajoing ..... ~s~t ~d ~ey ac~owl~g~ ~t ~ey ~ut~ s~./ /f ...'"~: ~ ~SS ~ ~d ~d official seal ~ th~ Co~ty~ ~[~ last ~ls 18~ ~y of J~u~y, 1983. f/ ~// ~/ff).. ~ ~ssion ~es: ~ Preparod By: Donna Baker ~ ~.~, [: ,~ ~,,~ ~ ~?;5[~. ....... BML/PRN Investments ~' ; 7'~ [ '-~'j.VJ 158 East Altamonte Drive ' ~ . 7.";.~'.7~' i .,~',,,,~.~'~" "' Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 SCHEDULE A A 15.0 ft. wide utility easement across a portion of Section 11, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida; being more particularly described as BEGINNING at a point which bears S. 890-08'-20'' E. 1381.60 ft., S. 00°-02'-31'. W. 1361.68 ft.; N. 890-09'-46" W. 2494.72 ft. from the North ~ corner of Section 11, Township 20 Southj Range 30 East; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING, S. 11°-01'-43'' E., along the Westerly line of Hidden Lake Phase III, Units I and II, a distance of 683.57 ft.; thence S. 78°-58'-17" W. 15.00 ft.; thence N. t1%01'-43" W. 1355.06 ft.; thence N. 03°-34'-56" E. 115.41 ft. to a point on the Southerly right-of-way of Live Oak Boulevard; thence S. 63"-07'-39" E., along said Southerly right-of-way, 16.03 thence S. 030-34'-56,. W. t06.11 ft.; thence S. 11°-0I'-43" E. 670.64 ft. to the POINT OF BEGINNING. STAT OF FI ORIDA! ~Y~STAMP TAXI