HomeMy WebLinkAbout526 White Cedar Estates ~5~ 11111111111111111 UI II III II utll Ill. IlII11U 11111 11111 1 IUl Berry J. Walker, Jr., Esquire Florida Bar Number 0742960 WALKER & TUDHOPE, P.A. 1053 Maitland Center Commons Blvd., Suite 200 Maitland, Florida 32751 Phone: (407) 478-1866 Fax: (407) 478-1865 E-Mail Address:berryw@walkerandtudhope.com MARYANNE MOR!:iE, CLERK OF CIRt..'UlT COURT SEMINOlE COIMTV 8t( 0./005 Pgl 1096 - 1102, rtpgs) CLERK'S # 2008064782 RE::COkOCD 06/o.;/~ 01:30115 PM DEf:lJ noc TAX 0.70 RECOkDING FEES 61.00 RECORDED BY L McKinltV Prepared by and after recording return to: DRATNA(;R RASRMRNT A(;RRRMRNT THIS DRAINAGE EASEMENT AGREEMENT ("Easement") is made as of the cJ8:!:!J day of May, 2008, by and between White Cedar Estates, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company, whose address if 1053 Maitland Center Commons Blvd., Suite 200, Maitland, FL 32751 and The City of Sanford, a Florida Municipal Corporation, whose address is 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, FL 32771. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, White Cedar Estates, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company, ("White Cedar Estates"), is the owner of certain real property located in Seminole County, Florida, being more particularly described in Rxhihit " A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Serviant Estate"); and AND WHEREAS, The City of Sanford, a Florida Municipal Corporation (the "City") is the Owner of that certain real property located in Seminole County, Florida, being more particularly described on Rxhihit "R" attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Dominant Estate"); AND WHEREAS, the parties have agreed, one with the other, that a non-exclusive easement be granted in, on, over, under, across and through the Serviant Estate for the purpose of retention, detention, compensating storage, and storm water drainage; NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the sum Ten and No/lOO Dollars ($10.00), and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1 1. Redtals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are incorporated herein by this reference. (;rant of Rasement. White Cedar Estates does hereby grant to City, its successors and assigns as owner of the Dominant Estate, a perpetual, nonexclusive, easement in, on, over, under, across and through the White Cedar Estates Property for the purposes of locating a pipe to carry storm-water run-off from the Dominant Estate to a retention and detention pond to be located upon the Serviant Estate. Provided, however, that White Cedar Estates shall have the absolute right, at its expense, to locate and/or relocate any pipes located on the White Cedar Estates Property that are being used to carry storm-water run-off to the Serviant Estate to facilitate construction of improvements upon the White Cedar Estates Property. White Cedar Estates does further grant to City, its successors and assigns as owner of the Dominant Estate, a perpetual, non-exclusive easement in, on, over, under and across and through the Serviant Estate for the purpose of storm water drainage, retention and detention in a pond or ponds to be located upon the Serviant Estate. Provided, however, that White Cedar Estates shall have the absolute right, at its expense, to locate and/or relocate any retention/detention ponds located on the White Cedar Estates Property that are being used to store storm-water run-off upon the Serviant Estate to facilitate construction of improvements upon the White Cedar Estates Property. (The aforesaid uses are herein described as the "Easement Uses"). Further, upon completion of the retention/detention pond and storm water conveyance system for the use and benefit of the "City", should "White Cedar Estates" need to relocate the piping and/or the retention/detention facility, then and in that event, an alternate means of storm water conveyance and an alternate pond site shall be provided to "City" by "White Cedar Estates". Should "White Cedar Estates" fail to provide the required alternate conveyance system and pond, the "City" shall have the continuing right to discharge storm water on "White Cedar Estates'" property at such location as "White Cedar Estates" shall designate to meet the discharge needs of the City. 2. Ohlieations of the Parties. The parties acknowledge and agree that any rights granted hereunder shall be exercised by the parties only in accordance and compliance with any and all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, permits and approvals, and any future modifications or amendments thereto, and all costs and expenses of such compliance shall be at the sole cost and expense of White Cedar Estates. The parties further covenant and agree that no party shall discharge within or upon the Serviant Estate, or from the Serviant Estate, or Dominant Estate, into the Serviant Estate, any hazardous or toxic materials or substances, any pollutants, or any other substances or materials prohibited or regulated under any federal, state or local law, ordinance, rule, regulations or permit. 3. Use of Property. It is understood and agreed that nothing in this Easement shall be construed to prevent White Cedar Estates, as owner of the Serviant Estate, or its heirs, successors in interest or assigns, from the full use and enjoyment of the Serviant Estate for any purpose not in contravention of any of the terms or conditions of this Easement or to prevent it from granting easements to other parties in, on, over, under, through and across the Serviant Estate, provided however, that White Cedar Estates shall not take any action with regard to the Serviant Estate that 2 ., . \ ; ,,' will adversely impact the Dominant Estate, it being the intent of the parties that the Dominant Estate, once developed, will obtain its retention, detention, compensating storage, mitigation and storm water drainage through the Serviant Estate. 4. Maintenance of the Serviant Rdate. White Cedar Estates shall maintain the Serviant Estate and the costs of such maintenance of the Serviant Estate shall be paid by White Cedar Estates. , '\ ~ j.) ~ 5. Rinclin~ F,ffect. The easements, rights, privileges and obligations created by this Easement shall run with the land and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their respective heirs, successors, successor-in-title, assigns, licensees, guests, invites, employees, agents, consultants, contractors, subcontractors and representatives. 6. Rntire A~reement. This Easement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties hereto relating to the subject matter hereof and may not be amended, waived, or discharges, except by an instrument in writing executed by all parties hereto (or their respective heirs, successors and/or assigns), which written document shall be recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. 7. Attorneys' Fees. In the event of any litigation pertaining to this Easement, the easements granted hereby, the rights, duties, obligations or liabilities of the parties hereto, the enforcement of any right hereunder or the interpretation of any provision hereof, the prevailing party in such litigation shall be entitled to recover reasonable costs and attorney's fees incurred in such litigation from the other party, whether incurred before, during or after trial, upon any appellate level, or in any bankruptcy or insolvency proceeding, or in any arbitration or mediation proceeding. 8. (;overnin~ Law. This Easement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with law of the State of Florida, with venue in Seminole County, Florida. 9. Connterpart Rxecntion. This Easement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original, but all taken together shall constitute an original, but all taken together shall constitute one and the same Agreement. 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, White Cedar Estates Partners, Ltd. has caused these presents to be signed and sealed in its name the day and year first above written. White Cedar Estates, LLC, a Florida Limited Liability Company: By: Berry J. Walker, Jr., Manager ~ sealed and delivered in t \. .~A-4 / J<J tness Signature ~ Rebecca M. Woodward Printed Name of Witness ss Signature Lorraine D. Wirson Printed Name of Witness STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE Before me, the undersigned notary public" the foregoing instrument was sworn to, acknowledged and subscribed to before me this ~ day of ~ ,2008 by Berry J. Walker, Jr. as Manager of White Cedar Estates Partners, Ltd., and ho dId take an oath. Check One: ~ He/she/they is/are personally known to me; or _ He/she/they has/have produced {i as iden~ , J.-p (I"A. ./ m. oJ . N TARYPUBLIC Rebecca M. Woodward (typed-printed or stamped name of Notary) My Commission Expires: ?J Rebecca M. Woodw8rd '0.. . My CommisIiOn 00315400 \;01,.:1 Expires July 09,2006 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Sanford, a Florida Municipal Corporation has caused these presents to be signed and sealed in his name the day and year first above written. The City of Sanford, a Florida Municipal Corporation: I f .',.1 ['" ~'/.I"' IT Or2JJ~ J){li)/~Q~_ ~O 'Jer de Witness Signature '?1 ni r J )~ J.. n \/,0 ide Printed Name of Witness Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence ofthe following witnesses: ~\~~ Witness Sign --... ~~~ .~~f(2-- Printed N e of WItness STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE Before me, the undersigned notary public, the foregoin acknowledged and subscribed to before me this ~ day of ~_w. ~_...f,.h-J- as the e;;e,.,a~J who did take an oath. ~ was sworn to, , 2008 by City of Sanford, Check One: M.e/she/they is/are personally known to me; or _ He/she/they has/have produced as identification. ~ (typed-printed or tm nam(ll<<~) .. ~ .. "'~: MY COMMISSION j([fo' 479819 My CommIssIOn ~. fg EXPIRES: January 30,2010 V1..Fif.,~l(.i-' Bonded Thru NotalY Public Underwriters 5 RXHTRTT " A" "The Serviant Rdate" Lots L, 74, 75 and 80, ofW. Beardall's Map of St. Josephs, according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page(s) 114, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. , il rf' I' J Less and except the following described real property, to wit: A portion of Lot 80, St. Josephs Subdivision, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 114, of the public records of Seminole County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the South East Corner of said Lot 80, St. Josephs Subdivision, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 114, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, for a point of beginning; thence run West along the South Line of said Lot 80, a distance of 233 feet, thence run North a distance of 223 feet, thence run East a distance of 233 feet, thence run South along the East line of said Lot 80 a distance of 223 feet to the point of beginning. (Less and except the South 15 feet of said Lot 80 for road right of way for Narcissus Avenue, and less and except the East 25 feet of said Lot 80 for road right of way for North White Cedar Road). 6 RXHTRTT "R" "The Dominant Rdate" A portion of Lot 80, St. Josephs Subdivision, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 114, of the public records of Seminole County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the South East Corner of said Lot 80, St. Josephs Subdivision, according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 114, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, for a point of beginning; thence run West along the South Line of said Lot 80, a distance of 233 feet, thence run North a distance of 223 feet, thence run East a distance of 233 feet, thence run South along the East line of said Lot 80 a distance of 223 feet to the point of beginning. (Less and except the South 15 feet of said Lot 80 for road right of way for Narcissus Avenue, and less and except the East 25 feet of said Lot 80 for road right of way for North White Cedar Road). (Containing 0.99 +/- acres, more or less; or 43,264 square feet, more or less) 7