HomeMy WebLinkAbout058-Mamie & Evelyn Anderson C. Vernon Miz~'" Jr., City Attorney ~00.~ PAGE p.O. Box 1778, Sanford, FL 32771 $£HINOLE CoUnTY FLORIO~ ¢;IuMqT Of; i~ASI::MENT H~mie & Evelyn O. AndersOn/' A.p. be ween and s ate o~ ~he County off ~em~o[e FLORIDA, par[les of the fi~s~ pax[, and CITY O? mtm~c~al corpOra[ion, situate in Seminole Couu[y, Florida, pa~y of [he second ~iTHESSETI{, Tha~ pa~ies of the first pa~t, fo~ and in conside~a[iOn of ~he sum of O~e ~olla~ and o[he~ valuable con- sideration %o them in hand paid by party of the second part, receipt whereof is her~Y acknowledged, haV~ granted and conveyed, and by these presents do~ grant and convey %o party of the second part, its successors, assigns, and licenseeS, perpetual easement under, upon, and across the property situate in sanford, Seminole county, Florida, more particularly described N 5' of Lot 10 W. F. Leavitts Subd. ~ >, Sec. 36 Twp 19 Rge. 30% ~ ~ lat 1, ,ge 27 .: for public street and ut~l~h~dP~%~°%%%'i o i n, storm and sanitary se~ers, a and replacement of all utilities 'cinq, repair, maintenance, ..... =~ ~0roper%y, such ease- serV~ ~=~na or hereafter to ex,sa o~, .... ~ ~ and menk including the right of ~ree ingress and egress over across said property for any of ~he purposes aforesaid, with %he right %o open an alley for use of party of the second part and the general public. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, par% les of the first part haV~ here~ untO set thei~hand~ . and seal~ t~e day and year first above written. signed, sealed, and delivered in the presence of: STATE OF ~~ ' I HEREBY CERTIFY that on .this day in the next above named State and county before me, an officer duly authorized to ad- minister oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared - · ' described _--- ~)e the individualto me wel. l-known ana ~no~,, . in and who executed the foregomng easement, who acknowledged before me %hat_~ executed the same as ~ . free act eed. and d - ~ ~ve hereuntO set my hadn and official My Commission E~ires: __