HomeMy WebLinkAbout054-Sanora South IncI U 7 2 0'338 SEHINOLF COUNTY /~- '~ CONVEYANCE OF EASEMENT THIS CONVEYANCE OF EASEMENT made the /~ day of December, 1975, by SANORA SOUTH, INC., hereinafter called the grantor, to CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, whose post office address is City Hall, Sanford, Florida, hereinafter called the grantee. (Wherever used herein the terms "grantor" and "grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations): WITNESSETH: That the grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of $1.00 and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises, releases, conveys and confirms unto the grantee, all that certain easement situate in Seminole County, Florida described in Schedule "A" attached hereto. ' Said easement is to be used only for the purpose of draining surplus waters from SANORA SOUTH SUBDIVISION according to plat recorded in Plat Book 19, page 76 and 77, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida and future subdivisions of,,the lands o~ the Grantor lying East thereof, hereinafter all called subdivision . Grantor reserves the right to convert to underground drainage in the said easement and to use the easement for all other utility and Street purposes not in conflict with the drainage use contem- plated herein. This conveyance is conditioned upon the Grantor, its successors and assigns, being granted all necessary permits to drain the street waters from the said" subdivision through said easement into the existing drainage ditch system lying at the East end thereof, and in the event such use fails, the easement conveyed herein shall revert to the Grantor, its successors and assigns. TO RAVE AND TO HOLD the same in fee simple forever. FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF MID-FLORIDA joins in this conveyance for the purpose of releasing any and all liens which it may have upon the above described Drainage OUtfall Easement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Easement Conveyance has been signed and sealed the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence:/ SANORA S~OUTH, INC. ' \~%C. '"",. B /%/'/~' "// ;'~ f'~"~' '"J' '" '"" (corporate seal) ........ :,, ,,,,," FIRST SAV~GS OF MI ~ By 1 ATTEST: )err T. (corporate seal) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared J. BRAILEY ODHAM and LOUISE T. ODHAM, known to me to be President and Secretary respectively of Sanora South, Inc., who executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged before me that they executed the same under authority vested in them by said corporation. ' W~tness my hand and seal this /~?~. day of December, 1975. Notary Public My Commission Expires; /~/~ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF VOLUSIA I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeard D. WILLIAM OVERTON and ROBERT T. NORTHRIDG--~ , know---~o me to be t~ePresident and ecre ary respectiv-~y of First Federal Savings & Loan AssoCiation of Mid-Florida, who executed the foregoing instrument and they acknowledged before me that they executed the same under authority vested in them by said association. Witness my hand and seal this ./~.~" day of e~ber'~ 1~75, Notary Publi~ ' : L,,~: . : My Co:ission expir: ~ ~' '~ ~ - ~.-¢ , J 2 0040 COUNTY FLORID~ SCHEDULE "A" SANORA SOUTH DRAINAGE OUTFALL EASEMENT A 60 foot Drainage Outfall Easement 30 feet left and right of the followin,,; described centerline: From the Southwest corner o~' the Northwest Quarter of Section 7, Township 20 South, Range 31 East, run N 89°59'12" E, a distance of 57.10 feet; thence N 00°0S' 36" W, a distance of 491.73 feet to a point on tile centerline of Stenstrom Blvd.; thence N 89°S9,12,, 1.7, along said centerline, a dis- tance of S7S.65 feet for a Point of Begin- ning; said point being N 00°00'49,, l~, a distance of 30.00 feet from the Northeast corner of Lot 25, Sanora South Unit One, as recorded in Plat Book 19, Pages 70 and 77, Public Records of Seminole CountT, Florida; thence continue N 89°59'12'' E, a distance of 792.70 feet to the point of curvature of a curve concave to the Northwest, having a radius of 438.83 feet and a central angle of 33°00,10,,; thence Northeasterly along tile arc of said curve, a distance of 252.77 feet to a point of tangency; thence N 50059' 02" E, a distance of 360.06 feet; thence kr 70000'00'' E, a distance of 321.12 feet to the end of said easement, being at a point ' of intersection with the Westerly Right of Wa), line of the Seaboard Coast Line Rail- read, less the easterly 150 ft. of the ,\ above described property. With respect to the said easterly 150 ft. of said property, the 60 ft. drainage outfall easement shall be reduced to a 12 ft. easement, 6 ft. left and 6 ft. right of the center line describe~/~, ve.