HomeMy WebLinkAbout053-Wendal J AgeeTHIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: C. VERNON MIZE, jR., CITY ATTOrnEY, P. O. BOX 1778 SAN~ _~D, FLORIDA 32771 - G ILANT OF EASEMEnt. ~~ day of October__ , TtIIS iNDENTURE, made this -- .__ - A.D. 19 75_, between Wendal J. Agee of the county of Seminole ' part Y of the first part, and cITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a munici-~al corporation, situate in Seminole county, Florida, and state of Florida _, party of the second part; WITNESSETH, That party____ of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and other valuable con~ sideration to him in hand paid by party of the se~d part, receipt whereof is hereb~ acknowledged, ha s granted and~ conveyed, and by the~sP%~%o~%-,~'s~,~d~s~~ ~ of the second part, ~erpetual easement under, upon. and across the property in sanford, seminole county, Florida, more particularly described The W 15 ft. of Lot 45, Phillips Terrace Sec. 31 ~p. 19S Rge. 31E q:,,~: 'lit uurposes, incl~g s~ifically ~ ~ublic street and ut~ Y ~_ =~ ~=ta~%~gn,~nspeCt~on, storm anG san~u~ ._~ ..... o and replacemen~ =~ ~ servicing, repamr, ma~ ..... 4=+ n sa~d roperty, suc~ e~s ~ow existing or hereatter Lo =~ o P ment including the right of ~ree ingress and egress over and across said property for any of the purposes aforesaid, together with the right to open an alley for use of party of the second part and the general public. IN WITNESS ~EREOF, part ~ of the first part haS .- here- untO set his hand__ and seal_ the day and year first above written. ~g~'p~%%~%& %~ delivered ~~ STATE OF FLORIDA -' co~Y OF ~EMINOLE _. I HEREBY CERTIFY %hat on .this day in the next above named State and county before me, an officer duly authorized %o minis%er oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared to__and ~n to me %o in mhd who executed the foregoing easement, who acknowledged before me that_ .~ _ executed %he same as ~ free act deed. - ....... Eo~OF, I have her~unt~..$~'~Y ./ ~ and ,. hadn and offiDial ~b~ i c DRIVE C A 8 25 24 6 25 5 22 58 57 ~5 ~ ",'~ 64 65 ~ Lan~ Dev Co. 72 76 78 80 82 84 86 9O 94 96 ~00 102 108 A !0: I( lC lC