HomeMy WebLinkAbout043-Dreyfus Interstate Developm Bra6entOn, F ~Y TRTS iND~TURE made ~d entered on this 5t~ day of ~~ by ~d between T~ D~US ~E~TATE DE~T ~RP., a Delaware C°~°rati°n whose pr~cip~ office is ~ Bradenton~ Florida~ ~/a/ carri~e Cove of s~ord, ~or~da~ Gr~tOr; ~d C~ oF S~ F~or~ a m~ioip~ co~Oration~ sit,re ~ Se~°le Co~tY~ ~orida~ Gr~tee: That, Grantor~ ~u consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1 .O0) 8nd other good ~nd valuaole considerationS~ ~ h~d paid by Gr~tee~ receipt of which is ac~OWledged by Gr~tor~ has grated ~d conveyed ~d by these presents does gr~t ~d convey to Gr~tee~ its successorS~ assi~S~ ~d lioensees~ a perpetual easement ~der~ upon ~d across its property situated ~ s~ord~ Se~nole Co~ty~ Flori~ more partic~arly described ~ ~ibits "k" ~d "B" attached hereto ~d ~corporated he~ by referenOe~ said easement %o be 7.~' on each side of the center l~e of the s~ita~ sewer main as described ~d depicted ~ ~ibit "k" attached hereto ~d inoo~orated herein~ ~d 7.~~ on either side of the water ma~ as depicted ~ ~ibi% "B" attached hereto ~d ~corporated here~ by reference. The said s~ita~ sewer ~ easement s~ also extend 7.5' on either side of the l~e, r~g S.86°59'50''E'' from a po~t ~rked 1~ k~ ~ibit "A:, on the Southwest co~er of Gr~tor~s property to the ~tersection of the Westerly right-of-way l~e of State Road N~ber k27; ~so, the easement shall extend 7.5' on either side of the l~e~ ~g S89°13'39"E from a po~t ~rked 25, on E~ibit "A"~ on the Northeast co~er of Gr~tor's property to the ~tersection of the Easte~ property l~e marked N0°51 'h6" E, 280.~' on E~ibit ~d the water main easement sh~l extend 7.5' on either side of a line, co~enc~ from a po~t ~rked A between Lots hO0 ~d kO1 as rejected ~ ~h~oit "B" ~ the Northeast section of Gr~tor's property; thence cont~ue ~ ~ Easterly ~rection being the Southe~ 15' of Lots hO1, hO2, hO3, hOb, hO5 ~d shall continue aro~d the c~desac ~d the Westerly 15' of Lot k~ ~d thence continue Easterly 7.5' on either side of the Southerly l~e of Lot ~ ~d ~ extension thereof to the Easte~ bo~ of Gr~tor's property. A 15' easement, 7.5' eit side of the e~sting water lines on CarriaEe Cove Way ~d H~som Par~ay, extended to the right-of-way of State Road k27. This e~.:~ement sh~l be for utility pu~oses, mo~ specifica~y for access, ~ten~ce, ~spection, se~c~g, replacement, repair, ~d extension of ~l s~ita~ sewer ~d water ~s described above specific~ly, ~clud~g the right of free iugress and egress over and across said property for any of the above purposes provided however, it is agreed and understood that Grantor, its successors and assigns, may use the said property described herein for any uses not inconsistent with the uses and purposes described neremn and provided; that Grantor shall not errect any permanent structures within any easement area. Provided further, that Grantor, its successors or assigns, does not assume hereby, any liability or responsibility to Grantee, or any person using the land by invitation, expressed or implied, or by reason of any business conducted with the Grantee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has set its hand and seal on the day and year first above written. DATED: June 5, 1975 Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence as witnesses: STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNTY OF MANATEE ) THE DREYFUS INTERSTATE DEVELOPMENT DORP., d/b/a Carriage Cove of Sanford ~ti~-Newby~ VziCe~Pres~C~ent I HEREBY CERTIFY tnat on this day, personal] y appeared before me, an officer duly authorized to take acknowledgments, MARTIN NEWBY, to me known to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoing easement, who acknowledged before me that he executed the same as his free act and deed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have ~ereunto set my hand and official seal at Manatee County, Bradenton, Florida, this ~th 197~. MY COMM, I$SIGi'I :.,., h,-5 FEBRUARY Z~t, .,....,~,