HomeMy WebLinkAbout301 1st St Imprvmts Ph 2 jof WORK ORDER FORM CITY OF SANFORD CONTRACT: (!eNlJ t;(. /3. ,2006. ()C11 WORK ORDER NO.: PROJECT: First St. Improvements- Phase 2 Engineering Services CONTRACTOR/CONSULTANT: CPH Engineers, Inc. Execution of the approved Work Order by the CITY shall serve as authorization for the CONSULTANT to provide for the above project, professional services as set out in this Scope of Services to that certain Agreement of between the CITY and the CONTRACTOR and further delineated in the specifications, conditions and requirements stated in the following listed documents which are attached hereto and made a part hereof. ATTACHMENTS: [] DRAWINGS/PLANS/SPECIFICATIONS [Xl SCOPE OF SERVICES [] SPECIAL CONDITIONS [ ] The CONTRACTOR shall provide said services pursuant to this Work Order, its attachments and the above-referenced Agreement, which is incorporated herein by reference as if it had been set out in its entirety. Whenever the Work Order conflicts with said Agreement, the Agreement shall prevail. TIME FOR' COMPLETION: The work authorized by this Work Order shall be commenced upon issuance of a Notice to Proceed by the CITY and shall be completed within two hundred seventy (270) calendar days. METHOD OF COMPENSATION: (a) This Work Order is issued on a: [] FIXED FEE BASIS [~ TIME BASIS METHOD WITH A NOT-TO- EXCEED AMOUNT -yL;; Ci.n Co ..-I :::E: <:J: N N U I.J.J Q co <:> <:> N [] TIME BASIS METHOD WITH A LIMITATION OF FUNDS AMOUNT (b) If the compensation is based on a "Fixed Fee Basis," then the CONSULTANT shall perform all work required by this Work Order for the sum of DOLLARS ($ ). In no event shall the CONSULTANT be paid more than the Fixed Fee Amount. (c) If the compensation is based on a "Time Basis Method" with a Not-to- Exceed Amount, then the CONSULTANT shall perform all work required by this Work Order for a sum not exceeding one hundred ninety five thousand five hundred eighty fOOLLARS ($ 195,585.00 ). The CONSULTANT's compensation shall be based on the actual work required by this Work Order. (d) If the compensation is based on a "Time Basis Method" with a Limitation of Funds Amount, then the CONSULTANT is not authorized to exceed the Limitation of Funds amount of DOLLARS ($ ) without prior written approval of the CITY. Such approval, if given by the CITY, shall indicate a new Limitation of Funds amount. The CONSULTANT shall advise the CITY whenever the CONSULTANT has incurred expenses on this Work Order that equals or exceeds eighty percent (80%) of the Limitation of Funds amount. The CITY shall compensate the CONSULTANT for the actual work performed under this Work Order. (e) Payment to the CONSULTANT shall be made by the CITY in strict accordance with the payment terms of the above-referenced Agreement. (f) It is expressly understood by the CONSULTANT that this Work Order, until executed by the CITY, does not authorize the performance of any services by the CONSULTANT and that the CITY, prior to its execution of the Work Order, reserves the right to authorize a party other than the CONSULTANT to perform the services called for under this Work Order if it is determined that to do so is in the best interest of the CITY. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Work Order on the respective dates undQ:. each sr:bture: t)1e CITY througtL.. its City Commssion taking action on the;l day of V.tm beY , 200~ and the CONSULTANT signing by and through its duly authorized corporate officer having the full and complete authority to execute same. I' ~. ST: 1f1. - 1n.'Ph By:' ltI. ~I? )- Corporate Secretary or Witness ATTEST: (~.~~ Janet Dougherty, Ci lerk For the use and reliance of the City of Sanford only. Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. /s/ William L. Colbert William L. Colbert, City Attorney CON~~TOR: \ ~~ David A. Gierach, P.E. Corporate President Date: I 2 .-1 -08 CITY OF SANFORD c Date: ~ '~~. Linda K hn, Mayor fIX-II'- Of3 ---- - WS RM X City of Sanfordl Florida Item No. CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM 08..XXX NOVEMBER 24, 2008 AGENDA To: PREPARED BY: SUBMITTED BY: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Robert J. Tunis, Economic Development Director Robert P. Yehl, City Manager First Street Improvements - Phase 2 - Engineering Services by CPH Engineers, Inc. in the amount of$195,585 SYNOPSIS: A proposal has been received by CPH Engineer's Inc. to undertake preconstruction services for the First Street Streetscape Improvements - Phase 2 FiSCAL/STAFFING STATEMENT: The total proposed Scope of Services fee is $195,585, which will be funded using City CRA Funds. During its 11/5/08 meeting, the CRA approved the proposed Scope of Services in the amount of$195,585. BACKGROUND: CPH Engineers, Inc. has been asked to provide extra preconstruction services for the regrading of First Street to improve surface runoff along the street, and the upgrade of storm sewer pipeline and inlets along the street. Other preconstruction services include design of the underdrain system along the street, storm sewer system improvements along Myrtle Avenue, revisions to driveway geometries to maximize on street parking, relocation of the Exxon sign to accommodate the new wall, permitting through FDOT, and assisting the City with the acquisition of the wall easements needed for construction. The Scope of Services also includes bidding and limited construction phase services during the 195 day construction phase. The project consists of construction of a new masonry arch and wall entrance feature on First Street at U.S. 17-92, and includes installation of new street pavers and furnishings, planters, landscaping, irrigation, street lighting, relocation of an existing water main, construction of new reclaimed water main, plus installation of new storm sewer and inlets along a four block section of First Street between u.S. 17-92 and Oak Avenue. This project is the second phase of the First Street Improvements, continuing the brick pavers, planters, and amenities that were constructed under the first phase that was constructed between Oak Avenue and Sanford Avenue. LEGAL REVIEW: N/A RECOMMENDATION: CPH Engineers, Inc. has successfully completed the design engineering phase of this project. Staff recommends approval of this contract. SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move that the contract for Engineering Services for $195,585 for engineering services for First Street Improvements - Phase 2, be awarded to CPH Engineers, Inc.