HomeMy WebLinkAbout039-McCormick Enterprises~c ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY EASE~LENT CITY OF SANFORD COUNTY OF SEMINOLE McCORMIcK ENTERPRISES OF SAN-FORD, INC., a Florida corporation, does hereby grant, bargain and sell releases and conveys to the City of Sanford, and to the public the following described property for the sole purpose of road right-of-way; to wit: SEVENTY FOOT (70') RIGHT-OF-WAY ON ONORA ROAD That part of the Sanford Grant and Government Lot 1, Section 12, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, lying within the East 70.00 feet of the West 1569.60 feet of the South 963.52 feet o~ the North 1623.52 feet of the North West 1/4 of said Section 12; Less that part for right-of-way of Onora Road as recorded in Plat Book 13, Page 36, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. ~ SEVENTY FOOT (70') RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR PARCEL U.S. HIGHWAY ~17 & ~92 Begin 170.93 feet South of the East ~ Section Post of Section 11, Tov~ship 20 South, Range 30 East; Thence run South 2"-42'-51" West along the East line of said Section 11, for 76.34 Feet to a point; Thence run North 63°-46,-14" Wes~ at right angles to the Easterly ri~2t-of-way line of U.S. Highway ~17 and ~92 for 882.63 feet to a point on said Easterly right-of-way line; Thence run North 26°-13,-44" East along said Easterly right-of-way line for 70.00 feet to a point; Thence run South 63°-46,-14- East at right angles to said Easterly right-of-way line for 852.17 feet to the point of beginning. Ail said parcels lying and being situated in the City of Sanford, Seminole County, Florida. The Grantor does hereby dedicate the hereinabove described property for public road right-of-way purposes to McCOP~ICK ENTERPRISES OF SA}FORD, INC., DIMENSIONS FOUR INTERNATIONAL LTD. OF SANFoRD, INC., THE DREYFUS INTERSTATE DEVELOP~V~E~ CORP., their successors or assign~ and to the City of Sanford, and the general public with said road right-of-way being more particularly shown in that certain survey prepared for ~tcCORMICK ENTERPRISES OF SANFORD, INC. dated 'the .~/ day of ~4.-~ ,/-,- J. H. M~NUC¥, INC., Registered Land Surveyor Number 1128, a copy .CO / FLI~2iD,~ · of said survey being attached hereto and made a part hereof by · ~'~' reference, HOWEVER, reserving at all times to McCORMICK ENTERPRISES OF SANFORD, INC. its successors or assigns, the reversion or reversions thereof whenever said road right-of-way shall be abandoned or discontinued by law IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized, on this /.~ day of March, 1973. ATTEST: McCORMICK EN=fERPRiSES OF SANFORD, GERALD McCORMICK, Se~cretary" BURL McCOIqMICK, President Signed, sealed and delivered in the presenc,~ of: OF nknE ) INC. I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared BURL McCORMICK and GEtLALD McCORMICK well known to me to be the President and Secretary respectively of the corporation named as granhor in the foregoing instrument, and that they severally acknowledged executing the same in the p~esence of two subscribing witnesses freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in them by said corporahion and that the seal affixed thereto is the true and corporate seal of said corporation, WITNESS my hand and seal in the County and State last aforesaid 'this ..1~ day of March, 1973, A.~. ~i ., / ~/Notary Public, State'of Florida GABRIel L PARDU~ ' THIS INSTRUMENT PIqEPARED. BY: WILBUR C. ROLLINS ROLLINS, PEEPLES & ROSEN P.A. 503 Dade Federal /3uilding 24iami, Florida 33131 -2- GRANT OF RIGHT OF WAY STATE OF FLORIDA COU~TY OF THIS INDENTURE made and entered into on this ... ,~' day of ? ~ '. , - · · ..... ,i :;.%~ V , 1974, by and between I4cCOP~4ICK ENTERPRISES OF SANFORD, INC., a Florida corporation, Grantor; and THE CITY OF SANFORD, of the WHEREAS, possession of lands 30 East, and County of Seminole and State of Florida, Grantee; the Grantor is seized in fee simple and in lying in Section 12, Township 20 South, Range W=t~REAS, Grantee desires to construct a city street upon the hereinafter described property for use by the general public and to be m~intained by Grantee, and WheREAS, Grantor has agreed in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration to grant to Grantee an easement or ri__ght of way over the land described below to be used by the general public; NOW, TI{IS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That, in pursuance of this agreemeJh and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($t0.00) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, receipt of which is acknowledged, Grantor grants unto Grantee and its assigns; Full and free right and liberity for the general public to use as a right of way, that certain property more particularly described in attached "Exhibit A"; TO ~J~VE AND TO HOLD the easement or right of way hereby granted unto Grantee, and its assigns, to be used as a public right of way and so long as it is used as a public right of way, provided, however, the Grantee shall improve and ave ~]e sa' right of way within ~en years from the date hereof and in the event the Grantee shall fail to so improve said property, this3 easement or righ~ of way shall terminate, otherwise to remain in effect in perpetuity. Provided further, that Grantee shall maintain ~he said right of way after improvement and Grantor shall have no obligation for the cost of any improvement or any maintenance. iN WI?NESS WHEREOF, Grantor has set its hand and seal on the day and year first above written. ~Signed, sealed and delivered n our prese..nC~tnesses: A~est. ~ ' (SEAL) , Secretary McCORMICK ENTERPRISES OF SANFORD, INC., a Florida corporation STATE OF FLORIDA COU~TY OF /.f,. ~ Before me personally appeared /~'~1 ~ · , to me %cell known, and known to me to be the individual~ described in and who executed the foregoing instrument ~ of HcCormick Enterprises of Sanford, Inc., and severally acknowledged to and before me t/~at %J~e~ executed such instrun]ent as such President of said corporation, and that the seal af.,.mxed=' ~ to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and that it was affixed to said instrument by due and regular corporate authority and that said ' ~ , mns~rur:ent is the free act and deed of said corporation. WITNESS. my hand and official seal, this ',.f',Z-,':- day of "1 ".":,',' .-~- , A.D. 1974. Not-ary Public--State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: ~otary Publlc, State of Flor;da ~ lar¢:o -2- COUNTY 50" %VIDE LAKE M~I%Y BLVD. EASE~IENT i~OLLiNG HILLS SUBDIVISION SANEO~D, FLORIDA i'~ 50' xvide easement described as a part of the S%%r 1/4 of Section 1Z, Tovzni ship 20 Sourly, Range 30 East, situated %vithin the City of Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, and more particularly described as follows: ~ 50' wide tract (as measured at right angles to the folloxv~ng described line) lying ~orth~vesterly and adjacent to fee following described Southerly boundary of said 50' wide tract. Begin at a point on t]~e East line' of the SV~ 1/4 of Section lZ, To%vnsl~ip 20S, ir~.nge 30E, said point of beginning being 1~ '00° 55' 20" ~Arest 1Z70.00 feet from the South 1/4 corner of said Section 1Z, To~wnship Z0 South, P~ange 30 East; tluence from said point of beginning ru~u North 89° 13' 39" ~;est along a line parallel to the Sout~ line of said Section 12 for 600.00 feet to a po[ut, said point being the point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the Sou~Jaeasterly and having for its elements a central angle of 32° 44' 34" and a radius of 500.00 feet; rtu-~ thence Sout}l~vesterly along the arc of said curve for 285.73 feet to a point; thence South 58° 01' 47" %Srest for 1814.96 feet to a point, said point berg the point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the ~'orthwesterly, having for its elements a central angle of 15° 05' 10" and a radius of 1000.00 feet; run thence Southwesterly along the arc of said curve for 263.30 feet more or less to a point of eh'ding on the %Vest line of Section 12, To~vnship Z0 South, l~ange 30 East, said point of ending being ~orth 20 43: 35" ~ast 97. 16 feet more or less from the Sou~hv~-est corner of Section 12, To%vnship 20 South, l~ange 30 East, said tract of land lyi~ and being situated in the City of Sanford, Seminole County, !florida. "E~hibit A" GR3~NT OF RIGHT OF WAY STAI'E OF ~ORIDA COUNTY OF of T~IS INDENTURE made and entered into on this' . 3r.d day January , 1974, by and between i~.tPERIAL PROPERTIES OF NORTH A&~ERICA, INC., a Florida corporation, Grantor; and THE CiTY OF SANFORD, of the County of Seminole and State of Florida, Grantee; WHEREAS, the Grantor is seized in fee simple and in possession of lands lying in Section 12, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, and WHEREAS, Grantee desires to construct a city street upon the hereinafter described property for use by the general public and to be maintained by Grantee, and WHEREAS, Grantor has agreed in consideration of the sum of Ten ($I0.00) Dollars and other good and valuable consideration to gr.ant to Grantee an easement or right of ~.lay over the described below to be used by the general public; land THiS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That, in pursuance of this agreement and in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars consideration, receipt of which is unto Grantee and its assigns; to USe and other good and valuable acknowledged, Grantor grants ....:~ :..~:~-: ~.' ~gn~"' ~ '~ of way and so long as it is used as a public right of way, 'provided, however, the Grantee shall improve and pave ~e said 0 right of way within ten years from the date hereof and in ~e Full and free right and liberity for the ge~erai public as a right of way, that certain property more particularly described in attached "Exhibit A"; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the easement or right of way hereby granted unto Grantee, and its assigns, to be used as a public cet-~,'c~,{',x [5 /c_ =:: event ~e Grantee shall fail to so improvD said property, this easement or right of way shall terminate, otherwise to remain in effect in perpetuity. Provided further, that Grantee shall maintain ~e said righL of way after improvement and Grantor shall i~ave no obligation for the cost of any improvement or any maintenance. on IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has set its hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence as w unesses k / , / ~ /? ..- · "~" ' ~ohn ~. Den't, Jrt, A'~t..Secretary S?A?E- OF FLORIDA COUNTy OF IMPERIAL PRO2ERTIES OF NORTH ~RICA, INC., a Florida corporation Defore me personally appeared JACK P. }[OSKOs and JOHN C. D.~N~, Jp,., to me well known, and known to me to be the ln~c~lc~uals descr3, bed in and wh~ executed the foregoing i~strument as,~President and Asst c .... ....... ~=~Y, respectively, of Imperial Properties of North ~%erica, Inc., and severally acknowledged to and before me ~lat ~ey executed such instrument sUchA~es3-dent and Asst. Secretary, of said corporation, and ~at the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation and ~at it was affixed to said instrument by due and regular corporate. authority, and ~%at said instrument is ~]e free act and deed of said corporation. '" at Large -2- llz174, 50TM 'W'.T~ L~KE ~V~P~y BLVD. CAl~PJ.~GE COME MOBILE HO,VME SANF OP~D, I~ L Ol~ID~. Y~ $0' xvide easement described as a part of the SW 1/4 of Section I2, ship 20 South, Range BO East, situated within the City of Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, and more par~inularl¥ described as follows: A 50' wide tract (as measured at right angles., to the follov/mg described line) lying Southeasterly and adjacent to the £ollowlng de~cr£bed Northerly boundary of said $0' ~de tract. ~egin at a point on the East line of the SV~ 1/4 of Section lZ, To~'nship ZOS, i~ange 30E, said point of beglna%ing bein~ 1~ 00° 55' Z0" ~est lZ70.00 feet from the South 1/4 corner of said Section lZ, Township 20 South, l~ange 30 East; ti~ence from said point of beginnin~ ru~ North 89° 13' 39" ~Arest along a line parallel to the South line of said Section lZ for 600.00 feet to a point, said point bein~ the point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the Sou~easterly and having for its elements a central angle of 3Z° 44' 34" and a radius of 500.00 feet; run thence Southwesterly along the arc of said curve for 285.73 feet to a point; thence South 58° 0I' 47" ~%rest for 1814.96 feet to a point, said point being the point of curvature of a circular curve concave to the ~orth%vesterly, having for its elements a central angle of 15° 05' 10" and a radius of 1000.00 feet; run thence Southwesterly along the arc of said curve for 263.30 feet more or less to a point of ending on the ~est line of Section 1Z, Township Z0 South, I{ange 30 East, said point of ending being ~orth 20 43' 35" East 97. 16 feet more or less from the Southwest corner of Section 12, Tov~nship 20 South, l~ange 30 East, said tract of land lying and being situated in t~e Ci~%; of Sanford, Seminole Oounty, Florida. "Exhibit A" appe.red z'{., /,, ,, ....... ~ Dreyfus Interstate Development Corp. 2435 FruitvilJe Road Sarasota, Florida 33577 Phone (813) 366-6670 January 31, 1974 Mr. W. E. Knowles Manager, City ofSanford P.O. Box 1778 Sanford, Fla. 32771 Dear Pete: This letter is to advise the City of Sanford that Dreyfus Interstate Develop- ment Corp. is ready to commence construction of their Carriage Cove Mobile Home Park and that Dreyfus fully plans and intends to construct the sewer and %rater line from Highway 17-92 through the Rolling Hills Development, following the right-of-way for the main roads through Rolling Hill down to the Northern edge of Carriage Cove Mobile Home Park. Our park will then be tied on to these lines for sewer and water service from the City. After these lines are built, in accordance with the present engineering plans, they will be turned over to the City for maintenance, along with the lift s%ation involved to pump the sewage. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the above, don't hesitate to call me. Please find enclosed the easement for the two 70' entrances, one from 17-92, the other from Airport Blvd.; also copies of the two easements for both sides of Lake Mary Blvd. between Americana and Carriage Cove. Sincerely, Martin Newby ' Vice President mn/lb Encls. Subsidiary of