HomeMy WebLinkAbout038-Gwendolyn N Cates · ~ ' a of A.D. and State of _~FLORIDA .' of the County of _.~1~' SANFORD, FLORIDA, a nar~v of the first par~? a~d CiTY OF party of ~ne s ' at artY__ of the first part, for and in WITNE~SETH, ~e s~ cT-One Dollar ~ud other valuable con- consideration of · d aid by party of the second ..... ~ to her in h~a~_ -~wled~ed, ha_~S granted s her _ _e P P~", -~ ~ ~ ehese presenu= ~---- ~._~_ and llcense~, conveye~, ant "J_i ~m successors~ assl~_ ~^~ertv situate of the secon~ Par~,~i. uoon. and across ~_¥~{_~ described i~l Sa~ford~ Semlnol~ as: point 15 feet, S.0o 04'53"E., of the NE corner of Lot 13, Beginning at a CateS' Addition, Sanford, Florida, according to the plat thereof recorded in plat Book 3, page 64, of the public Records of seminole county, Florida, thence run S.35° 48'W., 163.79 feet, to the West line of Lot 14, said cares' Addition, thence run S.0° 04'53"E., 25.59 feet, thence run N.350 48'E., 185.97 feet, to the West line ~f Lot 7, thence run N.0O 04'53"W., 6.75 feet, thence run West 13 feet to the point of Beginning- Beginningu~.15.fTot Alley Way, from platted Alley ~ es including specifically o ye Ave~ utility ~pos ' · lation inspegt?n5 stOrm and sanitary sr. ' ce ,mud repla~smenv ~ ~u h ease- .~,~in=. repair malnten~a~_ ~=~ o said ropertj, · ' ht of free mng · to ether m · clud=ng the rzg _ he nurposes af°re{a~l ent ~ aid ro erty for suay of ~ =-~'^~ ~r v ox acrOSS s . ~= ~ ~ alley zor usu u~ =- t~ with the r%~nm u~ ~- an part and the general publiC. IN WITNESS hand_ a~d sea _~he day and year ~.rs~ unto set _her _ written. Si~ne in th ~,/sealed, and delivered ~oresence STATE O~_ WT,nWvnA -' I HEREBY C~RTIFY t a on this day in the next above named ._~_~_~_~~n-~o~ty before me, an officer duly authorized to ad- s and take acknowledgments, personally appeared minister oath ~ ~ates ' Gwendolyn ~- ~ tO me well-known and known to me to be the individual described in and who executed the foregoin~ easement, who acknowledged before me that she_ executed -the same as __her _ free act and deed. ..... ~ ond official IN W~TNmS ~F~EOF~_~v~fhe;eminole , State of_~1Or-da ' anford , uu~J reunto se~ my ~==~ ~ . _ seal a~,~ ~ ~ £] this _~- - ==~ ~~~ /~?~ ~ ~ Notary . N~f co~ission ~pires: __