HomeMy WebLinkAbout035-Sanford Waterworks CompanyAFFIDAVIT AND R~L~AS~ IN.CONSIDERATION of $1.00 in hand paid from THOMAS S. McDONALD, Trustee, to the City of Sanford, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and other good and valuable consideration, this Affidavit and Release is made this ... day of .... 1973 for the purpose of releasing an easement formerly held by the Sanford Waterworks Company, which is described as the leased out portion in the following property description~ Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Section Two (2), Township 20 S., Range 30 m., thence run West 40 chains more or less to the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of said Section Two (2), thence North 19.82 chains, thence East 4.36 chains, thence North 10 chains, thence West 4.35 chains, thence North 8.50 chains, thence East 4.50 chains more or less, thence masterly 5 chains, more or less, thence South 20 chainS, thence ~ast 21 chains, thence South 9.78 chains, thence ~ast 9.20 chainS, more or less, to the mast line of said Section TWo (2), thence South to point of beginning (less 300 feet right-of-way for main water pipe of Sanford Water Works Company across the Southeast corner of said Section TWo (2), also beginning on South line of said Section Two (2), 300 feet west from the high water margin of Lake Ada, thence run northerly, easterly and southerly on a line parallel with the high water margin of said Lake A~a and 300 feet dis- tant therefrom following the northern shore of said Lake Ada to a point 150 feet distant and West of center of main pipe of Sanford Water Works Company, thence Southwesterly and parallel to line of said main pipe 300 feet to Lake Ada, thence along the high water margin of said lake and following its northern shore to the point of beginning. It is the intent of this release that so much of the leased out easement described above, as is an encumbrance against the following described property, be released of an from all claims heretofore or hereafter made by the Municipality of Sanford, Florida= All of that part of S~ 1/4 of Section TWo (2), Town- ship 20 S., Range 30 ~. lying S. and Westerly of R/W of Airport Blvd. (formerly on Onora-Grapeville Rd.) less W. 200 ft. of m. 2022.24 ft. and less 20 ft. of W. 220 ft. of ~. 2022.24 ft. of S. 360 ft. of Sm 1/4 of Section Two (2}, Township 20 Range 30 K. That since 1930, the City of Sanford took over the operations of the Sanford Waterworks Company which purportedly held an easement to the subject lands. That the Municipality of Sanford, Florida hereby releases, remises, aforedescribed easement, use of said property. heretofore abandoned, and it is the intent of this document formally release said property for the record. requits and discharges any claim to the or any claims arising out of the city's That any use of said property, has been to be placed to this document this 1973. IN WITNESS WH~J~OF, we have caused our hands and seals to day of ,, BY: CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA L~E P. MOOR~, MAYOR ATTE ST: m JR./ clerk STATE OF FLORIDA cOUNTY OF SEMINOL~ BMFOR~ M~, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgements, personally appeared LMM P. MOOR~ and H. N. TAMM, JR., known to me to be the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, respectively, and who being first duly sworn acknowledged that they executed this document for ~ purposes therein stated. , '/ L~E P. MOOR~, Mayor Notary Publi My Co~i~sion Expires~ Notaw Pub}k, State o{ F{o,id~ ~t ~y (ommJssion~xpi~es Apfi} 29,