HomeMy WebLinkAbout120808 rm agenda & min CITY OF SANFORD CITY COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2008 7PM City Commission Chambers 1st Floor Sanford City Hall 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PERSONS WITH A DISABILITY, SUCH AS A VISION, HEARING OR SPEECH IIPAIRMENT, OR PERSONS NEEDING OTHER TYPES OF ASSISTANCE, AND WHO WISH TO ATTEND CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS OR ANY OTHER BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEETING MAY CONTACT THE CITY CLERK IN WRITING, OR MAY CALL 407.888.5010 FOR INFORMATION REGARDING AVAILABLE AIDS AND SERVICES. "...,,..,,"""",...,,~,,...,,,...,,..,,,,,.,..... PURSUANT TO SECTION 286.0105, FLORIDA STATUTES, IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS PUBLIC MEETING, SUCH PERSON WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, SUCH PERSON MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. This record Is not provided by the City of Sanford. ......,,...,,~,,.,,,,.,.,,.,,.,..,,,,,,.,.....,.,.,IJ1WI1IW~~ "'" - "'... "" ~- AGENDA Time (approximate) 7:00 1) 2) 3) 4) Meeting call to order by Mayor Kuhn. Invocation Pledge of Allegiance. Minutes. November 24, 2008, Work Session and Regular Meetings. 7 :05 5) PRESENTATIONS/COMMENDATIONS: None. 7:05 6) CONSENT AGENDA: The action proposed to be taken is stated for each item on the Consent Agenda Unless the item is removed from the Consent Agenda by a City Commission member, no discussion on individual items will occur and a single motion will approve all items. [Commission Memo 08-337] A) Professional Consulting Contract with TLP Engineering Services. B) Professional Consulting Contract with Doudney Companies, Inc. for engineering services. C) Approval of Emergency Water Supply Interconnect Agreement for the Park Ridge Subdivision with Utilities Inc. D) Approve Engine and Rescue Apparatus Purchase in the amount of $578,000. E) Approve Purchase Order to Beckel Landscape Nursery, Inc. for Tree Giveaway in the amount of $32,000. F) Increase Purchase Order to Bellomo-Herbert & Company, Inc.for Fort Mellon Phase I in the amount of $50,000. G) Approve Purchase Orders for Traffic Calming to Core Construction Company in the amount of$150,OOO; to JP Pavers in the amount of $40,000; and to Orlando Paving Company in the amount of $40,000. H) Approve Budget Amendment in the amount of $5,000 to generate purchase order for engraving bricks to Roman Roads Veterans Memorial Park. I) Approve continuation of existing Law Enforcement Aid Agreements within Seminole County for: a) Inter-Local Voluntary Cooperation Operational Agreement - Mutual Aid b) Inter-Local Voluntary Cooperation Agreement for City/County Canine (K-9) Unit. c) Voluntary Cooperation Agreement for a City/County/ State Traffic Enforcement Unit. J) Approve and authorize Mayor to execute Hazard Mitigation Grant Agreement for Public Safety Complex in the amount of $709,229. K) Approve purchase order in amount of $74,696. 77 to Key Government Finance for second year's lease of phone system. L) Set public hearing to condemn the structure at 2850 Sanford Avenue. M) Set public hearing to condemn the structure at 1506 West 16th Street. N) Approve purchase order in the amount of$86,144 to Sungard Public Sector (H.T.E) for City's annual support contract renewal. 0) Approve purchase order for final payment of enterprise agreement with Microsoft. In the amount of $106,240. P) Approve grant application to State of Florida for Low Income Energy Assistance Program for FY 09/10 in an amount not to exceed $1,181,565. 7:07 7) PUBLIC HEARINGS: The purpose of a Public Hearing is to receive input regarding the item being considered. Public Hearings are not intended to be a time for the public to obtain information about the subject matter of the hearing. (Hearing Sequence: 1 st - staff; 2nd - applicant/requesting party; 3rd - public; fInal- City Commission motion, discussion and action.) A) Public Hearing to consider request to vacate a portion of Oleander Avenue and all ofW. 2nd Street located at 111 S. Oleander Avenue. Ad published November 23,2008. [Commission Memo 08-338] B) Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 4143, Annex 1.54 acres at 4061 Ruby Street. Ad published November 26 and December 3, 2008. [Commission Memo 08-339] C) Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 4147, Rezone 2.4 acres located at 2441 Park Avenue. Ad published November 26, 2008. [Commission Memo 08-340] D) Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 4148, Amending City Charter regarding elections. Ad published November 26, 2008. [Commission Memo 08-341] E) 108 Academy Avenue - demolition of structure. Notice sent to owners November 25, 2008; property posted November 25, 2008; ad published November 30 and December 7, 2008. [Commission Memo 08-343] F) 804 Celery Avenue - demolition of structure. Notice sent to owners November 25, 2008; property posted November 25, 2008; ad published November 30 and December 7, 2008. [Commission Memo 08-344] G) 3021 Highway 17-92 - condemnation of structure. Notice sent to owners November 25, 2008; property posted November 25, 2008; ad published November 30 and December 7,2008. [Commission Memo 08-345] H) 1501 W. 7t}j Street - demolition of structure. Notice sent to owners November 25, 2008; property posted November 25, 2008; ad published November 30 and December 7,2008. [Commission Memo 08-346] 7:30 8) FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES: A) Ordinance No. 4149, Annex 1.03 acres located at 3510 BeardaD Avenue. [Commission Memo 08-342] 7:35 9) OTHER ITEMS: A) Continue to December 22, 2008: Joint Planning Agreement with Seminole County. (Tabled on November 24, 2008.) B) City Manager's Amended Employment Agreement. [Commission Memo 08-350] 10) CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT. 11) CITY CLERK'S REPORT. 12) CITY MANAGER'S REPORT. 13) CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. Each speaker is allotted fIve minutes to speak and may present additional written material. 14) CITY COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS. 15) END THE MEETING. The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Meeting on Monday, December 8, 2008, at 7 PM, in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Linda Kuhn Vice Mayor Velma Williams Commissioner Art Woodruff Commissioner Randy Jones Commissioner Jack T. Bridges City Manager Robert (Sherman) Yehl City Attorney William L. Colbert City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty Deputy City Clerk Cynthia Porter 1) Meeting was called to order by Mayor Kuhn at 7 PM. 2) Invocation by Reverend Arnold Cotton, Oak Grove Missionary Baptist Church. 3) Pledge of Allegiance. 4) Minutes. November 24,2008, Work Session and Regular Meetings. Vice Mayor Williams moved to approve the Minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Woodruff and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Kuhn Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Bridges Aye 5) PRESENTATIONS/COMMENDATIONS: None. 6) CONSENT AGENDA: [Commission Memo 08-337] A) Professional Consulting Contract with TLP Engineering Services. B) Professional Consulting Contract with Doudney Companies, Inc. for engineering services. C) Approval of Emergency Water Supply Interconnect Agreement for the Park Ridge Subdivision with Utilities Inc. D) Approve Engine and Rescue Apparatus Purchase in the amount of $578,000. E) Approve Purchase Order to Beckel Landscape Nursery, Inc. for Tree Giveaway in the amount of $32,000. F) Increase Purchase Order to Bellomo-Herbert & Company, Inc.for Fort Mellon Phase I in the amount of $50,000. G) Approve Purchase Orders for Traffic Calming to Core Construction Company in the amount of $150,000; to JP Pavers in the amount of $40,000; and to Orlando Paving Company in the amount of $40,000. H) Approve Budget Amendment in the amount of $5,000 to generate purchase order for engraving bricks to Roman Roads Veterans Memorial Park. I) Approve continuation of existing Law Enforcement Aid Agreements within Seminole County for: a) Inter-Local Voluntary Cooperation Operational Agreement - Mutual Aid b) Inter-Local Voluntary Cooperation Agreement for City/County Canine (1(-9) Unit. c) Voluntary Cooperation Agreement for a City/County/ State Traffic Enforcement Unit. J) Approve and authorize Mayor to execute Hazard Mitigation Grant Agreement for Public Safety Complex in the amount of $709,229. K) Approve purchase order in amount of $74,696.77 to Key Government Finance for second year's lease of phone system. L) Set public hearing to condemn the structure at 2850 Sanford Avenue. M) Set public hearing to condemn the structure at 1506 West 16th Street. N) Approve purchase order in the amount of $86,144 to Sungard Public Sector (H.T.E) for City's annual support contract renewal. 0) Approve purchase order for fInal payment of enterprise agreement with Microsoft in the amount of $106,240. P) Approve grant application to State of Florida for Low Income Energy Assistance Program for FY 09/10 in an amount not to exceed $1,181,565. Commissioner Woodruff moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Jones and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Kuhn Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Bridges Aye 7) PUBLIC HEARINGS: A) Public Hearing to consider request to vacate a portion of Oleander Avenue and all ofW. 2nd Street located at 111 S. Oleander Avenue. Ad published November 23,2008. [Commission Memo 08-338] Commissioner Woodruff moved to deny the request to vacate the eastern 16.0' wide portion along Oleander Avenue due to the existing utilities and the destination of a proposed truck route. Seconded by Vice Mayor Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Kuhn Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Bridges Aye Commissioner Woodruff moved to approve the request to vacate W. 2nd Street located at 111 S. Oleander Avenue reserving an easement on behalf of the City for public utility maintenance purposes and obtaining a 15' wide easement on the appropriate City form along the existing sewer line located on these parcels as required and delivery to the City thereof by the property owner within one-year of adoption of the ordinance which shall not be effective until such easement is recorded by the City. Seconded by Vice Mayor Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Kuhn Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Bridges Aye B) Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 4143, Annex 1.54 acres at 4061 Ruby Street. Ad published November 26 and December 3, 2008. [Commission Memo 08-339] Commissioner Jones moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4143. Seconded by Commissioner Woodruff and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Kuhn Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Bridges Aye C) Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 4147, Rezone 2.4 acres located at 2441 Park Avenue. Ad published November 26, 2008. [Commission Memo 08-340] Commissioner Woodruff said that enforcement of rules by a home owner's association will protect the City's Code Enforcement Department from having to do so, and moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4147, with the addition of a stipulation that home owner's association documents stipulate that there can only be a total of one living unit per unit. Seconded by Commissioner Jones and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Kuhn Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Bridges Aye D) Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 4148, Amending City Charter regarding elections. Ad published November 26, 2008. [Commission Memo 08-341] Commissioner Bridges moved to adopt Ordinance No. 4148. Seconded by Commissioner Woodruff and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Kuhn Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Bridges Aye E) 108 Academy Avenue - demolition of structure. Notice sent to owners November 25, 2008; property posted November 25, 2008; ad published November 30 and December 7, 2008. [Commission Memo 08- 343] Commissioner Woodruff moved to demolish the structure. Seconded by Commissioner Jones and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Kuhn Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Bridges Aye F) 804 Celery Avenue - demolition of structure. Notice sent to owners November 25, 2008; property posted November 25,2008; ad published November 30 and December 7,2008. [Commission Memo 08-344] Commissioner Woodruff moved to demolish the structure. Seconded by Commissioner Jones and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Kuhn Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Bridges Aye G) 3021 ffighway 17-92 - condemnation of structure. Notice sent to owners November 25, 2008; property posted November 25, 2008; ad published November 30 and December 7, 2008. [Commission Memo 08- 345] Commissioner Jones moved to withdraw this item from the Agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Woodruff and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Kuhn Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Bridges Aye H) 1501 W. 7tb Street - demolition of structure. Notice sent to owners November 25,2008; property posted November 25,2008; ad published November 30 and December 7, 2008. [Commission Memo 08-346] Rosemary Lemon, property owner, submitted a letter dated December 8, 2008 from Cynthia Hamilton- Smith, Executive Director, Goldenrule Housing & Community Development Corp., stating that contact has been made with Seminole County Community Development to get the home demolished, and requesting that the Commission give a time extension so that a home can be built on the family property. Commissioner Bridges moved to demolish the structure, that it be secured within thirty (30) days and demolished within ninety (90) days, and if it is not secured within thirty days the City can secure it at the owner's expense and if it is not demolished within ninety days then the City will demolish the structure at the owner's expense and place a lien on the property. Seconded by Commissioner Woodruff and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Kuhn Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Bridges Aye 8) FIRST READING OF ORDINANCES: A) Ordinance No. 4149, Annex 1.03 acres located at 3510 BeardaU Avenue. [Commission Memo 08-342] Commissioner Woodruff moved to approve the first reading of Ordinance No. 4149. Seconded by Vice Mayor Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Kuhn Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Bridges Aye 9) OTHER ITEMS: A) Continue to December 22, 2008: Joint Planning Agreement with Seminole County. (Tabled on November 24, 2008.) Commissioner Jones moved to continue this item to January 12,2009. Seconded by Vice Mayor Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Kuhn Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Bridges Aye B) City Manager's Amended Employment Agreement. [Commission Memo 08-350] Commissioner Woodruff moved to continue this item to January 12, 2009. Seconded by Vice Mayor Williams and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Kuhn Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner Woodruff Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Bridges Aye 10) CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT. 11) CITY CLERK'S REPORT. 12) CITY MANAGER'S REPORT. 13) CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. 14) CITY COMMISSIONERS' REPORTS. Vice Mayor Williams moved to not have the December 22, 2008 meeting. The next meeting will be January 12,2009. Seconded by Commissioner Woodruff and carried by vote of the Commission as follows: Mayor Kuhn Aye Vice Mayor Williams Aye Commissioner W oodrutf Aye Commissioner Jones Aye Commissioner Bridges Aye 15) END THE MEETING. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:26 PM. Mayor Linda Kuhn Attest: City Clerk cp