HomeMy WebLinkAbout01162007 SMAB ag & mins SANFORD MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2007 5:15 P.M. AT THE MUSEUM 520 EAST FIRST STREET AGENDA I. Call Meeting to Order. S : / "7 H. Approve Minutes /1/ "'" v I III. Old Business a. 50 Birthday Update • IV. New Business a. Board Resignations/Suggestions for New Members b. Election of Officers c. Set Meeting dates for 2007 ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD_ (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILTI IES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 407.330.5626, 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. • Sanford Museum Advisory Board Meeting January 16, 2007 5:15pm Present: Grace Marie Stinecipher, Chairman Charlie Carlson Christine Best Serena Fisher Paul F. Hodgins Janice Springfield Art Woodruff, Commission Liaison Alicia Clarke, Curator Others Present: Vincent Best Dottie Carlson Meeting was called to order at 5:17pm in the meeting room at the Sanford Museum. The chairman noted that more members were in attendance than at meetings last year. • She thanked everyone for coming. 50 Birthday Celebration. The chairman reviewed the list of participants who have accepted the invitation to participate in the museum's 50 birthday celebration on Saturday, February 10. Eleven authors and several civic groups have accepted. Charlie Carlson noted his name was spelled incorrectly and that his display should be listed as "The Museum of the Strange and Unusual" in the distributed information. The chairman said these corrections would be made. The invitation mailing list was reviewed and additional names were suggested, including the County Commission and County Manager, Deputy County Manager, Deputy City Manager, Tourist Development Council, and the City of Sanford department heads. Ms. Best offered the St. Lucia Festival mailing list which includes local government addresses. Ms. Springfield suggested inviting the Sanford Garden Club as well as the Ixora Garden Club. Ms. Clarke showed the board proclamation she had written declaring February 8, 2007 "Sanford Museum Day." The proclamation notes the history of the museum and the major contributors to its development. The proclamation has been sent to the City Clerk and City Manager for review. It will be signed by Mayor Kuhn and read at the celebration. • Ms. Stinecipher reviewed the plans for the celebration day. The Sanford Historical Society is donating sodas, ice cream, and lunches for the participants. Publix has donated • funds for a cake. A street banner has been requested for First Street. Mr. Carlson offered to go on the "Dave and Leslie Show" on the radio to promote the event. Other promotional opportunities were discussed including advertising in Volusia County. Items for the event program were reviewed. The program will take place in front of the museum at 10:30am. The mayor and Society president Jim Robison will speak. The text for the printed program was discussed. Mr. Carlson described his sideshow display. His tent, the Sanford Historical Society's table and the refreshments will be grouped together at the front of the museum. Ms. Clarke showed the board the celery balloons that have been purchased for the day. Ms. Clarke described the layout for the events inside the museum. Millard Hunt will be in the meeting room with the drawings of the museum addition and will answer questions. The board discussed security at the event. Ms. Clarke told the board about a recent incident of vandalism at the museum. A boy shot out the fanlight and one side window at the front of the museum. He was caught by the police. Commissioner Woodruff said the boy apologized at a City Commission meeting. • Ms. Stinecipher reviewed tasks that need to be done and asked for volunteers. A discussion followed regarding book sales and the authors' needs. Commissioner Woodruff suggested publicizing the event on the Internet and checking all the links for the museum. Old Business There was no old business. New Business The chairman said two board members have resigned, Bettye Smith and Jim Cara. Ross Wontenay, Stephen Caldwell Wright, Carol Kirchoff, Jerry Mills, Cal Conklin, and Paul Porter have all been suggested in the past as possible board members. Bill Kirchoff has been asked and he was not interested but Ms. Clarke suggested they try again because of his particular interest in Henry Sanford. Mr. Carlson suggested Dave Russi. Valada Flewellyn was also suggested. It was noted that Jerry Mills is the architect for the expansion. Ms. Clarke suggested people who have been helping the building campaign such as Kip Braden and Tom Ball. She also noted the board needs members who know about marketing. It was decided to approach the Kirchoffs and Dr. Wright. Ms. Clarke said she would like to develop closer ties to Seminole Community College, so a board • member from the school would be welcome. • Election of Officers for 2007 Grace Marie Stinecipher, Serena Fisher, and Christine Best are eligible to remain in office. Mr. Carlson moved and Ms. Springfield seconded that all previous officers remain for 2007. Approved by unanimous vote. Meeting Dates for 2007 The meeting dates for 2007 will be: April 3, July 10, October 2 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 pm. • • • 2401 Oak Avenue Sanford, FL 32771 January 4, 2007 Jan Daughterty City Clerk 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, FL 32771 Dear Jan: This is to inform you that the following people have resigned ss members of the SAnford Museum Advisory Board: Bettye Smith expressed her desire to resign at the October 3, 2006 Board meeting. James Cara relayed to me during a phone conversation January 4, 2007 that he would like to resign. Both of these resignations should be effective immediately. • 4?-e577e - / /y/ submitted, A Grace M. Stinecipher Chairman, Museum Advisory Board • FICTATIN WrtTPPFRRir ..�.._ SAli 11 9 LEISURE SERVICES DEPARTMENT MAILING ADDRESS CITY OF SANFORD POST OFFICE Box 1788 SANFORD, FLORIDA 32772 -1788 November 6, 2006 PHYSICAL ADDRESS CITY HALL 300 NORTH PARK AVENUE SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 -1244 Dear Board Member: TELEPHONE This letter is to inform you of the tenure status of Museum Advisory Board 407 330 5697 Members and also the reappointment process. In 2004 the City Commission FACSIMILE began reviewing the effectiveness of City Boards to determine whether or not 407.330.5691 they were needed. With change of City Managers, this has been put on hold. In WEBSITE the meantime, there have been no reappointments; all present board members are WWW.CI.SANFORD.FL.US • to continue to serve, if they so desire, until further notice. CITY COMMISSION There may be some of you who do not want to serve on the boarciif so please LINDA KUHN contact me by December 1, 2006 at 407.322.4381 so I can tell you the resignation MAYOR procedure at that time. ART WOODRUFF DISTRICT 1 The Advisory Board meets only four times a year, but in 2006 it has been crippled DR. VELMA H. WILLIAMS by poor attendance. For two scheduled meetings (April 4 & October 3rd) no DISTRICT 2, VICE MAYOR business could be conducted as there was no quorum. RANDY JONES DISTRICT 3 We do not want to lose anyone, but please realize that we need members who are JACK T. BRIDGES interested and can attend meetings. DISTRICT 4 Our next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, January 16, 2007. This meeting was CITY MANAGER changed from the first Tuesday due to conflicts. We will decide on meeting dates ROBERT (SHERMAN) YEHL for the remainder of 2007 at this meeting. Thank you for your help. Grace Marie Stinecipher Sanford Museum Advisory Board Chairman 520 East 1 Street • Sanford, Fl. 32771 ?fie 9ncestd4t e