HomeMy WebLinkAbout12141999 SMAB ag & mins • SANFORD MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING TUESDAY, December 14, 1999 5:15 PM AT THE MUSEUM 520 EAST FIRST STREET A G E N D A I. Call Meeting to Order. II. Approve Minutes. • III. Old Business. IV. New Business. A. Welcome new members. B. Elect new officers. ADVISE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE FETING OR HEARING, HER MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330 -5626, 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. • • Minutes Sanford Museum Advisory Board Meeting December 14, 1999 At the museum Present: Douglas Stenstrom, President Richard Packard Charlie Carlson, II Grace Marie Stinecipher Jim Cara Doris Gormly Dr. John Morgan Dr. Vann Parker Alicia Clarke, Curator Absent: George Scott Meeting was called to order by the Mr. Stenstrom at 5:20 pm. Ms. Clarke announced that Julie Ellenburg is now the City secretary assigned to the • board. She also announced that the September meeting was cancelled due to Hurricane Floyd. Election of Officers Mr. Packard nominated Jim Cara for President. Seconded by Ms. Stinecipher. There being no other nominations, it was moved and seconded that a vote be taken and Mr. Cara was elected unanimously. Mr. Packard nominated Grace Marie Stinecipher for Vice - President. Seconded by Ms. Gormly. There being no other nominations, it was moved and seconded that a vote be taken and Ms. Stinecipher was elected unanimously. Introduction of New Member Charlie Carlson was introduced as the new member of the board. He replaced Isabel Wilson. Mr. Carlson is the author of books on local history and a member of an old Lake Monroe family. Review of Museum's History Ms. Clarke briefly reviewed the early history of the museum, the museum association, • and the advisory board. She explained the change from a board of trustees to an advisory board of the City of Sanford and the distinction between the Sanford Historical Society, • Advisory Board Meeting 12/14/99 Page 2 Inc. and the advisory board. She explained that the museum is a division of the Recreation and Parks Department of the City with a City budget and staff. Goals for 2000 Ms. Clarke reviewed the board's plans for the expansion of the museum in conjunction with the convention center. She explained that the plans for the convention center have changed and that the board needs to keep up with the future plans. Mr. Carlson asked about Lake Carola. Ms. Clarke explained that the lake is a borrow pit with spring water piped into it. She reminded the board that Commissioner Kerry Lyons had volunteered to pursue having the south bank of the lake shored up. Mr. Lyons, however, is no longer on the City Commission and the project has been put on hold due to plans for the convention center. She also explained that Brady Lessard is the new City Commission liaison to the advisory board. The board members reviewed their plans for the building expansion. The suggested expansion includes a large meeting room, an additional gallery, an expanded kitchen, and • a gift shop. Ms. Clarke explained that the current meeting room will soon become a research library that can still be used as a meeting space. The Sanford Historical Society now has a computer and will use the research library space for museum projects. A major goal for 2000 is the collecting of material from the Sanford Naval Air Station. The museum has recently received a number of items, but there are many gaps in the collection. Mr. Carlson suggested putting an ad in the Navy Times. The museum will also be assisting with community efforts to place a Vigilante (plane) at the Sanford airport. It is also hoped that the retired officers group SARNOA will hold a meeting at the museum in 2000. Another goal for 2000 is to document the history of Sanford Avenue since it was originally the main street in Sanford and because of its importance in the African - American community's history. Discussion followed about ways to get Sanford's African- American community more involved in the museum. Ms. Clarke announced that the museum's past effort to collect Sanford city directories has been successful. The goal this year is to complete the collection of Salmagundis and to acquire copies of the Crooms High School Panther. • Ms. Clarke announced that the sports exhibit is substantially complete and that the official opening will be held in February. • Advisory Board Meeting 12/14/99 Page3 The museum will also be continuing work on documenting the city cemeteries The museum will also be attempting to document buildings and areas in town that are changing due to development. Y2K The board briefly discussed Y2K. No problems are anticipated. Other Business Ms. Clarke announced Michele Burier, museum assistant, will be retiring January 21, 2000. Ms. Stinecipher reminded the board of their decision to dedicate the museum darkroom to Donald Vincent. It was decide to pursue this for the February anniversary of Mr. Vincent's death. • Meeting adjourned at 6:30pm. • J