HomeMy WebLinkAbout03101998 SMAB a & mins SANFORD MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD MEET =NG Tuesday, March 10, 1998 5:15 P.M. AT THE MUSEUM 520 E. FIRST STREET A Cl F N D I. Call Meeting to Order. II. Approve Minutes. III. Old Business. IV. New Business. a. Memorial for Don Vincent. ADVISE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330 -5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. • MINUTES SANFORD MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING TUESDAY. MARCH 10. 1998 Present: Dr. Vann Parker Richard Packard George Scott Douglas Stenstrom James Cara Grace Stinecipher Isabel Wilson Others in Attendance: Alicia Clarke, Curator Eveline Bennett, Secretary Commissioner Kerry Lyons Meeting was held at the Sanford Museum and called to order at 5: 20pm by Chairman, Grace Stinecipher. The minutes of the last meeting on December 9, 1997 were approved by the Board after Ms. Stinecipher noted one change regarding the city seal (change from • Seminole Co. to Sanford). Old Business: Commission Lyons stated that the construction of a retaining wall behind the museum was approved in this years budget. Richard Packard reiterated its importance to prevent water from Lake Carola from entering museum. Ms. Clarke will take photos for the City Commission. There was a brief discussion on the City's Seal. Mr. Stenstrom mentioned that the cemetery behind Lakeview Cemetery is being renovated by the Parks Division. Ms. Clarke gave a brief history of the cemetery. Mr. Scott was asked if the Central Florida Archeological Group could assist in locating graves. Mr. Scott agreed. Goals for the museum were discussed. Chief among these is promotion of the museum through better publicity. To promote the museum, Mr. Cara suggested a display at the Orlando /Sanford Airport and the Autotrain. New Business: Mr. Stenstrom moved that the City Commission recognize Don Vincent for his contributions to the museum for ten years and serving on the board. He also suggested naming the museum's darkroom after Mr. Vincent. Mr. Packard seconded and the board agreed unanimously. The terms of Richard Packard, Doug Stenstrom and Dr. Vann Parker are expiring in November. Mentioned as possible new board member were Ross Wontenay and Bill Vincent. • Commissioner Lyons briefed the board on the future plans for Ft. Mellon Park and possible hotel development (See attached). Concerns from the board were discussed regarding the plans and the museum's future plan of expansion. Ms. Clarke will contact the Engineering Department to draw floor plans of the museum's expansion plans. The Board will discuss long range goals and capital improvements at their next meeting. Commissioner Lyons will present these to the City Commission. The next meeting will be June 9, 1998. Meeting was adjourned at 6:30pm. ._,,_ ,,,,.....„...._ iii. r .____<5 gi- I - ° -..- u.: 011 dr :WV • It L -41A1P- AtelLt" or 3 -Iir • e It -----. 49- ek :3 kV Vey li !Mt= ■7—."—;-'77- '• 7-„0„:„7.0.1'.. • ..'-''...021 2 .. 0 . I' 17 •••••••••• „„ ,• Ari. 0 la . "/ ii r • a. II.L. xt ''\ 1 4 ..-------7■11=.-"et*'.7.11111;4 ii ' ll iT :1 •.„. , 6 0 ;- ••:+st: ...i• , I ' 1 ' 4 - ----.....z.- ------r 1 :43,1#■;" -r ,...000-5 t 11 11 , , ./A , ' 144 1L----: -.-- -'%----..."- ' .L..,.:44.1•:::411111: 1/46 wIli 5 ,,LI.illy O ct — -.--• "II) • /---1 t V J 9 , 4 •\\ ,,,,,t,.. ,•:. 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