HomeMy WebLinkAbout03111997 SMAB ag & mins 411 SANFORD MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD DolICI3aMtWC1 Tuesday, March 11, 1997 5:15 P.M. AT THE MUSEUM 520 E. FIRST STREET G E MW T7 A I. Call Meeting to Order. II. Old Business. • a. Roof b. Sports Exhibit c. Sign d. Front III. New Business. ADVISE TO THE PUBLIC: IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL A DECISION MADE WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THE ABOVE MEETING OR HEARING, HE MAY NEED A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE, WHICH RECORD IS NOT PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF SANFORD. (FS 286.0105) PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES NEEDING ASSISTANCE TO PARTICIPATE IN ANY OF THESE PROCEEDINGS SHOULD CONTACT THE PERSONNEL OFFICE ADA COORDINATOR AT 330 -5626 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. • MINUTES SANFORD MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING TUESDAY. MARCH 11. 1997 Present: Dr. Vann Parker George Scott Doris Gormly Dr. John Morgan Grace Stinecipher Douglas Stenstrom Richard Packard Others in Attendance: Alicia Clarke, Curator Eveline Bennett, Secretary Kerry Lyons, Commissioner Meeting was held at the Sanford Museum and called to order at 5:10pm by Chairman Doris Gormly. • Commission Kerry Lyons, City Commission liaison, was introduced and attendance role was called. The minutes of the last meeting on January 14, 1997 were approved. Old Business: Roof is fixed. Repairs will be done and then the sports exhibit can be set up. The Board will search for more memorabilia for the exhibit. Mr. Stenstrom will bring in an accurate Sports Hall of Fame list . The sports exhibit committee will need to find photos to match with the artifacts in the collection. Mr. Stenstrom will attempt to acquire a photo of Jim Courier. Mr. Stenstrom asked Commissioner Lyons to convey the Board's thanks to the City Commission and City Manager for the repairs to the roof. George Scott told of an article in a magazine called "Today's Collector" that has great ideas regarding the displaying of the sports items. Ms. Clarke expressed a need for display techniques that w i l l secure the items, especially the baseball cards. Mr. Scott suggested the curator visit the Deland Hospital Museum to see their display. Ms. Stinecipher will attempt to obtain trophies and other items from Cecil Dandrich who graduated in 1959 from Seminole High School. He was a Peter Schaal Trophy winner. • • New Business: There has been a bid received for the sign that is to be placed near the street. It will be concrete block with stucco stating the name and address of the museum. The bid was too costly and attempts are being made to obtain to lower the bid. Ms. Clarke stated that the front doors have not been painted because there has been a reinfestation of termites. Treatment will need to be done along with repairs, then the doors can be painted. Ms. Clarke showed several magazine articles that mention the City of Sanford, or have used Henry Sanford's papers as reference material. The museum is always looking for any publications regarding the city. Ms. Clarke noted an increase in Swedish visitors. By -laws need to be reviewed. Ms. Clarke gave Board members a copy of the by -laws to review and make any changes that can be addressed at the next meeting. Items to be addressed are absenteeism, residency requirement, term of members, and the need for a vice chairman and secretary. Mrs. Gormly mentioned that the board needs to elect a vice chairman and secretary. Mr. Stenstrom nominated Ms. Stinecipher as vice chairman. The board voted unanimously. The issue of eliminating the secretary position from the bylaws will be addressed at the next meeting. • Ms. Clarke asked input from the Board regarding the museum brochures that are distributed. She also reported on the attendance of the St. Johns River Festival. The next meeting will be June 10th. Meeting was adjourned at 6:10pm. • The Museum Advisory Board's Bylaws are silent on meeting attendance. To bring the bylaws into line with those of other City boards, the following recommendation is submitted. We will be discussing this change and voting on it at the June meeting. Recommended addition to bylaws: Article II, Section 4 - Absenteeism If a Board member misses more than two meetings in a calendar year, the member shall be contacted to determine the reason for absence. Absence from three meetings during a calendar year is cause for removal from the Board. Notice of intent to remove the Board member shall be included as an agenda item at the regular meeting of the Board. • 4111 • BYLAWS SANFORD MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD ARTICLE I. PURPOSE The Sanford Museum Advisory Board is empowered and directed to recommend on behalf of the City ways and means of acquiring and providing for the security, safekeeping, and display of antiques, p y q s, books, papers, paintings, and other similar possessions of the late General Henry Shelton Sanford, the founder of the City of Sanford, Florida, together with any other memorabilia or artifacts of historic significance to the City and the surrounding area which in the opinion of the Board would be of interest to the citizens of the City now and in the future. The Board shall create overall policy for the Sanford Museum and make recommendations for changes to the City Commission. The Board is further charged with the responsibility of encouraging citizen groups to participate in museum activities that enhance the community's • awareness of history. The Board shall also work to enlarge the physical plant of the Sanford Museum. ARTICLE II. BOARD MEMBERS SECTION 1. NUMBER OF BOARD MEMBERS The Board shall have nine (9) members appointed by the City Commission. SECTION 2. TERM OF BOARD MEMBERS Term of Board members shall be as stated under Section 2 of City Of Sanford Ordinance #1873 with any member serving no more than two consecutive terms of three (3) years each. SECTION 3. DUTIES OF BOARD MEMBERS It shall be the duty of all board members to attend meetings and participate in recommendations of policy in an advisory manner for the Sanford City • Commission as it relates to the operation of the Sanford Museum. • ARTICLE III. OFFICERS AND DUTIES SECTION 1. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD The Board shall meet and elect the following officers: A) Chairman - shall preside at all meetings, prepare an agenda, and shall be responsible for being spokesman for the Board on business that requires attention between meetings. B) Vice - Chairman - shall serve in the absence of the Chairman. C) Secretary - shall serve in the absence of Chairman and Vice - Chairman. SECTION 2. TERMS OF OFFICERS All officers shall be elected to one (1) year terms and may be re- elected for one (1) additional term. III • ARTICLE IV. MEETINGS SECTION 1. MEETING DATE AND TIME The Board shall meet quarterly on the second Tuesday at 4:15pm at the Museum. SECTION 2. ORDER OF BUSINESS Order of business of the Board shall be: 1. Call to order. 2. Roll call. 3. Minutes of preceding meeting. 4. Report of officers. 5. Report of committees. 6. Old business. 7. New business. 8. Adjournment. • SECTION 3. NOTIFICATION OF MEETING ,• • • A written notice of all meetings shall be mailed to all Board members one (1) week prior to scheduled meeting. The notice shall contain the agenda plus any supplemental documentation necessary to prepare each Board member for the meeting. News media shall also receive a notice. SECTION 4. SPECIAL MEETINGS Special meetings may be called by the Chairman with two (2) days written notice to all members. ARTICLE V. REPORTING SECTION 1. REPORTING TO CITY COMMISSION It shall be the duty of the chairman to submit written progress reports to the City Commission on an annual basis or at any time that information should be brought to their attention. • ARTICLE VI. AMENDING OF BY -LAWS SECTION 1. VOTE OF BOARD Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the Board. I I •