HomeMy WebLinkAboutSIB ag & mins 1998 SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD AP e. V 411 AGENDA - ' gam "A TREE CITY U.S.A. " The Scenic Improvement Board will be meeting, December 2, 1998, 4:00 p.m., regular meeting, City Commission Conference Room, first floor. I. Minutes November 11, 1998. II. Member term: for the end of January, 1999 Connie Williams- 1/31/99, need replacement Rose Long - 1/31/99, may be re- appointed III. Recognition Award. Dec. - Cumberland Farms - 12/2 3:30 p.m. -3100 Sanford Ave Jan - Teen Challange - 3706 Sanford Avenue Feb - Sanford Crisis Pregnancy Center - 1000 French Ave IV. "Project Pride" - Schedule for 1/23/98 V. Sanford Arbor Day - 2/8/99- Coastline Park. • VI. Work Projects VII. Comments & discussion DISTRIBUTION: Catherine Bossert J. Manuel Acevedo Betty Akers Connie Williams Ron Rose Jone C. Porter Trish Thomas Rose Long Eliza Pringle Mike Kirby Howard Jeffries City Mayor, City Commissioners (4) City Manager Orlando Sentinel Seminole Herald ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105) ADVISE TO THE PUBLIC: Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should • contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. (ADA handbook subpart E- Communications, 35.160 General). SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD MINUTES The Scenic Improvement Board met in a regular meeting, December 2, 1998, 4:00 p.m., City Commission Conference Room, first floors. • Members present: Connie Williams, June Porter, Eliza Pringle, Cathy Bossert, Betty Akers, Ron Rose, Rose Long, Trish Thomas. Members absent: Manny Acevedo. Minutes: The minutes from the meeting of November 11, 1998 were approved. First motion from Eliza Pringle, seconded by Betty Akers. Boards Term:: Ms. Connie Williams and Rose Long both terms will be us at the end of January, neither wish to be re- appointed. Several names for recommendation: Ms. Ginger Hoke, Jennifer Sorenson, Mr. Don Knight. Will need to make recommendation at January's meeting to the City Commission. Recognition Award: Recognition award was given to the Cumberland Farms -3100 Sanford Avenue. For the month of January, Teen Challenge located @ 3706 Sanford Avenue. For the month of February, Teenage Pregnancy Crisis Center @ 802 French Avenue, for the month of March - Federal Trust -W. 1st Street, April Brynhaven Homeowners' Association. Project Pride: Project Pride will be a scheduled clean up day for January 23, 1998. Will meet at the Chamber of Commerce. Initiate responses to the various civic organizations, as well as clubs for the clean up. Notifying the schools for their chance to assists us in cleaning of litter from rights of way. Discussion as to initiating a "Pride Award" for the most outstanding neighborhood • in keeping their areas clean. Would like to have on hand January 23, the applications for the "Adopt A Road" programs for the community. Comment made to track how much trash was collected that day. In the past, City Refuse department always participated by having a driver and truck to pick up the bags of trash while program is going on. With the selling of the City's refuse division, provisions may need to be handled differently. Arbor Day, 1999: Tree planting to be scheduled for Coastline Park. Preparation for bids at this time for bathroom facilities, picnic shelters, walkways, etc. Expectancy date of completion is not until after the celebration of Arbor Day. The festivity can still be scheduled for a tree planting. Work projects: Budget projects scheduled for this fiscal year; extending to the Famous tree plantings, Toughy Park to be re- established, Coastline Park to be completed; right of tree planting program. The Heritage Festival worked well, given that crew was available for clean up during and afterwards. Other Discussions: Sign placement along rights of way was asked. Certain rules and regulations should be abide by the city codes. Suggestions from downtown merchants was for the lights to stay on the landscaping twelve months of the year. Maintenance of plants and trees would be a difficult take through the year. Meeting adjourned 5:45 p.m. • petrt SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD 0 \ni Ate AGENDA • • z, ,kotylot 4 . • "A TREE CITY U. S. A." The Scenic Improvement Board will be meeting, November 11, 1998, 4:00 p.m., regular meeting, City Commission Conference Room, first floor. I. Downtown Merchants: Sara Jacobson II. New Member: Ron Rose Member term: for the end of January, 1999 Connie Williams- 1/31/99, may be re- appointed Rose Long - 1/31/99, may be re- appointed III. Minutes from October 7, 1998 IV. Recognition Award. Nov. - Reliable Mortgage, 1200 Sanford Ave; 3:30 p.m. 11/4/98 Dec. - ? 111 V. Work Projects VI. Comments & discussion DISTRIBUTION: Catherine Bossert J. Manuel Acevedo Betty Akers Connie Williams Ron Rose Jone C. Porter Trish Thomas Rose Long Eliza Pringle Mike Kirby Howard Jeffries City Mayor, City Commissioners (4) City Manager Orlando Sentinel Seminole Herald ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) ADVISE TO THE PUBLIC: Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should • contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. (ADA handbook subpart E- Communications, 35.160 General). SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD MINUTES The Scenic Improvement Board met in a regular meeting, November 11, 1998, 4:00 p.m., City Commission Conference Room, first floors. • Members present: Connie Williams, June Porter, Eliza Pringle, Cathy Bossert, Betty Akers, Ron Rose, Manny Acevedo. Members absent: Rose Long, Trish Thomas. Minutes: The minutes from the meeting of October 7, 1998 were approved. First motion from Jone Porter, seconded by Eliza Pringle. Recognition Award: Recognition award was given to the Reliant Mortgage Company of 1200 Sanford Avenue. Was well received. For the month of November recommendation for Cumberland Farms @ 3100 Sanford Avenue, for the month of December, Teen Challenge located @ 3706 Sanford Avenue. Recommendation for future are Choo Choo Car Wash 23rd & French Ave, Teenage Pregnancy Crisis Center @ 802 French Avenue. Boards Term:: Ms. Connie Williams is up for term at the end of January, does not wish to be re- appointed. Names of interested parties need to be searched for replacement. Ms. Rose Long term will also be up at the end of January, will ask if wish is to be re- appointed. Work projects: Ft. Mellon Park has had the install of lighting for the basketball courts. The Soap Box Derby was held this last month, have heard from the state that the tree grant was not given to the City for this coming year. For the month of November Page Jackson Cemetery has been completed as to irrigation, mapping graves, re- seeding area. Lakeview Cemetery also is scheduled for mapping the grave sites at this time. Ground breaking for Coastline Park is schedule for November 12, 10:00 a.m. To be • included in the plans are basketball courts, play area, picnic shelters, walkways, benches. February 8, is scheduled for Arbor Day, try to schedule a tree planting for Coastline Park. Toughy Park is planned to relocated the famous trees from Ft. Mellon to the park by the end of January. To be completed by January 15 for the Florida Arbor Day. State road 17 &92 is under review of revitalizing the landscaping along the medians. Heritage Festival is scheduled for this coming weekend which entails clean up crew to work overtime for litter control. Special Guest: Mr. Rami Yosefin. Mr. Yosefin is the Chairman of the Downtown Merchants Association, owner of Time Square Bistro. The business merchants membership has increased to 65 members. Their mission is to enhance and encourage new business for the area of downtown. Concerns are that festivities should be encourage for the area as well better lighting in areas that are blighted. F.P.L. has been asked to check for more conduits to arrange for lighting of alleys and side streets. At this time electricity for the downtown area is very limited. Development of 2nd Street at this time promises for extra electricity lines for more lighting. Other Discussions: Ron Rose has proposed possible requesting that the adjoining businesses "adopt" the flower bed and maintain them for their satisfaction. No consideration in the past for maintenance of the beds from downtown merchants has been influenced. A positive difference is all needed for the downtown area. Ron Rose also noticed since being with the Chamber the litter collected along the rights of way • within the city. The chamber has now adopted Persimmon Avenue as a clean up route. Would like to initiate "Project Pride" a clean up day for all the community of litter control along right of way. Basic principle as "Make Sanford Shine" that the SIB has held in the past. Schedule a day for January. Comments from board as to events that the chamber use to have and now diminished; Plant sale, craft sale, etc. Meeting adjourned 5:45 p.m. de 9 SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD 4)a • ` AGENDA '' a M ' , 7 :04-"N 4 :..' � S .. „. � ¢ r • `vii,, ,V .f G y � ^" err 4 "A TREE CITY U.S.A.” 4 Ji, The Scenic Improvement Board will be meeting, October 7, 1998, 4:00 p.m., regular meeting, City Commission Conference Room, first floor. I. Magnolia Mall - Ginger Hoke II. New Member: Ron Rose Member term: for the end of January, 1999 Connie Williams- 1/31/99, may be re- appointed Rose Long - 1/31/99, may be re- appointed III. Minutes from September 2, 1998 IV. Recognition Award. Oct. - Farmer's Furniture- 10/7/98 3:30 p.m. Nov. - ? Dec. - ? V Work Projects • VI Comments & discussion DISTRIBUTION: Catherine Bossert J. Manuel Acevedo Betty Akers Connie Williams Ron Rose Jone C. Porter Trish Thomas Rose Long Eliza Pringle Mike Kirby Howard Jeffries City Mayor, City Commissioners (4) City Manager Orlando Sentinel Seminole Herald ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) ADVISE TO THE PUBLIC: Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. (ADA handbook, subpart • E- Communications, 35.160 General). SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD MINUTES • The Scenic Improvement Board met in a regular meeting, October 7, 1998, 4:00 p.m., City Commission Conference Room, first floors. Members present:, Jone Porter, Connie Williams, Eliza Pringle, Catherine Bossart, Trish Thomas, Rose Long, Manny Alcevedo. Members absent: Betty Akers. Minutes: The minutes from the meeting of September 2, 1998 were approved with first motion from Eliza Pringle, seconded by Trish Thomas. Recognition Award: For the month of October, Farmer's Furniture was the recipient. Recommendation for the month of November to Reliant Mortgage Co. @ 1200 Sanford Avenue. Decision for the month of December will be done at the November meeting. Special Guest: Ms. Georgia Hoke, resident and landscape archectect has presented some plans for the Magnolia Mall renovations. The last month's meeting had a presentation from the Main Street office for rejuvenating of Magnolia Mall, The concept was to come to an estimate of $230,000.00. The concept that was presented from Ms. Hoke would estimate $40,000.00. Examples for improvement is to soften the existing beds, using arch way into the entrance of the Mall, trash containers, planting of Magnolia Trees along entrance, installing of a fountain within the Mall. Included the discussion went into the changes brought on by the Waterfront Committee for the conference center and hotel plans. • Members vacancy: City Commission appointed Mr. Ron Rose from the Chamber of Commerce. Notification will be sent for appearance for the next meeting. Work projects: Lighting for the Ft Mellon Park will be installed within the next meeting. Enhancing the entrance into City, from State Road 17 &92, St. Street. Planting of trees along right of ways. Finding that some of the residents take pride and water the tree, while others allow no maintenance and the tree at some time be replaced or removed. DOT grants are available in conjunction with Lynx Bus to assist with trash cans and benches at the bus stops. Recently had the dedicating of Lake Gem to rename for Dunn Park. Pace Jackson cemetery -the cleaning of the cemetery is about completed. Have received contribution /donations for the restoration of the cemetery buildings. Other Discussions: Proposal to accept the concept /landscaping plan of Ginger Hoke and have presented to the Main Street office and the also to the City Commission. First motion of approval from Rose Long, seconded by Eliza Pringle. Referendum for the Ft Mellon proposal will be put to the public in November. With the public recommendation to proceed with the hotel /conference center, recommendation to the Waterfront Committee for the SIB to review plans of the concept with the grounds. Historic Festival is to be held the month of November. The festivities will last three days. Closing of streets for the activities, and the cleaning of the streets afterwards. • Meeting adjourned 5:35 p.m. 40„,". 0 ., `ry 4.04 , 4 41". � ,, � Scenic Improvement Board t e:414' +�' P. O. Box 1788 ri• ' � R ;'�' � .� i Sa n ford, FL 32772 -1788 q (407) 330 -5681 1. s. AGENDA The Scenic Improvement Board will be meeting, September 2, 1998, 4:00 p.m., regular meeting, City Commission Conference Room, first floor. I. Minutes from June, 1998. II. Recognition Award: October - Farmers' Furniture - French Avenue 3:30 p.m. November - December • III. Main Street - Linda Kuhn IV. Member vacancy: Harold Chapman. V. Work Projects. VI. Comments & discussion. DISTRIBUTION.: Catherine Bossert J. Manuel Alcevedo Betty Akers Connie Williams Jone C. Porter Trish Thomas Eliza Pringle Rose Long Mike Kirby Howard Jeffries City Mayor, City Commissioners (4) City Manager Orlando Sentinel Seminole Herald 1111 ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) ADVISE TO THE PUBLIC: Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. (ADA handbook, subpart E- Communications, 35.160 General). SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD MINUTES The Scenic Improvement Board met in a regular meeting, September 2, 1998, 4:00 p.m., City Commission Conference Room, first floors. Members present: Betty Akers, Jone Porter, Connie Williams, Eliza Pringle, Catherine Bossart, Trish Thomas, Rose Long. Members absent: Manny Alcevedo, Harold Chapman. Minutes: The minutes from the meeting of June 3 and 10, 1998 were approved with first motion from Betty Akers, seconded by Eliza Pringle. Recognition Award: For the month of June, Don Pablo's restaurant was the recipient. For the month of October recommendation for the property at 1200 Sanford Avenue *. Discussion for the remainder of the year will be at the October's meeting. Don Pablos's Restaurant -Town Center Blvd. Has been recommended. Decision for the month of October will be given at the September meeting. Main Street: Ms. Linda Kuhn, Director of the Sanford Main Street presented a proposed landscaping plan for the downtown area. The rehabilative program consists of the area from the lakefront to 3rd Street and from Oak Avenue to Sanford Avenue. The presentation is to be presented to the Main Street Program with the state to allow funding through the group. The initial preliminary plan is designed at $664,000.00. Recommendations and suggestions are as follows: plan calls for magnolia trees instead of the drake elms, granite curbs installed, install of fountain and arch into the Magnolia Square. Member resignation: Received resignation for Harold (Chip) Chapman. First motion of acceptance from Catherine Bossert, seconded by Jone Porter. By October's meeting to be recommended for the vacancy. Work projects: Jackson Cemetery is in the finishing process of its cleaning, irrigation system installed, filling in sunken areas and mapping out the graves. Painting of courtyards have been completed at this time. Attended the Urban Forestry Conference, several points of interest will be brought before the October meeting. Projects approved for the next fiscal year are as follows: Pace Jackson, Memorial Park, Coastline Park, relocation of the famous trees to George Toughy Park. Meeting adjourned 5:45 p.m. *Recognition award for 1200 Sanford Avenue will not be given, the location is a multi - residential unit. Award will be given to Farmer's Furniture. 4110 SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD MINUTES The Scenic Improvement Board met in a regular (special) meeting, June 10, 1998, 4:00 p.m., City Commission Conference Room, first floors. • Members present: Betty Akers, Jone Porter, Connie Williams, Rose Long, Harold Chapman, Trish Thomas. Members absent: Eliza Pringle, Manny Alcevedo, Catherine Bossart. Minutes: The minutes from the meeting of May 6, were approved by members present. Recognition Award: For the month of May, Howard & Welchel Accounts - Sanford Avenue were the receipients for the month. For the month of September Don Pablos's Restaurant -Town Center Blvd. Has been recommended. Decission for the month of October will be given at the September meeting. Vacation Status: Approval from the members for the months of July and August to be vacation. Recogntion award will not be given out due to extreme heat we are experiencing at this time. Work Projects; Bid pockets went out for painting of the city buildings located within the upkeep of the Parks department. Painting is scheduled to begin by July. The colors of the buildings will stay the same. The Centennial Park gazebo is also scheduled for repainting of the building. Repairs were to be completed to the structure of the building. Tree planting along the rights of way is still on going. The median landscaping at the Towne Center is continuing with vandalism reports to the landscaping, irrigation • systems. Landscpaing projects to include Public Works Complex, Police Department. Funds were budgeted for the Toughey Park for the next fiscal year. Paint colors for the gazebo has been chosen by the board. Colors being, prarie sand, sun torch, light green, dark lawn green. Meeting closed 5:15 pm. • 0 \ 43 0,jorti r ,,_ SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD �� f : „ . Api AGENDA s irk- 4 ,4 "` � g "A TREE CITY U. S. A. " 1 The Scenic Improvement Board will be meeting, June 3, 1998, 4:00 p.m., regular meeting, City Commission Conference Room, first floor. I. Minutes from May, 1998. II. Recognition Award. June - Welchel & Howard Accountants; Sanford Ave; 3:30 p.m. Sept.- Don Pablo's Restaurant Oct. - III. Vacation Status - July, August, 1998. IV. Work Projects V. Comments & discussion DISTRIBUTION: Catherine Bossert J. Manuel Acevedo Betty Akers Connie Williams Jone C. Porter Trish Thomas Harold Chapman Rose Long Eliza Pringle Mike Kirby Howard Jeffries City Mayor, City Commissioners (4) City Manager Orlando Sentinel Seminole Herald ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) II ADVISE TO THE PUBLIC: Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. (ADA handbook, subpart E- Communications, 35.160 General). SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD MINUTES The Scenic Improvement Board met in a regular meeting, June 3, 1998, 4:00 p.m., • City Commission Conference Room, first floors. Members present: Betty Akers, Manny Alcevedo, Catherine Bossart, Jone Porter. Members absent: Connie Williams, Eliza Pringle, Rose Long, Harold Chapman, Trish Thomas. No quarum for meeting. Recommendation for special, regular meeting for June 10, 1998. Work schedule updates: Coastline Park has received a grant for $93,600. For upgrades. Centennial Park is on the list for repairs. Town Center Plaza has had a fire burn of the plant materials along the medians. Burned out 60 plants and trees as well as the irrigation systems. Vandalism has incurred for repairs of the irrigation clocks. Paige Jackson cemetary is stillr recieving cleaning every Tuesday with volunteers and city workers. Landscaping plans for 2nd Street have been revised to specifications by the Parks coordinator. Scheudles are to pupgrade the landscaping at the police stations and the public works complex. Toughy Park has been approved for upgrade in the forth coming budget year. Meeting adjourned 5:10 p.m. • • At lAf . $ , rt ' /t4. SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD , , x.' , . , 411 AGENDA 1 1 The Scenic Improvement Board will be meeting, May 6, 1998, 4:00 p.m., regular meeting, City Commission Conference Room, first floor. I. Minutes of April, 1998. II. Earth Day, 1998 III. Recognition Award. May - Chamber of Commerce, 5/6 3:30 p.m. June - Welchel & Howard Accountants - Sanford Ave Sept - Don Pablos' Restaurant IV. Work Projects. All V. Comments & discussion. DISTRIBUTION: Catherine Bossert J. Manuel Alcevedo Betty Akers Connie Williams Jone C. Porter Trish Thomas Harold Chapman Rose Long Eliza Pringle Mike Kirby Howard Jeffries City Mayor, City Commissioners (4) City Manager Sentinel Star Sanford Herald ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) ADVISE TO THE PUBLIC: Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. (ADA handbook, subpart II/ E- Communications, 35.160 General). � .." 6 . SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD MINUTES The Scenic Improvement Board met in a regular meeting, May 6 1998, 4:00 p.m., City Commission Conference Room, first floors. . Members present: Connie Williams, Eliza Pringle, Rose Long, Harold Chapman, Betty Akers, Manny Alcevedo, Catherine Bossart, Jone Porter, Trish Thomas. I. Minutes: Minutes from April 1, 1998 were approved with first motion from Chip Chapman, seconded by Connie Williams with minor spelling corrections. II. Recognition Award: For the month of May, Chamber of Commerce was well received as the recipient for the month. For the month of June, Welchel & Howard Accountants will be the recipient. For the month of September Don Pablo's Restaurant was chosen. III. Earth Day 1998: Earth Day 98 was held in conjunction with the Sanford Zoo. Attendance from the public was three times as more than last year expo. SIB members helped with the passing out of tree samples for the public. Recommendation that more of a variety, flowering tree be available for the public next year. Plans and preparation already started for next year. IV. Work Projects: Every Tuesday at this time is scheduled for Pace Jackson Cemetery clean up. Volunteers have helped with the clean up. List of items still to be handled is mapping of sections, top soil placement, marking of the graves. At this time records of past have not been located. Churches and funeral homes have been requested for any information • that they may have. By the end of the month irrigation system placed, fence relocation and tree removal. Right of way tree placement still being planted at this time. Weed and pesticide control is action at this time. Budget procession for FY 98/98 is in the works. Preliminary okay for additional two employees to be added after October 1, 1998. Centennial gazebo is out for bid at this time. Color for the gazebo will be brought to the SIB board before the actual painting. Plans to replace the railing with decorative historic features. VI. Comments & Discussion: Red tape along E Seminole Boulevard shows some of the areas that will need to be refurbished. Bid out to public as to correct the "falling" of fill dirt down into the water. Garden tour scheduled with the Historic Trust. Plans at this time was to collect funding for benches and possible brick pavers for the Touhy park. Meeting adjourned 5:00 p.m. • n Aftzt �' BB SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD • AGENDA itZ "A TREE CITY U.S.A." JIL The Scenic Improvement Board will be meeting, April 1, 1998, 4:00 p.m., regular meeting, City Commission Conference Room, first floor. I. Welcome of new member; J. Manuel Alcevedo II. Chairperson & Co- Chairperson appointment III. Minutes from March, 1998. IV. Main Street - Concepts for downtown. V. Recognition Award. Apr - Hops Bar & Grill 4/1/98 3:30 p.m. May - Chamber of Commerce • June - VI. Work Projects. VII. Comments & discussion. DISTRIBUTION: Catherine Bossert J. Manuel Alcevedo Betty Akers Connie Williams Jone C. Porter Trish Thomas Harold Chapman Rose Long Eliza Pringle Mike Kirby Howard Jeffries City Mayor, City Commissioners (4) City Manager Sentinel Star Sanford Herald ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the • above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) ADVISE TO THE PUBLIC: Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. (ADA handbook subpart E- Communications, 35.160 General). SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD MINUTES The Scenic Improvement Board met in a regular meeting, April, 1, 1998, 4:00 p.m., City Commission Conference Room, first floors. • Members present: Connie Williams, Eliza Pringle, Rose Long, Harold Chapman, Betty Akers, Manny Alcevedo. Members absent: Catherine Bossart, Jone Porter, Trish Thomas. I. New members: Manny Alcevedo was well received by members present. II. Main street: Jennifer Singeisen is working with the Waterfront Steering Committee, Historic Trust, C.R.A. for landscaping of the downtown streets in residential areas. Recommended that a landscape architect be hired for a traditional plan that can be used throughout the streets. Cost expected for a concept in the area of $5,000.00 that can be used on any of the historic streets. Interested if there are any grants, city expenses that can contribute to pay for this concept. Concept may be used by residents and commercial to keep a unified look throughout the streets. Ms. Ginger Hoke will also be contributing her time with the architect. III. Minutes: Minutes from the meeting of March 4, were approved first motion from Betty Akers, seconded by Eliza Pringle. All members present approved. IV. Chairperson & Co. Recommendation from members present for Chairperson for Connie Williams, to be co by Betty Akers. First motion of approval from Eliza Pringle, seconded by Chip Chapman. • V. Recognition Award: For the month of April, recognition went to Hops Restaurant & Grill on Oregon Avenue. Discussion for the month of May and June to be appointed. For the month of May, Chamber of Commerce, for the month of June, Welchel & Howard Accounts - Sanford Avenue; for the month of September Don Pablo's restaurant. VI. Work Projects: Work schedule a little behind at this time. Vandalism of paint to picnic tables bathrooms through Ft. Mellon Park, Park on Park, Centennial Park, Hidden Lakes, and Groveview. Speer Park vandalism included busting of sprinkler system. Work progress for planting of trees along rights of way is still on going. Several comments made for Seminole County with the median landscaping implementation. Pace Jackson Cemetery clean up is scheduled for every Tuesday. So far to date about 30 volunteers help to clean. Bid open for Centennial Park gazebo is expected April 10, 1998. The color of the paint will need to go before Historic Trust for approval of color. Prior to painting bottom of gazebo will be cut short of 6 inches, due to rot damage of wood. East Day 98 is still scheduled with the Sanford Zoo. Requesting that SIB members be available for assistance during the program. VII. Budget 98/99. Projects budgeted for the following year are as follows: George Toughy Park, Historic tree plantings, Wildflower implementations to the amount of $115,000.00. • Meeting adjourned 5:10 p.m. SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD AGENDA 411 The Scenic Improvement Board will be meeting, March 4, 1998, 4:00 p.m., regular meeting, City Commission Conference Room, first floor. I. Minutes from February, 1998. II. Recognition Award. Mar. - Quality Control Landscaping; 200 N. Maple Ave Apr - Ma y - III. Work Projects. VI. Comments & discussion. DISTRIBUTION: Catherine Bossert Tim Donahoe Betty Akers Connie Williams Jone C. Porter • Trish Thomas Harold Chapman Rose Long Eliza Pringle Mike Kirby Howard Jeffries City Mayor, City Commissioners (4) City Manager Sentinel Star Sanford Herald ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286. 0105) ADVISE TO THE PUBLIC: Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. (ADA handbook, subpart E- Communications, 35.160 General). SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD MINUTES The Scenic Improvement Board met in a regular meeting, March, 4, 1998, 4:00 p.m., II/ City Commission Conference Room, first floors. Members present: Connie Williams, Eliza Pringle, Catherine Bossart „ Rose Long, Harold Chapman, Jone Porter, Trish Thomas. Members absent: Tim Donahoe, Betty Akers. I. New members: Trish Thomas was welcomed to her first meeting with the SIB board. II. Minutes: First motion of approval for the minutes from February meeting was Connie Williams, seconded by Harold Chapman. All members present approved. III. Recognition Award: For the month of March, Quality Control, 200 N. Maple Avenue recipient for the month. Award was well received. For the month of April, Hops Restaurant /Sports is recommended. For the month of May, Chamber of Commerce. IV. Work Projects: Pace Jackson cemetery has been started for clean up with the area. 12 tons of logs to dump to date, at 25% completed cleaned. From the State of Forestry acknowledgment received as recipients of the Tree City, U.S.A. for 1997 and also granted the Growth Award for 1997. Howard has asked that the members wish for projects for the budget year 1997/98 work pages. Will include George Toughy Park as renovated and upgraded for the Famous Historic Tree relocation for the expenditure of $100,000.00. At this • time the tree relocation for Toughy park is before the City Commission for approval. Centennial Park gazebo will be going out to bid for the painting /repair job. May take up to six weeks for bid process before approval of job. Still needs to be seen in front of the Historic Board for the color of paint within the historic district. Work schedules at this time includes fertilizing park areas, pruning shrubs, trees. Earth Day this year will be held again with the Zoo. Day of event April 25, 1998. Trees have been ordered for give away. What will be left some to the Zoo, and plant rest at the Nursery. IV. Comments & discussion: Received written resignation from Tim Donahoe effective today. Recommendation for appointment to the vacancy; Mr. J. Manuel Acevedo. Memo to the City Commission for filling vacancy. Rose Long commented on Seminole Co planting "dead grass" at the medians along Sanford Avenue and Lake Mary Blvd. Connie Williams comment was that the County /Relief agencies needs to be recognized for the efforts in the recent tornado destruction. Meeting adjourned 4:40 p.m. „„) • 111 TREE CITY, U. S. A. AGENDA February 9 1998, 11:00 a.m. CENTENNIAL PARK 5TH STREET AND PARK AVENUE I. Welcome and Flag Salute; Howard Jeffries II. Introduction of guests; Howard Jeffries III. Remarks Mayor Larry A. Dale and City Commission 411 IV. Arbor Day, Tree City U. S. A. Dana Susman, Fla Div. Of Forestry V. Planting of Treaty Live Oak - Mayor Larry A. Dale - SIB - et al SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD • AGENDA The Scenic Improvement Board will be meeting, February 4, 1998, 4:00 p.m., regular meeting, City Commission Conference Room, first floor. I. New Members: Jone C. Porter Trish Thomas Harold Chapman II. Minutes from January, 1998. III. Recognition Award. Feb. - McDonald's 3785 Orlando Dr; 2/4/98 3:30 pm Mar. - Quality Control Landscaping; 200 N. Maple Ave Apr - May - recommendations received: Hops Grill, Denny's Rest. IV. Arbor Day, Tree City 1998: February 9, 1998. V. Work Projects. • VI. Comments & discussion. DISTRIBUTION: Catherine Bossert Tim Donahoe Betty Akers Connie Williams Jone C. Porter Trish Thomas Harold Chapman Rose Long Eliza Pringle Mike Kirby Howard Jeffries City Mayor, City Commissioners (4) City Manager Sentinel Star Sanford Herald ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided 411 by the City of Sanford. (FS 286. 0105) ADVISE TO THE PUBLIC: Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. (ADA handbook, subpart E- Communications, 35.160 General). SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD MINUTES The Scenic Improvement Board met in a regular meeting, February, 4, 1998, 4:00 • p.m., City Commission Conference Room, first floors. Members present: Connie Williams, Eliza Pringle„ Catherine Bossart, Betty Akers, Rose Long, Harold Chapman, Jone Porter. Members absent: Tim Donahoe, Trish Thomas. I. New members: Harold Chapman and Jone Porter were well received by the board. Trish Thomas was absent from this meeting. II. Minutes: First motion of approval for the minutes from February meeting was Connie Williams, seconded by Eliza Pringle. All members present approved. III. Recognition Award: For the month of February, recipient McDonald's. Orlando Drive. Award was well received. For the month of March, Quality Control Landscaping, 200 N. Maple Avenue. March meeting should present a recipient for April. IV. Arbor Day, 1998: Arbor Day will be held February 9, 19998 at the Centennial Park. Schedule time 11:00 a.m. Catherine Bossert will encourage the Methodist pre - school children to attend and help with the planting of a tree. Planted will be Live Oak "treaty tree" said to be from a 150 year old tree. Ms. Dana Sustman from the Orange Co Forestry Division has stated she shall be there. Invitations went to all commissioners, the mayor and city manager. 411 V. Work Projects: Several basketball parks have had vandalism to the backboards. Five to date to be replaced at the cost of $1,000.00 per backboard. D.O.T. has contacted the City as to enhancement of I -4 corridor along medians for wildflower planting. Also informed that the medians are planned to be re- sodded by the D.O.T. Wildflower median at Lk Mary & Orlando Drive was water flooded and will be treated and replanted. The Sanford Garden Club has donated $100.00 for continuation of wildflower planting. IV. Historic Tree Planting: Questions from the board as to different costs to construct the Famous Historic Park. The cost of brick paver walk versus concrete versus mulch. The hinderence to walk in mulch would not be suitable if inhibited as a "walk park" involving the school children and the elderly. Brick paver is the biggest expense estimated at $66,000.00 for implementation. Comments from board is to implement stages of the park in various phases. Comments received that the Historic Trust would like to see some tree relocation by their "Spring Garden Walk ". It would encourage the citizens to be included as well as a feature into the Historic walk through town. Suggestions was to set up a prototype by the Spring Garden Tour to encourage donations from the public for a "brick paver walk ". Word from Ginger Hoke was that F.P.L. is interested in the landscaping design at the so= station located on the opposite corner. Howard explained to the board the steps of implementation for a project: site approval, approval from neighborhood, removal of playground equipment, locating of utility lines within the park area, laying walkway, relocating the trees, modifying the irrigation system. Meet' g adjourned 4:50 p.m. • SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD • AGENDA The Scenic Improvement Board will be meeting, January 14, 1998, 4:00 p.m., regular meeting, City Commission Conference Room, first floor. I. Minutes from November and December, 1997. II. Recognition Award. Jan. - rescheduled Feb. - McDonald's 3785 Orlando Dr; 2/4/98 3:30 pm Mar. - recommendations received: Hops Grill, Denny's Rest. III. Arbor Day, Tree City 1998: February 9, 1998. IV. Members term. Amelia Royster - replacement Betty Canavino- resigned Fred Ganas- reappointment V. Work Projects. 411 VI. Comments & discussion. DISTRIBUTION: Amelia Royster Catherine Bossert Tim Donahoe Betty Akers Connie Williams Rose Long Eliza Pringle Fred Ganus Mike Kirby Howard Jeffries City Mayor, City Commissioners (4) City Manager Sentinel Star Sanford Herald ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105) • ADVISE TO THE PUBLIC: Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626, 48 hrs in advance of the meeting. (ADA handbook, subpart E- Communications, 35.160 General). SCENIC IMPROVEMENT BOARD MINUTES The Scenic Improvement Board met in a regular meetin g, January 14, 1998, 4:00 • p City Commission Conference Room, first floors. Members present: Connie Williams, Bossart, slizo Pringle, Tim Donahoe, Betty Akers, Rose Long. Catherine Members absent: Fred Ganas, Amelia Royster. I. M1 nu tes: Minutes from November and December meetings were a pproved with first motion from Betty Akers, seconded b II. Recognition Award For Y Connie Williams. the month of January was scheduled to be McDonald's Restaurant- Orlando Drive. conflicts with with board members Schedule McDonald's. It is now scheduled for February 19 at of 3:30 p.m. For Y 4, 1978 at recommendations was toe month of March, 1998 N Maple Av. Quality Control Landsca the La ndscaping-200 III. Arbor Da__ v98 Sanford's Arbor Day is held the second Monday of February. Scheduled date will be February 9, 1998 Planting of a historic 150 seedling from a 1500 year old tree at the Centennial Park. Invitation has gone to the State of Florida Forestry Division to attend. E ncouragement of all members to be will be 11:00 a.m. present. Time set IV. Members a ointment: Terms for Bette Cannavino, Amelia Royster, Fred Ganas, Eliza Pringle. Fred Ganas did not wish to be reappointed. Bette resigned her position, Amelia Royster cannot be reappointed. Recommendations for the three vacant seats were as follows: written application received from J. Manual Acedvedo, recommendations from Trish Thomas, verbal Porter, Mr. J. Harold Chapman. Ms Jone write C. recommendations for the . Secretary to th next meeting. City Commission for their IV. Gues_ t Visitor: Howard introduced our uest a professional land architect who ehas Ginger Hoke. She t recently • Ft. City of Sanford. She has been meeting with Howard on placement of the historic trees Y moved into from the Lakefront that will Tane t to be moved established for the . Mellon Park. Two sights were s is Tou relocation of the trees. The first Pate. ghy Park spot because of the used to be called This would be ideal of a s Elm e ol trees that are located within the , the Student Museum is across the streetrandrhasds Alto, the children the history of Sanford. tours to show incorporated with the Seminole This could they receive County on the be at the Museum. history thao playground equipment but designated The concept shows trees and 4nated area for re no incorporating a walk path to Ptorting of the trees. Second learn history the the 20th ondeproposal for Bel Air Y among towards & Mellonville park located implementing the trees is way out the Area. The e o f for City and not so much visibly n y east side of the using Bel Air Park, Y seen by the public. plantin room Y °f live birth me is available With g area in memor eo incorporate a r ecommendation is expense morial. for Toughy Park. More ex Member in updated irrigation required. Expenses would walkway, trash cans. Some expense ma bankhbs mulch walk y be cut back by brick instead of brick. Y using path i V. Member vacanc ; There is three seats available. One written application received from the City Clerk's office. J. Manual Acevedo. Verbal recommendation Harold Cha for Jone C. Porter, Trish Thomas, J pman. V. work schedule: Howard has received information from the elan maintenance office as to implementing State DOT g 1-4 corridor. Impression wildflower medians interchange. Bay Avenue is to enhance Dunn Park. Park is to be renamed the site James • . Meeting adjourned 5:05 p.m.