HomeMy WebLinkAbout021-Willard & Ola Harrison GR~NT OF E~SEME~ THIS INDENTU~-E, made this ~_~day of ~,A.D. i9 ~_, bet~,een WiLLARD ~ISON and CIGAR. his wife ~ s~inole , and State of ~lorida ~ the County of ......... ~ ~v~v ~ ~ANFO~D, ~o~ID~ a ~f ~ ~== of the first par~, ~nm.~%ml~ole County, FlorX~, municipal corporation, el - par~Y of the second par~; ~, for and in the s~ of o~e ~omA= consideration of aid by p~rty of ~he second ~ *~em in ~nd P ~ _ . ~_ _~ mranted ~.~ receipt whereo~ ~ ~--%~.t~ do ~ ~r~u~ aha ~o~=~e ~-~' ~= ~-d by these pr~ .... ~-~=~ne. an~ ~ce-=~ a perOetual easemeU~ under, upon, and across the in 8a~-~Iord, Beminole County, Florida, more particularly des- cribed aS: The Southerly 15 feet of parcel described as follows: Begin 200 feet West of the in~e=section of the present Southerly right-of-way line of State Road 46 and the · .. -wa line of persi~on Avenue, run West West rzght of. Y .... = ...... · line of State Road 46, along Southerly rzgn~-o~ ~ 300 feet, thence a distance of 150 feet, thence South EasZ parallel to State Road 46 150 feet, thence North 300 feet to Point of Beginning, Sec. 26 To.ship 19S Range 30E for utility purposes, including specifically storm and sanitarY sewers, and for the installation, inspection, servicing, repair, mgintenance, and replacement of all utilities now existing or hereafter to exist on said propertY, such easement including the r~.ghm of free ingress and egreSS over and ecroSS said property for any of the Ourpoeee aforesaid. · ~ .have he,e- art ~es of the.firs~ ~.~ ~t above IN WITNESB WHE~REOF, ~nds-~_~_s the aay and year z~rs untO ess ~hand ~. written. Bi~ned, sealed, and delivered in-the presence of: TATE OF FLORIDA , CouNTY OF SEMINOLE I Hzo~EBY cERTIFY that on this day in the next above named officer duly authorized to ad- grate and County before me., an ...... +s personally appeared minister oaths and take acgnoW~e~m~ , Willard Harrison ~d Ola R. Harrison, ~fe . ~m~el~no~ and kno~ tO me to be ~a~ crlbed In and who executed ~he fore~oin~ eaeemen%, who knowle~ed before me that _they executed the same a~ free act and deed, IN WITNEB~ .~OF, I have hereunto se% my hand and of- ~ete of County of ~' flolal seal at Sanford ,-' ' ~ .... ~.~rxA19 o~ · Florida · thia 2~ ~ay of '~~ '