HomeMy WebLinkAbout018A-J Brailey & Louise OdhamGRANT OF EAtEMEN,T, . .,A.D. THIS INDENTURE, made this . 19 .. day of J~n.~r¥ a~d B~te of F~O~da . ,, of the County of ,ecan~ , par~ ~es of the first par~, and CITY OF SANVORD, FLO~DA, a muni~l corporation, sltus~8 in Seminole County, Flori~, par~y of the second pnrt; WITNES~ETH, Tha~ per~~es of th8 flrs~ par~, for and in consideration of the sum o~ Dollar and other valuable con- In hand paid by perry of the second sideration ~o Them psr~, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,~h~ g~ante~ and conveyed, and by these presents ~o ~r~,~5 aha convey ~o partz cf the second p~rt, its successors, assigns, and licensees, a peroetual easemen~ under, upon, and across ~he proDer~y situate In Ss~ford, Seminole County, Florida, mcr8 particularly des- c ribe[t as: The east 15~ of ]~t 9 Block 5 Sun]and Estates as recorded in Plat bo~k I1 Pages 16 through 22 of the Public records of Seminole County~ Florida. for utility purposes, including specifically storm and sanitary ~sewers, and for the installation, inspection, servicing, repair, ~m~intenance, and replacement of all utilities now existing or ~hereafter to exist on said property, such easemen~ including the :=rtght of free ingres~ and egress over and scross said property for any of the ourposes aforesaid. IN ~ITNESS WHEREOF, partJ~__ of the first pat.'hays he.e- unto ee~ +~!~ hand_s_ and geal ~, the day and year flrst above written. Si~ned, sealed, and delivered in-the presence of: ,'~,r7 ,?.t .~ '~ , ~ h STATE OF F]or!d~ ' COUNTY OF ~rang~ ..' I HmqEBY CERTIFY that on this day in the next above named qtate and County before me, an officer duly authorized to ad- minister oaths and take acknowledgments, personally apoeared J. Bra~le¥ ~dham & ~ou]se T. ~dham his w~fe , to me well-known and known to me to be the individual s des- ,,~ ,,,~ cribed in and who executed the foregoing easement, who ac. ,.,' ~.knowledged before me tha~ they executed the' same aS their ;~.~"'"''f.ree act and deed. · ~, ,o~ ~ r?~. IN WITNESS W-HEREOF, . .. "u o v t ~-i~-i~ , this have hereunto set my hand and of- , County of Or~g~ , State of .day of January _, 19 66..... ?.~ .z~ ~_ .~- ~otary Public '~'ommi s ~ ion Expires: / ~