HomeMy WebLinkAbout018B-J Brailey & Louise Odham G_Pu:.NT... OF THIS INDENTURE, made this _19 .... day of ,l~nuarv .... ,A.D. bet,~reen ·· - · , !9~f~., and State of ~J~rlda of the County of ~ng~ ..-' par~ies _of the first par~, and CITY OF SANMORD, ~oRIDA, a municipal corporation, situate in Seminole County, Elorida, party of the second p~r~; WITNES~ETH, Tha~ P~rtie~ of ~he flrs~ part, for and in consideration of the s~m o~e Dollar and other valuable con- ~hem in hand paid by p~rty of the second slderation ~9 .... "~ acknowledged, ~ve _ grante~ D~r~, reoelp~ where ...... ~,~ d~ ~r~t aha convey p~r~7 of the secona p~ru, ~- ....... situate a pe?~etu, al easemen~ under, upon, an~ across the ~roDer~y In ~a:~forel, Seminole County, Florida, mope particularly cribed as: The South 7 ft. of Lot 51 Sunland Estates first addition as recorded in plat Book 12 pages 97 7 98 of the Public Records of Seminole County, ~ ~ C Florida. ~ . for utility purposes, including specifically storm and sanitary ~ewere, and for the installation, inspection, servicing, 'repair, ~lntenance, and replacement of all utilities now existing or ~ereafter Zo exist on said property, such easement including the ~lghZ of free ingress and egress over and 8crosS said proper~y for ~ny of the ourposes aforesaid. harpies of the IN ~ITNESS W~OF, ~nd ~ the day aha year flrs~ hands . unto se~ ?heir written · Si~ned, sealed, and 8elivered ~ . Ir, the presence of; ~ ' ' -~' ~../~ .... (~eal) STATE OF Florida , COUNTY OF- Oranqe .... · I H~REBY CERTIFY that on this day in the next above named qtate and County before me, an officer duly authorized to ad- minister oaths and take acknowledgments, personally aDDeared J. Brailey Odham & Louise T. Odham his wife , cribed in and who executed the foregoing easement, who kDowledged before me that they executed the same ae their .. = - .~.ee act and deed. · ""~- IN ~ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto se~ my hand and of- ~ ~ Or~cial seal at ~rlando ., County of ~r~nae .., State of "~'-~ ~a _, this 19 day of January .... , 19 66 .