HomeMy WebLinkAbout013-Ellalee E KirchoffRECORDS THIS INDENTI~E, made this 2znd .day of _~,A.D. Ellalee E. Kirchhoff ~19~63 _, between ~ - and store of ~Flori~a cf the County of Semino!e _= ~ITY OF sANFORD, FLOPiD~ a ~t of the first Pa~f._~ Seminole County, Florins, party of the second p~r~; in wiTNESSETH, That psrt% of the flrs~ part, for and con- t~e sum of One Dollar and other valuable consideration of tn ~nd paid by p~rty of the second her nowledmed, ~% granted sideration ~o . ff~ ~= he-ebV ack ~ ~ =sa convey to parZ, receipt wnereOI ~ *'~- ~ ._ ~ gren~ ..... and conveyed, :n5 bv these presentm ~_ -m~si~ns, and ..... ~er upon, aha across '~_~%~e~,ua%e a-t~ of ~he s~0n~p~rt' its suooesoor~, -- a perOe~.~* ~ ~ -~ ~untV, Florlaa, m~ . , :~ feet of cribe~ aS: ~ne.~°~ino ~o the plat tne-y.V?~..,' Pusemen% e~ of said Lot 21, and Book 4, Pages =~- , ' Plat . ~ he Westerly SO ~ _ .~a 21 with a l~ne he in at the l~er~=g~t W~sterlv of the bas~c~ y parallel with and ~ ~ ...... easterly along the Northerly line - 1 thence run South 0 feet of said Lot 21,. S0 ~eet of sa~d Lo~ ~ , er of the Weste~ly~S f Lot 2 of said of said hot..21~°~.N~h~°~st line of th~ ~_S~a~n~' thence run thence run ~or~n.~z~ s ' e of existing ~51~1~ ..;a k t 2 to the ' 2 to ~he N~rtherly.~n.~ ~nnt erlv line oz = .... o feet Block n ~, ...... h _ o{ Westerly SO Northwesterly parallel w~ line of Easterly 7 feet intersection with the Westerly of said Lot 21, extended Northerly, thence run Southwesterly to the point of beginning~ recorded in the public records of Seminole County, Florida, . ....... ectflcallY s~o~ and eani~a~ - ..~1t~v ~u~oMeM, l~Ol~lnM :~ ...... tlon 8ervlclng, repamr, rot u~*~- i ~L~the installatign'.~n~t%e~ now existing or~_ sewers, ann ~[m ~:~lacement of a,~ ~-[-5i.~ent including %ne m~intenance, an~ ~_ --~d ~ropertY, such ~_ --~d ~roper~Y ~ereafter %o eX~em on ~ :~-meS over and 8crosm ~ rtght of free in,remS an~ for any of the OurposeS aforesaid. arty of %he first par~'~ IN WITNESS -~OF, P ~ *~ may and year ~% untO se% her _ hand and sea*~ ~ ~ - 1 written. si~ned, sealed, and delivered .,~:. in the presence of: I H~EBY CERTIFY t on this day in the next above named ffioer duly authorized to ad- t before me, an o ll appeared qtate and Cg~n Y_~ +ake acknowledgments, perSOna Y , mzn . ~ al des- ~Jf~~t~----~-d' knoE mo m= ~ b ~o me well-Eno~ ~'~ the foregoing easement, who ae~ crlbed in and who executed ;~ .... ,,ted the same aS /~ knowle~ed before me that ~ res act and deed. . ~ .~. mv hand and f N ~ITNEBS ~E~OF ,~ I. h~ve_ne~n~ ~~ , Bt~e of I ~ . , uo~ Y fici~l ~eal at ~ day of /~,J _, 19~'