HomeMy WebLinkAbout011-Harcar Land & Investment TR%S %NDENTURE, Made · ~ ~ ~uvESTMENT, [NCo, a A D , 1963, by and between t~CAR LAI~P * zt o~ the ~irst part, and C%TY OF -~ --=&a corporation, pa Y ~tv o~ the secon~ ~DA a municipal corpOration, SANFO~, FLO~ , of Ten part, wiTNESSETR, ~or and in conside~ati°n o~ the sum Dollars (~10.00) together with other goo& and valuable consi&era- tion pai& by party of the second part to party o~ the ~i~st part, receipt of which is ac~owledged, party o~ the ~irst part by these presents does hereby give, grant, bargain and sell untO party of the second part and its successOrS, an easement ~or installation and maintenance of pipe lines, drainage &itch, and service access road upon the following described property lying and being in seminole County, Florida, to-wit: Beginning on the East line of Section 11, Township 20 South, Range 30 East, at a point 37.56 chains South o~ the ~ corner of said Section 11, thence o~ the ~k o~ the SE~ o~ ~fi ~ 8 23 chains, ~ ...... ]~e o~ 17-92, thence ~or~ ' -.~-. ~i~ht of way the weste~7 ~ aid right of way line ~ ~=o ~0' East along s .~ c~.o gO' West 530'9~o North ~J ~ ~ run Morrn u~ ~ ~ Uorth ZD boo.ss g t 'li beginning, thepce~}u%~ 30' Ceet ~or a po~nu ~ ~ +hence ~un Sou~t~ ~ ~0' East 195.675 teen, ~ 25° 30' West 195.675 hence run South East 25 feet, t ..o ~0' West 25 feet to point feet, thence ~un North b~ o~ beginning. It is covenanted and agreed by party of the second pax that said easement a~ea will be used for the purpose o~ insta and maintaining a pipe line with necessary drainage and ~or i gress and egress by party of the second part to its well ~ie] sites, and that the same will be used ~o~ municipal purposes -1- It is further covenanted and agreed that this easement is granted upon the following conditions and terms: 1. That the party of the first part shall have the right and privilege to surface and resurface the aforesaid 25 foo easement at any time and in t~e event the party of the second part finds it necessary to excavate said surface or resurfacing, the said party of the second part shall bear the cost of replac- ing same. 2. That the party of the first part shall have the right and privilege to fence the aforesaid easement on the north, south, and west thereof and in the event said easement is fenced by the said party of the first part, the party of the shall bear the cost of installation of necessary gates south and north of said easement for ingress thereto. second part on the the purposes of egress and 3. That the excavation or construction of any drainage ditch in, through, or upon said easement shall be along the west- erly boundary thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, party of the first part has caused this instrument to be executed in its name by its proper corporat~ officers and the corporate seal thereto affixed the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence Of: