HomeMy WebLinkAbout022309 ws agn & min MINUTES 36 City Commission, Sanford, Florida Work Session February 23. 2009! _ E00514441DW CITY OF SANFORD CITY COMMISSION WORK SESSION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 23,2009 4:00 PM Railroad Depot 2nd Sanford Cit 300 North Park Av Sanford, FI oom loor Hall nue rida J ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONS WITH A DISABILITY, SUCH AS A VISION, HEARING OR SPEECH IMPAIRMENT, OR PERSONS NEEDING OTHER TYPES OF ASSISTANCE, AND WHO ATTEND CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS OR ANY OTHER BOARD OR COMMITTEE MEETING MAY CONTACT THE CITY CLERK IN WRITING, OR MAY CALL 407. FOR INFORMATION REGARDING AVAILABLE AIDS AND SERVICES. PURSUANT TO SECTION 286.0105, FLORIDA STATUTES, IF ANY PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COMMISSION WITH RES CT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS PUBLIC MEETING, SUCH PERSON WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, SUCH PERS N MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, INCLUDING THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL I TO BE BASED. This record is not provided by the City of Sanford. .., ______________________________________________________---------------------------------- i ~ AGENDA 1) Interview applicants for alternate positions on Planning and Zoning Commission. (Regular Item [Commission Memo 09-070] . 9.A) 2) Childrens Cabinet of Seminole County - presentation. 3) Sanford Housing Authority - discussion with SHA members. 4) Proposal by Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency to amend its boundar s presentation.[Commission Memo 09-066] 5) SeminoleW A Y Economic Development Initiative Project - update.[Commission Memo 09-067] 6) Ordinance Adoption Procedures - discussion. [Commission Memo 09-085] 7) Mobile Vendor Policy Options - discussion.[Commission Memo 09-072] 8) From February 9, 2009 Work Session: Fort Mellon Park Phase I Project Update - presentation. [Com ission ..., Memo 09-084] .... 9) Public Safety Complex Project Status Report - information.[Commission Memo 09-083] 10) Q2U Quarterly Report - Second Quarter Management Report - information. [Commission Memo 09-082] 11) Proposed Code Enforcement Ordinances - discussion. 12) Agenda Items - additional information and/or questions. 13) End the meeting. ...., f .....J ""'II!I IIIIIlIii t [ [ [ [ [ MINUTES 37 City Commission, Sanford, Florida Work Session February 23, 2009 EOO5l4441DW The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, February 23, 2009 at 4:00 PM, in the Railroad Depot Room, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Linda Kuhn Vice Mayor Randy Jones [Arrived at 4:07 PM] Commissioner Art Woodruff Commissioner Velma Williams Commissioner Jack T. Bridges City Manager Robert (Sherman) Yehl Assistant City Attorney Lonnie Groot City Clerk Janet R. Dougherty Administrative Specialist Pat Lee Mayor Kuhn called the Work Session to order at 4:00 PM. Althea Parrish and Beth Dwyer presented the Mayor with a framed picture of the 2008 Seminole High School 6A Football State Champion pep rally and bar-b-que held in honor of the team. 1) Interview applicants for alternate positions on Planning and Zoning Commission. (Reg. Item No. 9A) [Commission Memo 09-070]. The Commission interviewed one applicant, Warren Bonett. 2) Childrens Cabinet of Seminole County - presentation. Lynn Whitcomb, Communications Co-chair, The Children's Cabinet of Seminole County, gave a powerpoint presentation. Ms. Whitcomb stated that at this time the Childrens Cabinet of Seminole County was not asking for money but asked for support by attendance at meetings. It was the consensus of the Commission for Ms. Whitcomb to contact the Mayor's office and provide a list of meeting dates/times and to give an annual presentation to the Commission in the same format as todays. 3) Sanford Housing Authority - discussion with SHA members. Mr. Yehl announced that this item will be on the March 23,2009 Work Session. 4) Proposal by Sanford Community Redevelopment Agency to amend its boundaries -presentation.[Commission Memo 09-066] Robert Tunis, Economic Development & Promotions Director, distributed a hand-out showing the buildings and proposed boundary expansion that is limited to six blocks (restricted to the commercial areas) noting the expansion would provide the opportunity for fa~ade grants to these properties. Mr. Yehl stated the monetary impact is about $26,000 to the general fund and asked for direction regarding a presentation before the County Commission and estimated the street scaping to cost $750,000 per block. Meetings would be held with the district County Commissioner prior to making the presentation before the entire County Commission. This plan does not include Georgetown. It was the consensus of the Commission to add the east side of Sanford A venue between 2nd and 3rd Streets and eliminate the Riverview portion from this proposal. 5) SeminoleW A Y Economic Development Initiative Project update. [Commission Memo 09-067] Tom Tomerline, Seminole County Economic Development Department, gave a powerpoint presentation (update) for Phase 2 of the SeminoleW A Y corridor. 6) Ordinance Adoption Procedures - discussion. [Commission Memo 09-085] Mr. Yehl stated this procedure would allow for two public hearings on all ordinances, one at each reading, and referred to a chart depicting possible alternatives, noting the cost is deminimus. Assistant City Attorney Lonnie Groot stated that a policy would need to be set for all cases at all times. It was the consensus of the Commission to publicize both first MINUTES 38 City Commission, Sanford, Florida Work Session February 23, 2009 __ E00514441DW and second readings of ordinances. The ad will be published two days before first reading and will advertise both first and second readings in the same advertisement. 7) Mobile Vendor Policy Options - discussion. [Commission Memo 09-072] Russ Gibson, Director of Planning and Development and Larry Robertson, Development Services Manager, presented three options for the Commission to consider. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission that staff ] move forward with Option 3 and to obtain additional legal input from Assistant City Attorney Lonnie Groot. 8) From February 9, 2009 Work Session: Fort Mellon Park Phase I Project Update - presentation. [Commission Memo 09-084] ] Marc Hultin, Parks & Grounds Operations Manager, gave a powerpoint presentation on the construction taking place at Fort Mellon Park Phase 1. Mayor Kuhn asked that staff make sure that the project is substantially completed by May 30, 2009 per the grant requirements. Commissioner Jones asked staff to provide the cost for constructing a small pavilion. [Mayor Kuhn left the meeting at 5:34 PM and returned at 5:36 PM] 9) Public Safety Complex Project Status Report - information. [Commission Memo 09-083] Nicholas McCray, Project Manager and Fire Chief Jerry Ransom gave an update on the Public Safety Complex. Mr. Ransom stated that the project was on budget but was backed up six weeks due to some design (structural) issues. A groundbreaking ceremony is tentatively scheduled for June 17, 2009. Mr. Yehl stated that there is a possibility that this project may qualify for (federal) stimulus money. 10) Q2U Quarterly Report - First Quarter Management Report - information. [Commission Memo 09-082] Mr. Yehl stated that revenue is down and that staff is trying to control expenditures for the remainder of this fiscal year and that non-essential spending would be eliminated. He stated that within the next six weeks he will provide the Commission with some alternatives on how to reduce expenditures, noting he is not in favor of reducing staff and that the Commission will need to make some policy decisions. Commissioner Woodruff asked that the City Manager speak with the unions regarding a couple percent salary reduction in this fiscal year and recommended setting a "floor" so as to not impact those at the bottom who do not make much money. 11) Proposed Code Enforcement Ordinances - discussion. Mr. Yehl stated a side-by-side comparison of the International Property Maintenance Code and the existing Standard Housing Code has been prepared, noting this information will be available on the web site as well as distributed at the public meeting this week and he distributed a flow chart on the citation process. Discussion was held concerning the foreclosure ordinance and Assistant City Attorney Lonnie Groot stated that the burden is on the ownerllender and the concept is to know that the property is vacant and subject to lien/foreclosure procedure because it is more likely to become a nuisance or have a criminal vulnerability state. Commissioner Woodruff aske.d that staff be more specific on writing citation violations and it was the consensus of the Commission that a written verification of compliance be done and mailed to the property owner. 12) Agenda Items - additional information and/or questions. Commissioner Woodruff asked questions on two Consent Agenda Items: Items 6.1 and 6.1. Commissioner Williams asked about the Public Safety Complex and if there was anything the City could do to put the architect on notice. Mr. Yehl responded that we do not have a recourse at this time other than being very unhappy with them. 13) End the meeting. ] ] ] [ [ r- Ii .... 11III""'"""" Mo- - ...... ~ MINUTES 39 City Commission, Sanford, Florida Work Session February 23, 2009 E00514441DW Mayor Kuhn adjourned the Work Session at 6:17 P.M. c ~ .~-~ Mayor inda Kuhn Attest: ~.~ . - ity Clerk. M- pI ...