HomeMy WebLinkAbout010-Hunt Oil Company0~- F ICIAL RECOr.,!OS THIS INDEETURE~ made and entered into this 5th day of December~ t962~ by and between tTqAY2 0IL COMPANY~ a Delaware corporation, with its principal office at 700 Mercantile Bank Building~ Dallas 1~ Texas~ here- inafter referred to as "GRANTOR"~ and the CITY OF SA1VffORD~ a municipal corporation of the State of Florida~ hereinafter referred to as the "GRANTEE" WITNE S SETH : That: for and in consideration of the stun of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged~ the Grantor has this day given and granted and by these presents does hereby give and grant: transfer and deliver unto the said Grantee~ an easement for the p,arpose of constructing~ operating and main- taining sewer mains~ including the right to enter upon the land hereinafter described for such purposes. ~ne Grantee~ as part of the consideration for this easement: shall assume all public liability for the construction~ operation and maintenance of said sewer mains. The land affected by the grant of this easement is a portion of that certain tract described in a deed dated August 7: 1962~ between Jack B. Blatt~ individually and as Trustee joined by his wife~ Helen Blatt~ as parties of the first part~ and Hunt 0il Company~ as party of the second part, with said deed covering lands in the County of Seminol% State of Florida~ and said deed being recorded in Book 4t5~ page 388 of the Official Records~ Seminole Coumty~ Florida~ and the land affected by the grant of this easement is more particularly described as follows: -1- BEGINNING in the South line of the right-of-way of Silver Lake Drive (an 80-foot right-of-way) at the point that right-of-way intersects the East line of the right-of-way of Sanford Avenue (an 80-foot right- of-way) TH2~NCE southerly along the East line of the right- of way of Sanford Avenue~ a distance of 380 feet to a point; THENCE easterly along a line perpendicular to the East line of the right-of-way of Sanford Avenue, a distance of 20 feet to a point; TH~CE northerly along a line parallel to the East line of the right-of-way of Sanford Avenue~ a distance of 380 feet to a point; THENCE westerly along a line perpendicular to the East line of the right-of-way of Sanford Avenue and parallel to the North Line of this tract~ a distance of 20 feet to the point of beginning. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said easement unto the said Grantee~ its successors and assigns~ for so long as it is used for the purposes mentioned above. IN WITNESS W~EREOF~ the Grantor has hereunto set its hand and seal the day and year first written above. HUNT OIL COMPANY 0 s, vice -2- ]~ OfFICiAL COm T ] RECORDS I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l~ ~~ ~ do hereby certify that George C~s and W. B. Bee~ personally ~n to me and ~own to me to be the Vice President and Secretary~ respectively~ of HITNT OIL COMPANY~ a corporation organized and now existing under the laws of the State of Delawar% and who as such officers executed the foregoing instrumen% this d~y personally appeared before me and acknowledged before me that they executed the said instrument as such officers in the anme of and for and on behalf of said corporation freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein expressed and with full authority so to do. In witness whereof Z have hereunto set my hand and official seal this~~ day of Notary Public in and ,f~o~lDallas County~ Texas (Acknowledgement page for the easement for sewer mains between Hunt Oil Company as Grantor and the City of Sanford~ State of Florida~ as Grantee) -3-