HomeMy WebLinkAbout528 Paiva Sewer Easement ,~ 00 00 r--.. - I C"l r--.. r--.. ~ C"l ~ io-ol ~ "E c.S a rJ) oo~ 00 r--.. - >< 0 CQ 0 ~ -d' '"'" c.S a rJ) ~ 0 ~ .- u -i Cl) - u ~ .- u B ~ ~ This Instrument Prepared By: Lonnie N. Groot, Esquire Stenstrom, Mcintosh, Colbert, Whigham & Partlow, PA 1001 Heathrow Park Lane, Suite 4001 Lake Mary, Florida 32746 Tax Parcel 10 Number: 25-19-30-5AG-0317-00EO '~IMUgUg..UgUMUgUMmHU.IU F C:7g MARYANNE MORSE, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURt/ j.:.. SEMINOLE cwm BI< 07169 Pgl 0470 - 4731 (4pgl) CLERK'S # 2009040454 RECORDED 04/16/2009 12144105 PM RECORDING FEES 35.50 RECORDED BY T S. i th GRANT OF EXCLUSIVE CITY SEWER EASEMENT o-hl A.l THIS INDENTURE is made and entered into this () day of ~, 2009, by and between, Russell Paiva, whose address is 111 South ~r Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771, County of Seminole, and State of Florida, party of the first part, and the City of Sanford, a municipal corporation, whose address is, 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771, which is situated in the County of Seminole, the State of Florida, party of the second part; WITNESSETH, the party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar and other valuable consideration paid by the party of the second part, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants and conveys to party of the second part, its successors, assigns, licensees an exclusive perpetual sewer easement and right-of-way, as described in Exhibit 'A' (attached, pages 1 and 2, and as illustrated therein) which easement shall be for uses under, upon and across the south ten feet (10') of the property situated in the City of Sanford, Seminole County, Florida and more particularly described as: Commence at the Southwest corner of the NW Northwest % of Block 3, Tier 17, of said FLORIDA LAND AND COLONIZATION COMPANY LIMITED MAP OF ST. GERTRUDE ADDITION TO THE TOWN OF SANFORD and run North 1035'55" West along the West line of said Northwest % of Block 3, Tier 17, 1.3S feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continue along said West line North 1035'55" West, 10.00 feet; thence leaving said West line run North Sr53'08"E, 55.09 feet to a point on the East line of said Northwest % of Block 3, Tier 17; thence run South 1 030'25" East along said East line, 10.00 feet; thence leaving said East line run South Sr53'OS" West, 55.07 feet to the Point of Beginning: Containing 550.S3 square feet. SAID EASEMENT to be used for City sewer services on said property and such easement shall include the right of free ingress and egress over and across said property for the purposes of constructing, installing, and maintaining said services and all sewer related associated facilities. THE PARTY of the first part shall have the right to use the easement area subject to the easement and right-of-way granted hereby including for the purposes of parking areas, driveways, and landscaping, which are not 1 . inconsistent with the use of the easement area by the party of the second part for the purposes granted hereby. PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that the party of the first part shall not have the right to grant easements to other parties without the prior written consent of tHe party of the second part. If the party of the second part disturbs any landscaping or improvements within the easement area, the party of the second part shall restore such landscaping or improvements. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part hereunto sets his hand and seal on the day and year first above written. SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: r::~ Witness Number 1 ~A~~ Witness Number 2 Russell Paiva. By: R~ p~ Russell Paiva Sole Owner 111 S. Oleander Avenue Sanford, Florida, 32771 STATEOF r=br\d~ COUNTYOF~~n~ e T NOTARY PUBlJC-STATE OF FLORIDA ,""" M L M ~W'" ary. use i ~) Co~misSlon # DD68S23S \;"..",." Exp11'es: AUG. 04, 2011 BONDED THRU ATLANTIC BONDING CO., INe. ~~ NI~. Not ry Pu - ic- m of i="'lor\du. Printed Name Qr~ L. /r}t-'<"~ 2 EXHIBIT "A" PLAT OF DESCRIPTION PAGE 1 OF 2 EASEMENT DESCRIPTIDN: (WRITTEN BY SURVEYDR) A portion or the l.Iest 55 reet or the NI.I 1/4, less road, Block 3, Tier 17.. FLDRIIJA LANIJ ANIJ CDLDNIZA TIDN CDMPANY LIMITEIJ MAP DF THE Sf. GERTRUIJE AIJIJITIDN TO THE TOI.IN DF SANFDRIJ, according to the plat thereor as recorded In Plat Book L Page 112 thru 117 of the Public Records or Sef?lnole County, Florida and being f?ore particularly described as rollows: COf?f'lence at the Southwest corner of the Nl.ll/4 or Block 3, Tier 17, or said FLDRIIJA LANIJ ANIJ CDLDNIZA TIDN CDMPANY LIMITEIJ MAP DF THE Sf. GERTRUIJE ADDITIDN TO THE TOI.IN DF SANFDRIJ and run N 1"35'55'1.1 along the l.Iest line or said NI.I 1/4 of Block 3, Tier 17, 1.38 Feet to the Point of Beginning} thence continue along said 1.19St line N 1"35'55'1.1, 10.00 reet; thence lea vlng said l.Iest line run N 87'53'08'E, 55.09 Feet to a point on the East tine or said NI.I 1/4 or Block 3, Tier 17; thence run S 1"30'25'E along said East line, 10.00 reet; thence lea vlng said East line run S 87'53'08'1.1, 55.07 reet to the Point of Beginning' Containing 550.83 square Feet. ABBREVIA TIDNS LEGEND: lP......",..""""....."".IRDN PIPE SET DR FDUND AS NDTEIJ (C)....""..............."""CDMPUTEIJ IJIMENSIDN (IJ)".............."....",,,,,IJEEIJ IJIMENSIDN FNIJ..........."................FDUNIJ lIJ..,..........",.............IIJENTIFICA TIDN IRDN................,,,,....,,,,IRDN BAR SET DR FDUNIJ AS NDTEIJ (M).............."..........",MEASUREIJ IJIMENSIDN ND.,,,,..,,,,,,,,,,,.........,,NUMBER R/I.I."...................".....RIGHT -DF -1.104 Y LB 220...."'...",,,......,,,,.REGISTRA TIDN NUMBER FDR IJDUIJNEY SURVEYING ANIJ MAPPING CDRP. (D.IJ,)..........................."DUTSIIJE IJIAMETER SURVEYDR/S NDTES: 1) The surveyor has not abstracted the land shown hereon ror easef?ents, rlghts-or-way or any other f?a tter recorded or unrecorded tha t f?ay a rrect the use or title or this lane/. 2) The bearing structure Is assuf'led based on the l.Iest line or Block 3, Tier 17, FLDRIIJA LANIJ ANIJ CDLDNIZA TIDN CDMPANY LIMITEIJ MAP DF THE Sf. GERTRUIJE AIJIJITIDN TO THE TOI.IN DF SANFDRIJ, Pia t Book L Page 112 thru 117 as being N 1"35'55'1.1. 3) All distances shown hereon are f?easured In standard u.s. root and declf?als or Feet, 4) All dlf?enslons are actual or cOf'lputed unless otherwise noted 5) This survey was perrorl"led to the accuracy or a suburban survey. 6) This Is not a survey, The sketch and description shown hereon were prepared rrof'l orrtce records, notes and pIa ts along with lIf?lted Field In vest/ga tlon and has not been cOf?pletely rleld verlrlee/. 7) See Page 2 of 2 For description dra wing and additional inForf?G tion rIEl.]) lWfllClilNI aH'. fiLE. IIlNT filE> 0I:ClClll BY. R[Vf.ttll<<J DATr.l D OUDm Companies, Inc. Mer. un. 64-74 "-71 HrJ: PRO/'ESSlONAl SURVEYORS ANlJ llAPPEBS 200 EAS/' COlfl/EBC/Al S1'BEET SANFOJUJ. FLOBIDA EXHIBIT "A" PLAT OF DESCRIPTION PAGE 2 OF 2 S1: GERTRUIJE/S A VENUE/FIRST STREET 68/ PLA TTEIJ R/w STA TE RDAIJ 46 106/ R/w DRIGINAL BLDCK AND R/W LINE 55.00'(0) 55.88'(C) N 90900'OO'E 55.28'(c) 55.0'(j)) ~ ~ ~ "'t eJ ~ L5 t:j POINT OF ~ BEGINNING ~ 1.38' POINT OF COMMENCEMENT SDUTHWEST CDRNER NW 1/4 DF BLDCK \ 3, TIER 17 FND 5/8' IRDN 'LB 6560' ~ ~ Ej t-.:: I-..... "'t ct "- ~ D OUDNEY Companies, Inc. ~ "l- \l:i , ~ '" NDTD See Page 1 of E for Easel"lent Description and additional Inforl"la tlon. ~ ~ ..... 9::i ~ ~ ~ ..... 9::i C\J ..... ~ ~ ~ C\j ..... ~ ,,~ ....":1- eJ~ ~C\J ..... N .<'"l ~~ .. lr)eJ ~~ lr) ~<'"l ~k ~ <~ ~ ~ 0..;;; --.J h. t3 ::!k h. t::J~ --.J lr) ~~ <::::. ~~ .... '!:'-t ~t::S <:V) ~ ~ 0..;;; --.J h. V, lj I it N 81'53'08'E 55.09' 18' (D.JJ.) PJP7~ S 81'53'08"vI 55.07 ~ ~ FND l' IRDN PIPE- ND J.JJ. S 88927'44''w'' 55.07'(M) 55.0'(J)) SCALE: l' :: 20' ro--......, . o 10' 20' I 40' DJ"YI~III& MU'1 rlD.lJo HLF: TEQIIICl~ 11.A.D. ClJI'. nlio 1U-74 lIlKT nlio 64-74 ()E():[D IVE Jll:F.. ~lon N~~bwr 3939 JOB NO. 64-74 '1 (407) 322-1151 PROFESSIONAl SlIRYEYORS AN/) lIAPPERS 200 EAST COJ/JlE8CJAl STREET SAN/'O/UJ, FLORIDA