HomeMy WebLinkAbout003-AD & Vida Rosier ~JTHISI,~TURE , ~.~de and entered into on this the /~_~ day of ~ , 1941, between A. D. ROSIF2~ and VIDA ROSIER, his wife, ~f Seminole County, Florida, as parties of the first part and CITY OF S~FORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, of Seminole County, Florida, as party of the second part, WITNESSETH: That the said parties of the first part for and in consideration of the s~ of Ten Dollars and other good and valuable considerations to them in hand paid by the party of the second part, the receipt of which is hereby ac- knowledged, have given and granted and by these presents do give and grant unto the party of the second part and its successors and assigns, a perpetual right-of-way and easement for sewer purposes, three following described line, BEGI~ 148.7 feet in width on each side of the to-wit: feet East of the Northwest corner of Block ~, Tier 1£ of E. R. Trafford's ~ap of Sanford, Florida, and run Southerly BB~.B feet to the ~orth line of Second Street at a point 148.9 feet East of the Southwest corner of said Block Z, Tier l~, of said map of Sanford, Florida. together with the right of ingress and egress over and across the contiguous property of the parties of the first part to said easement for the purpose of repairing or replac- ing the seller now located lnlder the ground on the above described Block 5, Tier lB of Sanford and along the above described line, and in the event it becomes necessary for the party of the second part, its successors or assigns, to repair or replace the aforesaid sewer, thc party of the second part, its successors or assigns, may, if required~ for the purpose of repairing or replacinE said sewer, tem- porarily occupy additional land along said easement for excavation or spoil bank, provided, however, that after said repair or replacement is completed, any additional property used for the purpose aforesaid, shall be restored as nearly as may be to it~ original condition. The party of the second part, its successors or assigns, shall have the right to excavate under the building now upon the aforesaid easement for the purpose of repairing or replacing the aforesaid sewer and no build- ing or buildings shall be hereafter constructed over or upon said easement by the parties of the first part, their heirm, executors, adninistrators or assigns, until they shall, at said sewer under the super- the party of the second their own expense, have bracketed vision and to the satisfaction of part, its successors or assigns. IN Wi~ES,~] W~REOF, the parties of the part have hereunto set their hands and seals as and day and year first above written. first of the STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEIdINOLE hand and official of ~lay, 1941. BEFORE ~, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared A. D. ROSIER and VIDA ROSIER, his wife, to me well known and known to me to be the parties who executed the foregoing agreement of right-of-way and easement and they acknowledged to me that they executed the s~e as their free act and deed for the uses, purposes and considerations therein expressed and the said VIDA ROSIER ~own to ~e to be the wife of the said A. D. ROSIER upon a separate and private examination taken and made by ~e separate and apart from her said husband acknowledged to me that she executed the foregoing agreement as her own free act and deed and that she did the s~e freely and volunZarily and without any compulsion, constraint, appre- hension or fear of or from her said husband. IN WI~SS '~iEREOF, I have hereunto set my seal at Sanford, Florida, this ~ day ~,~y Co.~:nni s sion