HomeMy WebLinkAbout505-Ker IncTitlS INDENTURE, miadn thL/' ~ day of -~pril , A.D. ~ bek-.~en . Ker~ Inc. hargo, ~'n 3~/~1 ~qd~wj~ 7421 merton Road ..... : P~ ~e ~ pe~, u~4 ~ ~ OF ~;O~. ~O~DA, ~ mu~}dpe ~TNESS~,?ha~ ~ M ~e fl~ ~, ~ and ~ ~de~fl~ ~ ~e sum M on ~able ~Jd~lon ~.id ~ B M ~f &- .~-M ........... · dollar and and co~ 1o pa~ d ~ sKo~ ~, ~ s~ w;g~ em~s ~ib~ and ~11~i~ bel~, ~i~ b M be ~er. ~n, a~ ~ ~wlve P~I ~ on~o, mo~ po~cumny d~bed ~: ~ n~ ~ ~ M ~n~, ~i~ ~n~, (See A-ashed ru~iblt "A" - Legal De.~Hplio. ami FJhiblf "B" - Drawing) kl~ow~ os 2935 S. Orlando Drive PIIOPEI/Y ADDI~ESS .... SaMord, Florida' (Seminole Counly Parcel ID No, ,01-20-30-512-0000-0340 for city ~'e.Ic~, Indudi/lg but nM Ilmitod to, ~ owned ....-.M__ L to include lhe riahl iff ~w,~ :--- ~ -'- "-,,,,~, ~ on SOla properly, such c . -;.j -- ---- ,,,97s? oho ~greM over and across ~a~l o on-d~ding. Insl~Jl,ng. land maintaining said facilities, pr petty for fha purposes of ~Tho,~l~ Grant of Easemen~ shall not be conlh'ued as a I..r~lt of ~ght of way and is limited lo a City Sortie# mW. The party of the tim pars shall have she ash! Io use file arm, wbted Io ~he eaamem granled ~,e~by (. /he ~eas_e_m_ent Area'], Jndu~._!ng. wi~o,n limitation for piadd drive . scapmg, whlcha,,~notlnconsistmlt--...,--_._.~,,~ .... .~ areas, ways, and for fhe purposes gram hereby. -'-'" ....... -- ~ w me W! Area ay I/lo par~ of the M¢ond pad ~vided, however, Mt the party of ~ flrd ---' -'--" '- ........ '" parllM wflhout the prior wT~en ca-~--- p~,~..,,~,,~,,o~...n~m me nigh! to gran! utility easemen',s to ia . .--~., ay ,ne pon~ o~ tho sewnd pod, Il Me o of the p d dis?orbs ia lands~ca I p rl~ second s el --.~-~ _.a._n[ · . pi.ag or I. mprovemems v~hln the easement oreo. Ibc iwdy o/the SKoMI ha., .,=0,,,,, = ~um mnasmamg or emprovemen~, - ......... '--" ~ ~NmtWoll~o~ve~Wl~:~n.OOF. the porll, of,he first p., he~un~ r.e, their hands and s eob lan the dw and year 5~%.~LED, JUlia DELIVERED lit mE PRE5ENCE OF. · (Pti/fled N~II~. MC Guire (~ N~l~Wllrleu) (Prinf,~d Niame of Wilness) T'dle~ Cheil Financial Officer Addre~. 7421 Ulmerton Road Largo, FL 33771 STATE OF FLORIDA, COUN1Y OF SEMINOLE /: The f,~,r~oing instrum, enI was acknowledged belore me lhLs /~/~ ,/i(/) ( / , a~ per~onally Known to me ar , who provided __~_ ,' /¥/~/~ " ~</'~ r/~,/ ,. , ~ who ~ / as Identification. :':~,m,~ Pubtk - Sla~ of Illllllllllllllllllllllll ~"~ '">~ MYCO~MISS~ON#D0147331 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION PROPOSED EASEMENT FOR FIRE HYDRANT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: THAT PART OF THE WEST 40 FEET OF THE EAST 150 FEET OF LOT 37, AMENDED PLAT OF DRUID PARK, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGES 5-6, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA; MORE FULLY DESC:RIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE WEST 40 FEET OF THE EAST FEET OF SAID LOT 37; THENCE RUN N 9.0000' 00" E, ALONG THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF AIRPORT BOULEVARD AND THE BASIS OF BEARING OF THIS DESCRIPTION, FO,NT OF OONT, NUE N 90'00' nn.. -'- "v,~,,.,~ r~,~HT-OF,WAY LINE, 20 00 PEET' THEN'"': ",,.o ....... -v ~, ~,,_...,.~...= · , '-.: .'~ u. ~u am I::, ALONG THE EAST I~.NE OF SAID WEST 40 FEET, 55.00 FEET; THENCE N 90"00' 00" W 20 00 F THEN? S 01010' 36" W, 55.~0 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, , · EET, ~O NOI~TH I~ LINE LOT N 90°(.,~ OO PO.CO 20.(:0 20.00 B.O.B. N 90000 O0 E ,'; ,Al RFORT BLVD ~ LOT 38 TWT CONSTRUCTION, INC. CHARLES ROB DEFOOR & ASSOCIATES, INC.