HomeMy WebLinkAbout072-Westside Community CenterM WESTSIDE COMMUNITY CENTER LEASE BY AND BETWEEN THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA AND THE BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF CENTRAL FLORIDA, INC. THIS LEASE is made and entered into this Iay of , 2009 by and between the City of Sanford, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, who a mailing address is P.O. Box 1788, Sanford, Florida 32772 -1788, hereinafter referred to as the "City," and Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida, Inc., whose mailing address is P.O. Box 2987, Orlando, Florida 32802, hereinafter referred to as the "Tenant." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City is the owner of a certain building which is commonly known as the Westside Community Center located at 919 Persimmon Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771; and WHEREAS, the City desires to expand the Westside Community Center and construct new improvements (the "new Facilities ") at the Community Center; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has the authority to lease real property to non -profit organizations such as the Tenant in accordance with Section 125.38, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, Tenant desires to provide and expand Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Florida programs; and WHEREAS, Tenant programs are nationally recognized, are compatible with other center uses, and serve a public need by improving the quality of life, reducing the propensity toward juvenile crime, and providing recreational and educational opportunities for boys and girls in the Sanford area; and WHEREAS, Tenant has committed to fund $225,000.00 in cash to the City, and to provide an agreed list of in -kind services, toward the construction and furnishing of the Community Center in order to assist the City in improving the new Facilities at the Community Center; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that the granting of such rights and privileges to the Tenant constitutes a City purpose and is in the best interests of the public; I.L 0099994 \045119 \1181421 \6 Now, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter contained, the City and Tenant agree as follows: Section 1. Recitals. The parties have relied upon the above stated recitals and the recitals are a material part of this Lease. Section 2. Leased Premises. The City hereby leases to Tenant on a non - exclusive basis, and Tenant does take and lease from the City a portion of the new Facilities to be constructed on that certain real property located in Sanford, Florida, and more fully described in Exhibit "A" (the "Premises ") attached hereto and made a part hereof, subject to certain rights of use and occupancy of the Premises retained by the City for uses as described in Subsections 7 (b), (c), and (d) below. The parties acknowledge that the new Facilities will be built out by the City at the City's expense on the Premises, in accordance with the Master Site Plan attached as Exhibit as soon as reasonably practicable subject to force majeure. Section 3. Term. The term of this Lease shall be for twenty (20) years ( "Initial Term "), and shall commence on the date the new Certificate of Occupancy for the new Facilities, following execution of this Lease, is issued. Thereafter, this Lease will automatically renew for two (2) successive five (5) year terms unless either party provides written notice to the other at least one hundred and eighty (180) days prior to the expiration of the current initial term or renewal term that it does not desire to renew this Lease. Section 4. Rental. The Tenant shall pay the City as rent for the Premises, the annual sum of One and No /100 Dollars ($1.00) payable without demand and without setoff or deduction, except as expressly provided herein. Tenant agrees that the amount of annual rent is based on the Tenant's non -profit corporate status as Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida, Inc. If Tenant should lose its non -profit corporate status, or change its corporate status to for - profit, such change shall constitute an event of default. Alternatively, Tenant may, at its sole option, negotiate an amount of annual rent for the remainder of the Lease term which would be commensurate with for -profit corporate status. Section 5. Holding Over. In the event the Tenant holds over beyond the expiration of the term hereof, such holding over shall be deemed a month -to -month tenancy only, at the rental of One Thousand and No /100 Dollars ($1,000) per month, payable on the 1st day of each and every month thereafter until the tenancy is terminated in a manner provided by law. In the event 0099994\045119\1 181421 \6 Boys and Girls Clubs Lease Page 2 of.7' 2H the Tenant does hold over against the wishes of, and without consent of the City, Tenant shall be liable for any and all damages sustained by the City as a result, directly or indirectly, of the Tenant's failure to vacate, together with a reasonable attorney's fee, court costs and expenses of such lawsuit. Section 6. Remodeling Privileges. The City grants to the Tenant, at the Tenant's sole cost, the right to make partition changes, alterations and decorations as it desires at its own expense in the Premises; provided, however, that the Tenant shall make no change without the prior written consent of the City, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld, conditioned or delayed. Section 7. Purpose. (a) The purpose of this Lease is to permit the Tenant to conduct and promote community recreational and support activities such as the provision of youth programs including vocational education programs on the Premises. All Tenant activities shall be non -profit in nature, however, fund raising activity for the benefit of Tenant shall not be prohibited. (b) Tenant will provide at the Community Center a "Basic Level of Service ". The Basic Level of Service includes programming in five core areas more particularly described on Exhibit "C" and sufficient funds and staff necessary to provide such programming. Tenant and the City agree that a portion of the Premises shall be open at least five (5) days a week under the following schedule: Monday through Friday (School Term) — 2:00 PM (OR 1:00 PM) to 9:00 PM Monday through Friday (Summer, School Holidays) — 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM (c) Tenant shall have the right of first refusal over any other group in the use of the playfields as described in Exhibit "B ". Prior to scheduling any use of the playfields by other groups during the times described in Subsection 7(b), the City will first contact Tenant and confirm that Tenant has no conflicting plans to use the playfields at the time required by the City and may schedule the playfield for use by another group only if no conflict exists and reasonable advance notice of the identity of the other group and time of the intended use by the other group is delivered to Tenant. Such recreational field shall be used only by guests and invitees of Tenant and only for the purposes of sporting and recreational events and other like 0099994\045119\1 181421 \6 Boys and Girls Clubs Lease Page 3 of activities and only during those times as set forth herein. Such recreational field shall not be used for any purpose or activity that may result in severe and/or permanent damage to such areas. (d) Tenant acknowledges that the Premises constitute a component of the Facilities comprising the Westside Community Center. Tenant further acknowledges that City may lease or operate programs in the Westside Community Center that are not inconsistent with or conflict with Tenant's use. Tenant shall provide City with its schedule of dates and times of operation that shall be in effect from time to time. City shall have the first right to use the Premises (other than private office space of Tenant) when the Premises are not in use by Tenant. Tenant shall cooperate with City to ensure that the Westside Community Center is utilized to the fullest extent possible to provide community services that are not inconsistent with or conflict with Tenant's use and to further the purpose stated in this Lease. (e) Tenant shall manage all programs and activities in accordance with all Federal, State and local laws, ordinances, standards and regulations. Section 8. Use of Leased Premises. The Tenant shall have the use of the Premises for such lawful use as it may desire to make thereof in connection with or incidental to the above - stated purpose set forth in Section 7 hereof during the term of this Lease. The Tenant covenants that it will not use or permit the Premises to be used for any purpose prohibited by the laws, rules and regulations of the United States of America, the State of Florida and the City; it shall not use or keep any substance or material in or about the Premises which may vitiate or endanger the validity of the insurance on the said building or increase any hazard or risk; and it shall not permit any nuisance on the Premises. The Tenant shall obtain all required licenses, permits and authorizations prior to conducting any activities on the demised Premises. Section 9. Utilities. The City will provide all utility services, excluding telephone and internet services, to the Westside Community Center. The Tenant shall pay for Tenant's estimated share of all lights, gas, electrical current, water, and sewer services relative to the use of the Premises. Payment is due on the 1 day of each month. The Tenant shall pay a monthly contribution towards utility costs to the City of $1,200 during the first year of this contract. Beginning in year two, the payment amount will continue at $1200.00 per month, unless the City advises the Tenant that an adjustment is necessary based on the following. If the utility rates applicable to the Property are increased by a utility company at any time after the twelfth 0099994\045119\1 181421 \6 Boys and Girls Clubs Lease Page 4 of3,r7' 2-� full month of this Lease, the City shall calculate the percentage by which such rates have increased from the rates in effect on the first day of the twelfth month of this Lease, and from and after the City notifies the Tenant in writing of such increase the Tenant's monthly contribution will increase by the same percentage. For example if the electric utility charge represents 80% of the monthly utility bill applicable to the Property, and the customer service charge, electric rate and/or fuel charge is increased by the utility company resulting in an average per customer rate increase of 5 %, then the monthly contribution from tenant will increase by $48.00 per month (80% x $1200 x 5 %) to $1248.00. Section 10. Assignment and Subletting. The Tenant shall not assign or sublet the Premises, or any part thereof, without first obtaining the written consent of the City. Section 11. Hold Harmless /Indemnification. The Tenant agrees to fully and completely hold harmless, indemnify and defend the City, its agents, servants, officers, officials and employees, and anyone claiming under or through the City, or any of them, from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, and expenses including, but not limited to, attorney's fees and other legal costs the City may sustain as a result of claims, demands, costs or judgments arising from, allegedly arising from or related to injury or damages of any nature whatsoever to persons or property from any use of the Premises by Tenant and Tenant's invited guests. Tenant shall not be liable for any claim arising from use of the Premises or the Community Center by, or the alleged negligence of, the City, its employees, contractors, agents, invited guests, and other groups. Tenant liability, as assessed in favor of the City, will not exceed City liability as limited by sovereign immunity, if applicable. Section 12. Insurance. (a) Tenant is responsible for paying the cost of insurance as detailed in Subsections (b) (1) and (2) below for the term of this Lease. If Tenant does not maintain insurance as required herein, the Lease shall be terminated by the City. (b) The Tenant does further agree that, in order to protect itself as well as the City, its Commissioners, officers, employees and agents, the Tenant shall provide, pay for, and maintain in force the following policies of insurance at all times during the term of this Lease. : (1) General Liability Insurance. The Tenant shall carry limits in an amount not less than One Million and No /100 Dollars ($1,000,000) for bodily injuries, including 0099994\045119\1 181421 \6 Boys and Girls Clubs Lease y Page 5 off accidental or wrongful death and property damage on account of any one occurrence. Annual aggregate, if any, will be equal to at least two times the occurrence limit of One Million and No /100 Dollars ($1,000,000). The liability policy or policies will also cover (i) auto liability with a minimum limit of $1,000,000 CSL per occurrence; and (ii) sexual abuse liability coverage form or endorsement, on an occurrence basis, for entities that work with youth/children exposures, at a minimum of $1,000,000 per occurrence. Tenant shall specifically protect the City by naming the City as an additional named insured on the foregoing policies. (2) Workers' Compensation. Tenant will provide a Certificate of Insurance indicating that the Tenant provides workers' compensation coverage as per Chapter 440, Florida Statutes for the Tenant's employees and its volunteers. (c) Within sixty (60) days of the commencement of this Lease, the Tenant shall furnish to the City a certificate of insurance of the above - required insurance. The policies evidencing required insurance shall contain an endorsement to the effect that cancellation or any material change in the policies adversely affecting the interests of the City in such insurance shall not be effective until thirty (30) days after written notice thereof to the City. The City reserves the right to require a certified copy of such policies upon request. Section 13. Cancellation and Termination. (a) By the City. In the event of any default of any term or condition of this Lease Agreement by the Tenant, upon written notice by the City specifying the default and reasonable time to cure said default, the Tenant shall immediately and fully remedy the said default in accordance with the terms and notice of default. Reasonable time to cure default is ten (10) days or such longer time as is reasonable to cure the default based on the nature of such default. In the event the Tenant fails to comply as required, the City may terminate the Lease Agreement following thirty (30) days written notice of termination. (b) By the Tenant. Tenant shall provide the City with ninety (90) days prior written notice of election to terminate this Lease. Tenant shall remain responsible for the removal of all its equipment, other than items leased from third parties, prior to the expiration date and full payment to the City all sums due. Section 14. Delivery of Possession. If City shall be unable for any reason whatsoever to deliver possession of the Premises on the commencement date of the term hereof, it shall not be 0099994 \045119 \1181421 \6 Boys and Girls Clubs Lease Page 6 of liable to Tenant for any damage caused thereby, nor shall this Lease thereby become void or voidable nor shall the term hereof in any way be extended, but in such event Tenant shall not be liable for any payments required hereunder, including rent herein reserved, until such time as a certificate of occupancy is issued and City can and does deliver possession. Section 15. Surrender of Possession. The Tenant agrees to deliver up and surrender to the City possession of the Premises at the expiration or termination of this Lease, in as good condition as when the Tenant takes possession except for ordinary wear and tear, alterations permitted under this Lease, or loss by fire or other casualty, act of God, insurrection, nuclear weapon, bomb, riot, invasion or commotion, military or usurped power. The Tenant agrees that it shall pay for all costs of any trash removal, housecleaning, and repair or correction of damage in excess of normal wear and tear. Section 16. Removal of Property. The Tenant shall, without demand therefore and at its own cost and expense prior to the expiration or sooner termination of the term hereof, or of any extended term hereof, remove all property belonging to Tenant and all alterations, additions, improvements, and/or and fixtures which, by the terms hereof, it may be permitted to remove. Tenant shall repair all damage to the Premises caused by such removal, and restore the leased premises to the condition the premises was in prior to the installation of the properties so removed. Any property not removed shall be deemed to have been abandoned by Tenant and shall be retained or disposed of by the City. Section 17 Acceptance of Premises By Tenant. The taking of possession of the said Premises by the Tenant shall be conclusive evidence as against the Tenant that said Premises were in good and satisfactory condition when possession of the same was taken. Tenant accepts Premises in "as is" condition. The City makes no warranties, covenants or guarantees as to the Premises. The City retains no responsibility as to maintenance of the Premises. Section 18 Repair and Maintenance of Premises. (a) The Tenant agrees to keep the Premises in good order and repair. Tenant shall be responsible for all repairs and maintenance, with the exception of (i) landscape maintenance and irrigation, and (ii) major repairs /replacements, and (iii) damage caused by the use of the leased premises by the City, its employees, contractors, agents, invited guests, and other groups. The City assumes responsibility for mowing the Premises and maintaining the irrigation system in 0099994\045119\1 181421 \6 Boys and Girls Clubs Lease ✓ Page 7 ofr 2't working order. Maintenance of the irrigation system includes the cost for water to the system, which is separately metered from the building. Tenant further agrees to keep the Premises clean, and to provide routine maintenance and minor repairs /replacements of broken, damaged, stolen or missing doors, locks, door closers, windows, plumbing, heating or air conditioning fixtures and pipes, floors, electrical, stairways, railings, septic or other portions of the Premises whatever the cause. Major repairs /replacements shall be defined as those repairs /replacements exceeding Five Thousand and No /100 Dollars ($5,000.00) and will be the responsibility of the City. Beginning with the Lease term and annually thereafter, Tenant shall provide City with a maintenance budget and scheduled, routine repairs or replacement of equipment. (b) The Tenant shall undertake reasonable efforts in a normal husbandlike fashion to keep the said pavements and appurtenances free of debris and trash and expressly agrees to assume sole liability for accidents caused or alleged to have been caused by their defective condition, to the extent not covered by insurance. Tenant agrees to avoid improper use of the sewer system or the introduction of inappropriate objects or materials into said system. Tenant shall provide adequate extermination services to Premises during the term of this Lease and provide evidence of same to City upon demand. (c) The Tenant may procure and, if installed, shall maintain a suitable floor covering, wall coverings, lighting fixtures, and security devices, however any such items or materials which become permanently attached to the building shall become part of the Premises and shall not be removed by the Tenant upon termination or expiration of this Lease. Section 19 Maintaining Security and Safety of Premises. The building, its contents, other improvements or persons on the Premises shall be made secure by the Tenant by means of devices such as locks, electric devices, safety devices, and lighting provided by the City and at City's sole cost as part of the City's initial renovation of the Premises. The City shall not be responsible or liable for losses to same due to a breach of security or safety. Section 20. Access and Right of Entry. City shall have the right to enter the Premises to examine the same after giving Tenant written notification, within twenty four (24) hours, of any concerns as to needed repairs, removals, alterations, improvements or additions and providing Tenant the opportunity to make such repairs, removals, alterations, improvements or additions prior to City entering the Premises (such advance notice to Tenant and time to cure not being 0099994\045119\1 181421 \6 Boys and Girls Clubs Lease ✓ Page 8 of�tl` LT required in emergency situations as determined in the sole discretion of the City). Upon meeting the above requirements, City may enter the Premises to make such repairs, removals, alterations, improvements or additions as City may deem necessary or desirable in order to preserve the Premises, and City shall be allowed to take all material action onto and upon the Premises that may be required therefore without the same constituting an eviction of this Lease in whole or in part. If Tenant or Tenant's employees or agents shall not be personally present to open and permit entry into said Premises at any time when for any reason an entry therein shall be necessary or permissible, City may enter the same without liability therefore and without in any manner affecting the obligations and covenants of this Lease. Except as otherwise provided, nothing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to impose upon City any obligations, responsibility or liability whatsoever, for the care, maintenance, or repair of the Premises or any part thereof. Section 21. Records. Upon request by City, Tenant agrees to prepare true and complete records and accounts in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Such records and accounts shall include such records as an independent certified public accountant ( "CPA ") would need to examine in order to certify Tenant's annual statement. In addition to financial records, Tenant agrees to furnish monthly facility use records on a form to be jointly determined by Tenant and City. During the term of this Lease, City and its representatives shall have the right, at any reasonable time and under reasonable circumstances, to examine such records and accounts. The parties agree to comply with the Public Records Laws of the State of Florida to the fullest extent. Section 22. Waiver. No waiver of any breach of any one or more of the conditions or covenants of this Lease by the City or by the Tenant shall be deemed to imply or constitute a waiver of any succeeding or other breach hereunder. Section 23. Amendment or Modification. Both parties hereto acknowledge and agree that they have not relied upon any statements, representations, agreements or warranties, except such as are expressed herein, and that no amendment or modification of this Lease shall be valid or binding unless expressed in writing and executed by the parties hereto in the same manner as the execution of this Lease. Section 24. Notices. Whenever either party desires to give notice unto the other, it must 0099994 \045119 \1181421 \6 Boys and Girls Clubs Lease Boys Page 9 of lY aq be given by written notice, sent by registered or certified United States mail, with return receipt requested or by overnight delivery which provides a method of tracking and delivery and sent to: For City: City Manager City of Sanford 300 North Park Avenue Ste 200 Sanford, Florida 32771 -1244 For Tenant: President Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Florida, Inc. P. O. Box 2987 801 N. Magnolia Avenue, Suite 305 Orlando, Florida 32802 Either of the parties may change by written notice as provided above, the addresses or persons for receipt of notices. Section 25. Default. Either party to this Lease, in the event of an act of default by the other, shall have all remedies available to it under the laws of the State of Florida including, but not limited to, injunction to prevent default or specific performance to enforce this Lease. Section 26. Attorneys' Fees. If any action at law or in equity shall be brought to recover any rent under this Lease, or for or on account of any breach of, or to enforce or interpret any of the covenants, terms, or conditions of this Lease, or for the recovery of the possession of the Premises, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover from the other party as part of the prevailing party's costs reasonable attorneys' fees, including assessable costs, the amount of which shall be fixed by the court and shall be made a part of any judgment or decree rendered. Section 27. Entire Agreement. (a) This document incorporates and includes all prior negotiations, correspondence, conversations, agreements, or understandings applicable to the matters contained herein and the parties agree that there are no commitments, agreements, or understandings concerning the subject matter of this Agreement that are not contained in this document. Accordingly, it is agreed that no deviation from the terms hereof shall be predicated upon any prior representations or agreements, whether oral or written. (b) It is further agreed that no modification, amendment or alteration in the terms or 0099994\045119\1 181421 \6 Boys and Girls Clubs Lease Page 10 of�l' W conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document executed with the same formality and of equal dignity herewith. Section 28. Applicable Law. This Lease shall be construed under and in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. Exclusive venue for the enforcement of the terms and conditions of this Lease shall be the Courts of Seminole County, Florida and the United States District Court for the Middle District of Florida. Section 29. Conflict of Interest. (a) The Tenant agrees that it will not engage in any action that would create a conflict of interest in the performance of its obligations pursuant to this Lease with the City or which would violate or cause others to violate the provisions of Part III, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, relating to ethics in government. (b) The Tenant hereby certifies that no officer, agent or employee of the City has any material interest [as defined in Section 112.312(15), Florida Statutes, as more than five percent (5 %)] either directly or indirectly, in the business of the Tenant to be conducted here, and that no such person shall have any such interest at any time during the term of this Lease. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this instrument for the purpose herein expressed. BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF CENT L FLO DA, INC. By: Witn GARY W. , President Date: / � ?I Witness ATTEST: CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA y By. Jan Dougherty, City derk Linda Ku , Mayor Date: ,5 /Q — For the use and reliance d3 As authorized for execution by of O�.SGhr,� nt9 only. the Cit Commission Approved as to form and at its 7 , 2009 legal sufficiency regular Aieethn 0099994\045119\1 181421 \6 Boys and Girls Clubs Lease Page 11 of ;-P 0099994\04511911181421 \6 130 ys and Girls Clubs Lease I'al;e 12 of , LEGAL DESCRIPTION A portion of Section 26, Township 19 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida. Lots 8, 9, and 10 F.H. Rand's Addition to Sanford, as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 131 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida EXHIBIT A Page 1 BOUNDARYITOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY -e°nr yr tY —• •sFSSb:� -- - o� nifil� { �'1 jfi 1 � � f � r f , t ................. tim t . m l 1 t ................. Nk ` • " LL � 4 I7 • •� � i f Page 1 of 3 / V/ � SITE DIMENSION PLAN /FLOOR Wwo,.lavow. MUM avomm ' 4 x"Oftmotmamwa � I L_J Page 2 of 3 it IT' L` - -- , 9 � i 1 { i � J �{ f DSO!® . , . . f 1 4 Ii 1 /SX2�, i 'O t ' 4 a f1� c 7 L_J Page 2 of 3 it IT' L` - -- , 9 � i 1 { i � J �{ f DSO!® . , . . f 1 4 Ii 1 /SX2�, �1it�lii�► immmv N011}IIp1va mum GO unit= AIMMIM amuses wew g mtwzm f uMr IPWA ' 1 ` i T tit I� 4 '► 1 �•� �: st t 3 s � � p i 1 i 6 / �o Q 4 l it Im Fe s a a k_ d West Sanford Branch Program Sample Schedule for School Year: Mondays, Tuesdays and Tbursda s 2:00 -2:15 Staff Plan/Prepare for Daily Activities 2:15 -2:55 Club Members Sign-In/Free Pia (game room, computer lab, 2:55 -3:00 Group Talk 3:004:00 Power Hour / Title I (tutoring, computer labs 4:00 -4:30 Club Assembly and Snack 4:30 -5:00 The Arts arts & crafts, dance, or chorus) 5;00 -5:30 Character and Leadership Development Programs (Keystone Club, Torch Club, Leadership Training, Jr. Sta 5:30 -6:00 Sports and Fitness (President's Physical Fitness, 6:00 -9:00 Teen Program (fora es 13 -18 years old Wednesdays 1:00-1:15 Staff Plan/Prepare for Daily Activities 1:15 -1:55 Club Members Sign-In /Free Play (game room, computer lab, 1:55 -2:00 Group Talk 2:00 -3:00 Power Hour / Title I (tutoring, computer labs 3:00 -3:30 The Arts (arts & crafts, dance, or chorus 3:304:00 Health and Life Skills (Smart Girls, Prevention) 4:00 -4:30 Education and Career /Snack 4:30 -5:00 Character and Leadership Development (Keystone, Torch Club, Jr. St 5:00 -6:00 Sorts and Fitness ( ame room, gym, outdoor /indoor 6:00 -9:00 Teen Pro am fora es 13 -18 years old Fridays 2:00 -2:15 Staff Plan and Prepare for Daily Activities 2:15-2:55 Club Members Sign-In/Free Play ( room, computer lab, 2:55 -4:00 Sorts and Fitness 4:00 -6:00 Snack/Group Activities/Movies/Presentations 6:00 -9:00 Teen Pro fora es 13 -18 years old EXHIBIT C BASIC LEVEL OF SERVICE Page I oftf nay West Sanford Branch Program Sample Schedule for Summer: 7:00am- 7:30am Club Opens: Free Play (Youth Choices) 7:30am- 8:30am Breakfast 8:30am- 9:00am All Ages: Outdoor Exercise 9:00wn- 10:00am 6 -8 yr old boys & girls: Outdoor Activities 9 -12 yr old boys & girls: Inside Activities (Computer/Table Games) 13 -16 old boys & girls: Outdoor Activities 10:00am- 11:00am 6 -8 yr old boys: Arts and Crafts 6 -8 yr old girls: Computer Lab 9 -12 yr old girls: Outside games (Kickball, Volleyball, Tether Ball) 9 -12 yr old boys: Outside games 13 -16 yr old boys & girls: Game room 11:00am- 11:30am All Members: Prepare for Lunch 11:30am- 12:30pm All Members: Lunch 12:3 m -1 :0 m Clean Up/Assembly/Reading Time l :00pm- 2:00pm Free Play (Open Gym, Game room, Broad Games) 2:00pm- 3:00pm 6 -8 yr old boys & girls: President's Physical Fitness 9 -12 yr old boys & girls: Arts and Crafts/The Arts 13 -16 yr old boys & rls: Chorus 3:00pm- 3:30pm All Members: Snack 3:30pm- 4:30pm 6 -8 yr old boys & girls: Chorus 9-up yr old boys & girls: President's Physical Fitness 4:30pm-5:00pm All Members: Current Events/ FCAT Readin 5: m -5:45 m Team Sports 5:45 m -6:0 m Clean up/Dismissal 6:00pm — 9:00pm* Teen Nights: ONLY on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays for Club Members 13 —18 yrs old (Computer lab, Game room, Open Gym) Staffing Pattern and number of children able to serve with this pattern: The West Sanford Branch Boys & Girls Club will provide youth programming and operations for youth between the ages of 6 -18 years old. It is estimated that the Branch EXHI13IT C BASIC LEVEL OF SERVICE Page 2 of8 11'/,2!/ will service an average of 140 youth per day during their hours of operation, including summers and holidays unless noted otherwise. In order to ensure safety and proper supervision of all Club members, we will maintain a staff to child ratio of 1:20 on site and 1:10 during any off site activities. Thus, causing the branch to carry a staff load of 7 part time Program Assistants and I full time Service Director. EXHIBIT C BASIC LEVEL OF SERVICE Page 3 of S West Sanford Programs Program emphasis is placed on the five core areas of Character and Leadership Development; Education and Career Development; Health and Life Skills; The Arts; Sports, Fitness, and Recreation. In order to meet the unique needs of their communities, our West Sanford Branch offers a full range of traditional Boys & Girls Clubs programs within these five core areas as outlined below. Character and Leadership Development , Torch Club, a leadership training group for middle school students, holds weekly meetings to plan and implement quarterly community service projects. -Keystone Club, a chartered leadership and service club for boys and girls ages 14 - 18. Keystoners elect officers and implement activities in six areas: service to Club and community, character and leadership development, education and career exploration, unity, free enterprise and social recreation. Keystone Club members and their advisors can be nominated to steering committees that organize regional and national Keystone Conferences attended by thousands of Keystoners each year. Education and Career Development POWER HOUR homework help program is conducted daily for all members, and all participate in Making the Grade, an incentive program that rewards satisfactory and above school performance. Project Learn activities that reinforce and enhance the skills and knowledge members have learned at school are integrated into all core areas and programming in the Club to create opportunities for leisure reading, writing activities, discussions with knowledgeable adults, helping others, homework help and tutoring, and games like Scrabble that develop young people's cognitive skills. Junior Staff program for Club teens ages 13 to 18. This completely program provides Club staff and volunteers with tools to guide young people in preparing for a career in Boys & Girls Clubs and/or other service professions. Through participation in Junior Staff, teens develop interpersonal skills, a strong work ethic and a sense of community engagement while experiencing on- the -job Club work. Health and Life Skills • SMART Moves, a 10 -week drug and alcohol abuse and teen pregnancy prevention program, is conducted on a regular basis. Among the different modules that we either currently offer or plan to offer this year. o Start SMART for ages 10-12 o SMART Girls, a health, fitness, prevention /education, and self- esteem enhancement program designed to reach girls ages 10-17 o Passport to Manhood, a program that promotes and teaches positive values and responsible behavior for male Club members ages 11 -14 The Arts Arts and crafts projects and classes are offered on a regular basis. Dance and Step Dance classes are offered on a regular basis. EXHIBIT C BASIC LEVEL OF SERVICE Page 4 of J3 2-0/9(� Chorus offered on a regular basis. Sports. Fitness, and Recreation Triple Play, Boys & Gins Clubs of America's comprehensive healthy habits, nutrition, and physical fitness program. Youth Basketball League is available for youth ages 9-18 The President's Challenge Physical Fitness Test is administered annually in the spring A variety of team sports that teach the members the values of fair play, honesty, and sportsmanship are available on a daily basis. There are two In addition to these core area - specific programs, the Sanford computer lab enables us to provide all of our members with access to Club Tech, a program developed by Boys & Girls Clubs of America in conjunction with Microsoft that strives to integrate technology instruction into all five core areas of Boys & Girls Clubs' positive youth development programs. Club Tech provides a fresh approach to the subjects that have always been important to Boys & Girls Clubs. This innovative technology program is helping our Sanford Branch move technology into all areas of its positive youth development programing, teaching both basic and advanced computer skills while using interactive activities tied to our five core program areas. While modernizing all aspects of our programming, Club Tech also expands the repertoire of our other programs. Among other projects, youngsters can learn how to: use an Excel spreadsheet to plan and track the tasks involved with a community service project; create a Power Point presentation that will give a child the opportunity to hone public speaking skills while teaching others about the life and works of a noted artist; use Microsoft Publisher to create a Club newspaper with an advice column to answer real questions from Club members about health issues facing adolescents; and create an Excel spreadsheet with graphs to illustrate the progress made by participants in a Club's physical fitness program. Because we need to ensure the safety of the children we serve, we use the NetSmartz program to teach our young members about the dangers that exist in the cyberspace environment and how to property use the Internet. EXHIBIT C BASIC LEVEL OF SERVICE Page 5 of Q EXHIBIT "C" Basic Level of Service Description West Sanford Programs Program emphasis is placed on the five core areas of Character and Leadership Development; Education and Career Development; Health and Life Skills; The Arts; Sports, Fitness, and Recreation. In order to meet the unique needs of their communities, our West Sanford Branch offers a full range of traditional Boys & Girls Clubs programs within these five core areas as outlined below. The details of each program may evolve and change, but it is expected that the core areas always will be included in the Basic Level of Service. Character and Leadership Development -Torch Club, a leadership training group for middle school students, holds weekly meetings to plan and implement quarterly community service projects. ■Keystone Club, a chartered leadership and service club for boys and girls ages 14 -18. Keystoners elect officers and implement activities in six areas: service to Club and community, character and leadership development, education and career exploration, unity, free enterprise and social recreation. Keystone Club members and their advisors can be nominated to steering committees that organize regional and national Keystone Conferences attended by thousands of Keystoners each year. Education and Career Development POWER HOUR homework help program is conducted daily for all members, and all participate in Making the Grade, an incentive program that rewards satisfactory and above school performance. Project Learn activities that reinforce and enhance the skills and knowledge members have learned at school are integrated into all core areas and programming in the Club to create opportunities for leisure reading, writing activities, discussions with knowledgeable adults, helping others, homework help and tutoring, and games like Scrabble that develop young people's cognitive skills. Junior Staff program for Club teens ages 13 to 18. This completely program provides Club staff and volunteers with tools to guide young people in preparing for a career in Boys & Girls Clubs and/or other service professions. Through participation in Junior Staff, teens develop interpersonal skills, a strong work ethic and a sense of community engagement while experiencing on-the-job Club work. Health and Life Skills ■ SMART Moves, a 10 -week drug and alcohol abuse and teen pregnancy prevention program, is conducted on a regular basis. Among the different modules that we either currently offer or plan to offer this year: • Start SMART for ages 10 -12 • SMART Girls, a health, fitness, prevention/education, and self - esteem enhancement program designed to reach girls ages 10 -17 0099994\045119\1 181421 \6 �� o Passport to Manhood, a program that promotes and teaches positive values and responsible behavior for male Club members ages 11 -14 The Arts Arts and crafts projects and classes are offered on a regular basis. Dance and Step Dance classes are offered on a regular basis. Chorus offered on a regular basis. Sports Fitness and Recreation Triple Play, Boys & Girls Clubs of America's comprehensive healthy habits, nutrition, and physical fitness program. Youth Basketball League is available for youth ages 9-18 The President's Challenge Physical Fitness Test is administered annually in the spring A variety of team sports that teach the members the values of fair play, honesty, and sportsmanship are available on a daily basis. There are two In addition to these core area - specific programs, the Sanford computer lab enables us to provide all of our members with access to Club Tech, a program developed by Boys & Girls. Clubs of America in conjunction with Microsoft that strives to integrate technology instruction into all five core areas of Boys & Girls Clubs' positive youth development programs. Club Tech provides a fresh approach to the subjects that have always been important to Boys & Girls Clubs. This innovative technology program is helping our Sanford Branch move technology into all areas of its positive youth development programming, teaching both basic and advanced computer skills while using interactive activities tied to our five core program areas. While modernizing all aspects of our programming, Club Tech also expands the repertoire of our other programs. Among other projects, youngsters can learn how to: use an Excel spreadsheet to plan and track the tasks involved with a community service project; create a Power Point presentation that will give a child the opportunity to hone public speaking skills while teaching others about the life and works of a noted artist; use Microsoft Publisher to create a Club newspaper with an advice column to answer real questions from Club members about health issues facing adolescents; and create an Excel spreadsheet with graphs to illustrate the progress made by participants in a Club's physical fitness program. Because we need to ensure the safety of the children we serve, we use the NetSmartz program to teach our young members about the dangers that exist in the cyberspace environment and how to properly use the Internet. 77 1f 0099994\045119\1 181421 \6 Boys and Girls Clubs Lease DD��,,��..,, � c r t_ ^L ��' 23 L/ West Sanford Branch Program Sample Schedule for School Year: T,.ueriwe and Thnrerlays 2:00 -2:15 Staff Plan/Prepare for Daily Activities 2:15 -2:55 Club Members Sign-hi/Free Play (game room, computer lab, 2:55 -3:00 Group Talk 3:00 -4:00 Power Hour / Title I (tutoring, computer labs 4:00 -4:30 Club Assembly and Snack 4:30 -5:00 The Arts arts & crafts, dance, or chorus 5:00 -5:30 Character and Leadership Development Programs (Keystone Club, Torch Club, Leadership Training, Jr. Sta 5:30 -6:00 Sorts and Fitness President's Physical Fitness, 6:00 -9:00 Teen Pro am fora es 13 -18 years old wd-A"Perinve 1:00 -1 v15 Staff Plan/Prepare for Daily Activities 1:15 -1:55 Club Members Sign-In /Free Play (game room, computer lab, 1:55 -2:00 Group Talk 2:00 -3:00 Power Hour / Title I (tutoring, computer labs 3:00 -3:30 The Arts arts & crafts, dance, or chorus 3:30 -4:00 Health and Life Skills Smart Girls, Prevention 4:00 -4:30 Education and Career /Snack 4:30 -5:00 Character and Leadership Development (Keystone, Torch Club, Jr. Staf 5:00 -6:00 Sorts and Fitness (game room, gym, outdoor /indoor 6:00 -9:00 Teen Program fora es 13 -18 years old Fr;rl ave 2:00 -2:15 Staff Plan and Prepare for Daily Activities 2:15 -2:55 Club Members Sign-In/Free Play ( room, computer lab, 2:55 -4:00 Sorts and Fitness 4:00 -6:00 Snack/Group Activities/Movies/Presentations 6:00 -9:00 Teen Pro am fora es 13 -18 years old 0099994\045119\1 181421 \6 8 18 Boys and Girls Clubs Lease page 3 7 at: I