HomeMy WebLinkAbout488-Mary & Patrick DonaldsonGRANT OF EXCLUSIVE CITY SERVICES EASEMENT (INDIVIDUAL) THIS INDENTURE, made this ~) Z/~ay of '~*'/~' , A.D. ~c,'o.~., between Mary and ~-~'~k~d~on whose address is 209 Dogwood ~r~v~: ~f,,~-~; ~, Coun~ of ~ Semt~u~ , and State of _ F1 orq d~ ~ pa~ of the fi~t pa~, and the Ci~ of Sanford, a munici~l co~oration, which is sltu~ted in the Coun~ of Seminole, the Stale of FIo~da, pa~ of the second WITNESS~H~ thai pa~ of the fl~t pa~ for and in consldemtion of the sum ot one dollar and other valuable comJdemtlon paid by pa~ of the second pa~, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants and conveys to pa~ of the second pa~ its successor, asslgns~ JJcensees~ an exclusive perpetual easement, as described and illustrated below, which is to be under, upon, and across the - see aggeched f~t of the prope~ situated in or near the Ci~ of Sanford, Seminole Count, Florida, more ~icularly described as: (S~ A~ached ~hibil 'A' - Legal Desc6ption and Exhibit "B" - Drawing) 'Also known as 209 Do~,o0~ Drive . , San~ord, Florida* PROPE~ ADDRESS (Seminole ~un~ Parcel ID No. _ ~ ~ - q 9 - ~ ~ - 5 E ~- 0 g 0 0 - 0 ~ ~ 0 ) {or ci~ so,ices, including but not Jimi~d to, ci~ owned stormwater facHities~ hereafter on said pm~ such easemenl to Include tM right of Jm ingress and egress over and across said pro~ ~r Ihe pu~ses of constructing, ins~lling, and maintaining said facilities. This Grant of E~ement shall not be construed as a grant of dghl of ~y and Is limited to a Se~ices Easement. The pa~ of the fi~t pa~ shaft have the right to use the a~a subject ~ the easement granted hereby ( the ~Easement Area")~ including without limitation for pa~ing areas, d~vew~s, and landscaping, which are not inconsistent with the use of the Easement A~a by the ~ of the second ~ for the purposes granted he,by. Provided, however~ that the ~ of the fi~t pa~ shall not have the right to grant utlli~ easemen~ to other pa~es without the pdor wri~en consent of the pa~ of the second ~. I{ the pa~ of the second pa~ dlstu~ any landscaping or imp~vements within the ~sement a~a~ the pa~ of the second pa~ shaft restore such landscaping or improvemenls. IN WITNESS ~EREOF~ the pa~Jes ol the fi~t pa~ hereunto set Iheir hands and seals on the day and year fi~t a~ve mi.en. IN THE PRESENCE OF: STATE OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF SEMINOLE ~ The foregolna instrument was eLcknowledg~ before me thls~_~?._ day of ~-~,~/· ~ota~ Public - S~fe o~lor~da Printed Name: V ~IBILI~ UNSATISFAST~ FOR SCANNING -- ~lillYilliNE NORIE, CLERK OF CIRCOIT COURT ~ OF ~EIIINII.E COUICY BK 04546 PG 0886 FILE NUN 2002951598 ~I~ ~ 10. ~o ~ BY I,I Nolden Il IIIIIII I I J II I I l IIll Jill Il II Il I I1[ IIIII SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION f':} For SANTRUST Legal Description A part of Lot 18, Bock A, IDYLLWILDE OF LOCH ARBOR SECTION - 6, according to the plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 21, Page 40, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the Northwest Comer of said Lot 18, Block A, thence run N.89°55'38"E., along the North Line of said Lot 18, a distance of 28.72 feet; thence run S.10°08'56"E. 10.46 feet to a point on the Westedy Line of said Lot 18, said point being on a curve concave Southwesterly and having a radius of 100.00 feet; thence run Northwesterly, along the arc of said curve, 32.38 feet through a centra! angle of 18°33'00" to the Point of Beginning. J~-81BIUTY UNSATISFACTORY ~:OR $CANNIN(~ POINT OF BEGINNING NW CORNER LOT 18 89'55'58" E 28.72' --" SCALE: 1"--20' SURVEY NOTES: 1) Bearings shown hereon are based on the North Line of Lot 18 being N.89°55'38"E. (Plat Datum) 2) This ts not a "BOUNDARY SURVEY", only a sketch of the above legal description. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This is to certify that I have made a Survey of the above described property and that the plat hereon delineated is an accurate representation of the same. I further certify that this Survey ~eets the MinimL~ Technical Standards set forth by the Florida Board of Land Surveyors pursuant to Section 427.027 of the Florida Statutes. REVISIONS: PROJECT NO: INC. R. BLAIR KZTNE~ - P.L.S. NO. 3382 Post Office Box 823, S~r, ford, Fl..;~"772-0823 (40?) 3~z-20oo CERTIFIED CORRECT TO: