HomeMy WebLinkAbout12132001MinMINUTES • The Board of Adjustment of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session in the City Commission Chambers of the City Hall at 11:35 A.M. on December 13, 2001. Members Present: Larry Blair, Chairman Sylvia Smith Ruth Stamm Karl Stairs Member Absent Andrew Valente - excused Others Present: Robert Bott, Acting Building Official Jo -Ann Johnson, Permit Technician The Chairperson, Larry Blair, called the meeting to order at 11:35 A.M. The following letter was submitted for consideration: Board of Adjustment City Hall Sanford, FL 32771 Gentlemen: I am submitting the following information for your consideration in requesting a variance in the Zoning Ordinance. Address: 1714 Park Ave. Legal Description: Lot 47, (Less E 5 FT) Sanford Heights, recorded in PB 2 PG 63, Public Records of the County of Seminole, Florida Zoning Classification: MR -2 Front side yard fence height allowed: 4 -ft Fence Height Requested 6 -ft Variance Needed: 2 -ft The planned use of the property is to construct a 6 -ft wood privacy fence. Any consideration given this request will be appreciated. Signed: Ralph Dukes, Owner Mr. Dukes informed the board that the fence was replaced using holes from previous fence posts. The old fence had been taken down since it was an eyesore. Mr. Stairs mentioned that staff had denied fence being in the right of way but did approved the fence being on the property line. Mr. Blair asked if the applicant could live with that, and move the fence. Mr. Dukes responded that he could accept that. Ms. Smith made motion to approve the request subject to moving the fence out of the public right of • way. Mr. Stairs seconded. Blair - aye Stamm - aye Smith - aye MINUTES — BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT — DECEMBER 13, 2001 • PAGE 2 Stairs - aye Motion carried. The following letter was submitted for consideration: Board of Adjustment City Hall Sanford, FL 32771 Gentlemen: I am submitting the following information for your consideration in requesting a variance in the Zoning Ordinance. Address: 2434 Oak Avenue Legal Description: Lot 89, Franklin Terrace, recorded in PB 3 PG 78, Public Records of the County of Seminole, Florida Zoning Classification: SR-IA Front setback requirement: 25 -ft Present setback: 23.87 -ft Variance requested: 1.13 -ft • Side setback requirement: 10 -ft Present setback: N side 9.78 -ft S side 8.75 -ft Variance requested: N side .22 -ft S side 1.25 -ft Parcel Wide requirement at building line: 70 -ft Present width at building line: 50 -ft Variance requested: 20 -ft Minimum Parcel area requirement: 7500 sq. ft. Present Parcel area: 6400 sq. ft. Variance requested: 1100 sq. ft. Maximum building area requirement: 35% Variance requested: 5% The planned use of the property is to construct an addition to the existing single family residence. Any consideration given this request will be appreciated. Signed: Valerie Mundo, Owner Mrs. Mundo advised the board that a portion of the addition would be a single car carport since that is a requirement of her zoning. She also informed the board that the previous addition had been removed but the slab was still existing. Ms. Stamm had been invited to visit by the family, had visited the • home, and was in agreement that the variances should be permitted so the addition can be constructed. Ms. Smith asked if the house would keep in line with the existing setback. Mrs. Mundo stated that the house would stay in line with existing house lines. Submitted for the record was a copy of the petition signed by neighbors indicating approval for the addition to the Mundo home. MINUTES — BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT — DECEMBER 13, 2001 • PAGE 3 Ms. Smith made a motion to approve the request to reduce the side yard building setbacks from 10 ft. to 9.78 ft. on the north, and 8.75 ft south; as well as variance the to 25 ft. front yard setback shown as existing, and to increase maximum building area from 35 % to 40 % to facilitate an addition to the single family residence. Ms. Stamm seconded. Blair - aye Stamm - aye Smith - aye Stairs - aye Motion carried. The following letter was submitted for consideration: Board of Adjustment City Hall Sanford, FL 32771 Gentlemen: I am submitting the following information for your consideration in requesting a variance in the Zoning Ordinance. • Address: 324 Hidden Lake Drive Legal Description: lot 140, Hidden Lake, Phase 2, Unit 3, recorded in PB 25 PGS 64 & 65, Public Records of the County of Seminole, Florida Zoning Classification: SR- IA Front side yard fence height allowed: 4 -ft Fence height requested: 6 -ft. Variance requested: 2 -ft The planned use of the property is to construct a 6 -ft wood privacy fence. Any consideration give to this request will be appreciated. Signed: Sera D'Ascano, Owner Mrs. D'Ascano stated she is requesting a 6 -ft fence since she has 2 German Shepherd dogs for security reasons. She felt that a 4 -ft fence was too low would like to have it 6 -ft high to keep them from jumping fence. Ms. Smith wanted to know how what the distance would be from the property line the fence. Mrs. D'Ascano stated the fence would extend approximately 16ft from front corner of house into side yard. Mr. Stairs made a motion to approve the variance request. Ms. Smith seconded. Blair - aye • Stamm- aye Smith- aye Stairs- aye MINUTES —BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT- DECEMBER 13, 2001 PAGE 4 • NEW BUSINESS: 1. Election of Chairman. Ms. Smith nominates Mr. Blair as Chairman. Mr. Stairs seconded. Mr. Blair accepted nomination. Stamm- aye Stairs- aye Smith- aye 2. Election of Vice - Chairman. Ms. Smith nominated Karl Stairs as Vice - Chairman. Karl Stairs nominated Sylvia Smith as Vice Chair. Ruth Stamm seconds. Sylvia accepts her nomination. Blair- aye Stamm- aye Stairs- aye There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ELL— C' Larry air, Chairman •