HomeMy WebLinkAbout492-Safeharbor Christian Church ~"~i~ILITY U ~ ~:ACTOR¥ ~ ....... GRANT OF EXCL[JSIVE CITY SERVICES EASEMENT (INDIVIDUAl) ._.. THIS INDENTURE, m~de this d~y of S ~ ~ l Christian Church ~ - , A.D. _ · be~een psa a oa , an or , and State of orz a ~ Coun~ of ~~/~ _ s~e~ NnN . pe~ o{ the first pod, ~nd the CI~ OF corporation, which's s~tu~fed in the Coun~ of Seminole, the State at rl..:~- ~~ WITNESSETH, that po~ of the first p~, fo~ ~nd in consideration of of (l~r ~nd other velu~ble ~onslder~t;on pein by p~ of the second p~, recelpt whereof is hereby ~cEnowledged, ~nd (onveys to p~ of the secon~ po~, Its successors, ~ssigns, licensees, ~n exclusive perpetuol e~sement, ~s ~escH~ed ~nd ~llustrefe~ below, which is to be under, upon, ~nd ~cross the East 15.00 feet of the prope~ sltu~ted in or near the Ci~ ef S~nfor~, Seminole Count, Florida, mo~e po~icul~Hy HescHbe~ os: (See Attached Exhlbit "A". Legal Description and Exh~blt -g,. Drawlng) *Also known as 730 UpsaZa Road , Sanford, Florida* PROPERTY' ADDRESS (Seminole County Parcel ID Ne..~Zt~--~8-~.~--8888Z~8 } ~. ~rinted Name of Witness}  o. TATE OF FLORiDa, COUN~ OF SEMINOLE ~ ~he ~Oregolng instrument was ackn ~ ~ ~e ..~ .... wn ~o me or ~ who proWded ~ ~ Printed Name: ~" 'for ' ' · o~ city services, including but not limited to, city owned utilities, hereafter an said property, such easement o to include the right of free Ingress and egress over and across said property for the purposes of~ constructing, Installing, and maintaining said facilities. This Grant of Easement shall not be construed as a grant of right of way and Is limited to a City Servlces~.,,~ ~ Easement. The party of the first part shall have the flab! to use t ca hereby ( the "Easement Area'q includl,,,- ,.,:u._ .~ ...... he.area subject to the easement granted ~ ~ . ,, . ..= -,,,.,~u~ -mlzanon tar parking areas, drlveways~ and ~ for the purposes granted hereby.. · c= landscaping, which are not inconsistent with the use of the Easement Area by the party of the second part Provided, however, that the party of the first part shall not have the right to grant utility easements to other parties without the prior written consent of the party of the second part. If the par~ of the second part disturbs any landscaping or improvements within the easement area, the party of the second part shall restore such landscaping or improvements. o IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of the first part o hereunto set their hands ancl seals on the day and year u4 first above wriflen. ~ SIGNED, SEALED, AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: m -~i nael Mill~gan, ~ustee ~ ~ r~Trus tee ~F~ We is s , ~-~-ru~ te e ~dress: (Milligan): 624 Sarita Street, Sanford, (Preston) 433 Cardinal Oaks Court, Lake ~far¥, Fl. (Weiss) 301Vihlen Road, Sanford, F1 day af Notary Public - State of Florida _, _ A.D. by __,.~ who as identification. IIIIllll lllllllllllllllllllll F ILF__~..~IUM ~00304.0~. 19 OR ' )1~ 04.736 PAGE 1880 Extfibit "B" DRAWING SCALE: 1"=100~ Exhibit "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION The east 15.00 feet of the following described parcel: IIII IIIII I I IIIIIllll lllll I IIIIllll llllll Lot 26 and the south ½ of Lot 25, NEW UPSALA, according to the plat there of as recorded in Plat Book l, Page 67, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida LESS that part lying within the existing right-of-way of said Upsala Road.