HomeMy WebLinkAbout507-James & Gregory Dyson I IIIIII III II B I III # III I III Illll I III I I l III Iil II BK 053~9 PGS 8009-8013 CLERK~ S # ~004084%0 ~ IX~ T~X L 7~ CROSS ACCESS AGREEMIL/~II~ FEEli 8,t,.~ AND I~ORI~.J) nY L I~tnley ..GRANT OF EASEMEN:r THIS AGREEMENT AND EASEMENT is entered into and made on this ,¢~.~ day of ./t.~.)¢ ,200¢~/by and betw.een JAMES H. DYSON, JR. and GRE-~)Ry W. DYSON, (Eereinafter referred to as the OWNERS"), and CAROLYN P. STENSTR©M, whose address is Post Office Box 665, Sanford, Florida 32772, hereinafter referred to as "STENSTROM". WlTNESSETH: WHEREAS, the OWNERS warrant that they hold legal title to the proporty described in Paragraph 2 below; and WHEREAS, the OWNERS desire to facilitate the orderly use of the subject property and to ensure that the use of subject property is compatible with other properties in the area and planned traffic patterns. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and aqmemr-:r;ts contained herein, and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt 3r,:' ::~, tih~; b, ncy of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereto agree as follows: The above recitals are true and correct and form a material ~art of the Agreement upon which the parties have relied. ' The OWNERS warrant and represents that they are the present owners of the following described property (hereinafter referred to as the "subject property"): SEE ATTACHED. The OWNERS hereby grant, convey, and assign to the STENSTROM,-a permanent right to accomplish the purposes of this Agreement and Easement and to travel, enter and exit with or without vehicles, upon, over and across, any portion of that certain easement area (described as follows) located on the property described in Paragraph 2: SEE ATTACHED. o The purpose of the easement described in Paragraph 3 above is to provide access to adjoining properties and to a curb cut on St. Johns Parkway. The OWNERS covenant and agree that they and their heirs, assigns and successors, will abide by the provisions of this Agreement and Easement. EXHIBIT E * Page 1 of 5 6. This entire Agreement and Easement touches or concerns the subject property, and shall run with the land, shall be a burden and binding upon the OWNERS and the OWNERS' assigns and successors in interest. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement on the date first above written. 3AIreS H. DY~O~, JR. STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF SEMINOLE ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared JAMES'; H.~ DYSON, JR., who is personally known to me or who produced his Florida Drivel :~ License as identification and acknowledged before me that he executed the same.' " ,¢ .~XECUTED and se.,aled A. (Affix Notarial Sea!) ~, ~,~, R Dean Cannc~ Jr ~ly Comnfl~lefl 00170898 ~ EXl~S January 24, 2007 in the County and State named above this ~'day of Notary Public; ~t~[e ~qF-Jorid~ Printe~ · e~'Name F EXHIBITE-Paqe2of5 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF SEMINOLE ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared GREGORY W. DYSON, who is personally known to me or who produced his Florida Driver's License as identification and acknowledged before me that he executed the same. EXECUTED and sealed in the County and /'~ ~-~, A.D. 20~.~ State named above this 2(..~/~"day of (Affix Notarial Seal) Notary ~-u blic; State of F forid~ Printed' Name Dean Canncn Jr . My Commissio~ DB170898 Ex. res Jan ua~y 24, 2007 I" EXHIBIT E -Paee 3 of 5 1 PARCEL D,E'TA~, L GENERAL Parcel Id:' 28-19-30-5AE-2100-0000 Tax District: S1-SANFORD Owner:. DYSON JAMES~__H JR & Exemptions: Own/Addr: DYSON GREGORy W Address: Clt3/,State,ZfpCode: PropertyAddreSs: 3205 sT JOHNS PKWY Facility Name: Do~ 60-GRAZING LAND LAND Land Assess Method Frontage Depth Land Units IMP PASTUR- 0 0 36.140 '~own am NOT cerffiied values and therefor al LEGAL DESCRIPTiON PLAT ALL BLKS 21 & 22 & E 1/2 VACD ST ADJ ON W & N 1/2 VACD ST ADJ ON 8 & THAT pART OF BI. KS 2327 & 38 N OF · RR & S 1/2 OF VACD STADJ ON N OF BLK 23 & ALL BI. KS 28 & 37 & ALL VACD ST BET (LESS N 278 FT OF W 360 FT OF BLK 37 & E 1/20FVACD 8TADj ON W & N 50 FT OF BLKS 21 28 & E 1/2 OF VACD ST ON W & W 1/2 VACD ST ' ADJ ON E & N 50 FT OF BLK 37 & BEG NW COl:{ BLK 21_RUN S 89 DEG 53 MIN 13 SEC E 433.49 FT S 00 DEG 06 MIN 52 SEC W 50 FT 3'0 POB RUN S 89 DEG 53 13 SEC E 554.58 FT $ 09 DEG 06 MIN 52 SEC W 1137.57 FT S 81 DEG 46 MIN 43 SEC W 560.50 FT N 00 DEG 08 MIN 52 SEC E 1218,81 FTTO POB) ad valorem tax fax vgTI be based on Just/Market value. EXHIBIT E - Page 4 of 5 ST. $0[-[NS PARKWAY (F~rRL¥ ~(NO~ AS o NOT ~NCLUDED SKETCH oF DESCRIPTION '. NOT A SURVEY -- - DESCRIPTION A. tract of land lying in Section 27. Township 19 South, Range JO East. Seminole County, Florida; being more particularly described os follows: The North 970 feet of the East 1/2 of the vacated street lying West of Blacks 21 and 22, M.U, Smith's Subdivision os per plot thereof os recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 55 of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida; less the North 50 feet 'thereof for additional right of way. Together with the North 970 feet of the West .35 feet of the following described parcel: Blocks 21 and 22, M.M. Smith's Subdivision os per plat thereof os recorded in Plot Book 1, Page 5.5 of the Public Records of Seminole County. Florida; less the North 50 feet thereof for additional right of way. EXHIBITE-Page5of5 1~2 ABBREVIATION LISTING O.R.B. = OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK PG. = PAGE P.B.' = PLAT BOOK P.C. = POINT OF CURVATURE P.T. =~ POINT OF TANGENCY P;C.C. = POINT OF' COMPOUND CURVATURE P.R.C. POINT OF' TAN. 8RG.--= REVERSE CURVATURE TANGENT BEARING Tinklepaugh SURVEYING SERVICE:S, INC. .3? W. Michigan S~et. SuYce 208 · Orlando, F~odda 52.~06 ?e~. Nm (40~) 422-o~57 r~x No. (40T) [/CEN3ED ~U~ No, ~r78 This description and the accompanying sketch or sketches has been prepared in accordance with the Standards set forth in Chapter 61(317, F.A.C., pursuant to Chapters 177 and 472, Florida Statutes. Unless it bears the signoture and the original raised seal of o Florida licensed surveyor and mopper this drawing, sketch, plot or mop is for informotlonol purposes only and is not valid. ARTHUR W. TUCKER, P.L.S. 4381 ~