HomeMy WebLinkAbout531 Thelma Knudsen \:}) Q Q ~ ~ ~ ..... .:0 Q I;:) U UJ L1:: ..-... (f! r.:Tl a. !::'.!, LCi ~ ....- -q- ~ ~ III r.:Tl r:l._ o ':'-l i~ o ::L IX. .)) ,71) CTI ':'-l (0 Q t'TI a o ':'-l Z I.l... U :::- ~ :::l o U UJ ...J o ;z ::"\ .._ .'1) [i]:~ I:J; .~ 1-- ~ IJ:: .~ ::J ._J <:< ;:- (j I: j.-- ' J 5) U L1:: - Dc:i I.J... h- 06 :z-:o IXO ilio _..J uo _ l..lJ WW .:n 0 !XC! 9'-'1 .z .:)) ill .~ Z ';'1 ;Z; llJ :=1. W ;_ I.i... lJ::(j .;( fjJ :2 LY e,..S5/ t .... GRANT OF EXCLUSIVE CITY SERVICES EASEMENT (INDIVIDUAL) ~ ~ ':'-l '\Of" Q Tms INDENT~ made this whose address is L q WITNESSEm, that party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar and other valuable consideration paid by party of the second part, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, grants and conveys to party of the second part, its successors, assigns, licensees, an exclusive pe etual em n a desc. and illustrated below, which is to be under, upon, and across the 2. ., ,,>( 2.J ~ eet of the property situated in or near the City of Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, more partie arly described as: (See Attached Exhibit" A" - Legal Description and Exhibit "B" - Drawing) *Also known as2 ~911(lVtJoJe;tl j)/L PROPERTY ADDRESS (Seminole County Parcel ID No. Ob'~ 20 -J J .-Jot) - 0 170 ~OoO . Sanford, Florida* for city services, including but not limited to, city owned utilities, hereafter on said property, such easement to include the right of free ingress and egress over and across said property for the purposes of constructing, installing, and maintaining said facilities. This Grant of Easement shall not be construed as a grant of right of way and is limited to a City Services Easement. The party of the first part shall have the right to use the area subject to the easement granted hereby ( the "Easement Area"), including without limitation for parking areas, driveways, and landscaping, which are not inconsistent with the use of the Easement Area by the party of the second part for the purposes granted hereby. Provided, however, that the party of the first part shall not have the right to grant utility easements to other parties without the prior written consent of the party of the second part. H the party of the second part disturbs any landscaping or improvements within the easement area, the party ofthe second part shall restore such landscaping or improvements. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties of the first part hereunto set their hands and seals on the day and year first above wri n. ALED, AND DELIVERED IN mE PRESENCE OF: ~ddress: ?- 9q.l K,A./t/I?f'EAI JJA- -5I1NFcJte!3 FL ~ ] 277g STATE OF FWRIDA, COUNTY OF SE OLE {,,--:-- The foregoing instrument was ackno edged before me this ---11- day of ~U n-€- who is personally known to me or as identification. ~9A.D. by who provided ~:m.~""':':"'~ur::.<::tll!~ .. ",'~~"~cc'" YVONNE HOWELL f~~~;~~~~\ Notary Public - State of Florida - (* 4 -,,\ . _ ., . :: . It. 1r~.' . =My CommiSSion Expires Oct 23. 2009 "'lfl;.~'~.~" \:> ti~i~O~~'" Commission # DD 471991 1""111" City of Sanford Utility Department 8-5 11111 .111.1118.. ...111... R .11111111 . 4 .. SKETCH AND DESCRIPTION: CITY OF SANFORD UTILITY EASMENT EXHIBIT A A portion of the parcel Legally Descripded as East 200 feet of West 1493 feet of South 250 feet of Section 6, Township 20 South Range 31E. Also the East 29.5 feet of the 1522.5 feet of South 250 feet of Section 6, Township 20 South Range 31E, in Deed Book Page 258 of the Public Records, Seminole County, Florida. Being more particlarly decsribed as follows: Commence at the Southeast comer of the Southwest 1/4 of Southwest 1/4 of Section 6, Township 20 South, Range31 East, to a point North 35 feet for the POINT OF BElNNING; Thence extending East 29.9 feet along ONORO STREET, as recorded in Plat Book 8, Page 89, of the Public Records, Seminole County, running North 215.0 feet to a point of intersection with the South line of the 15 foot alley, extending West 29.9 feet and running South 215.0 feet to the POINT OF BElNNlNG as shown on said plat I EXHIBIT B I 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 ~~ '" z~ filo $i:!! < t1l 75.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 70.0 75.0 500.0' --I --29.9' /\ / POINT OF INTERSECTION /' /' 15FT ALLEY tJ:l ~ -< i tv - VI o /' ~/ VI 0/ / / // 50.0 /" POINT OF BEGlNNlNG ~ 35.0' '-Southeast Comer ofSW1/4 ort SW 1/4 ofSETION 6, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 31 EAST t -QNORO STREET -