HomeMy WebLinkAbout532 Mill Creek FPL Easement 10.uuao....a..........II. MARYANNE MORSE, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT SEMINOLE aum BK 87211 Pgl 1118 - 1811; (4pgl) CLERK'S * 2,009069656 RECORDED 16/26/2119 12141118 PM RECORDING FEES 35.51 RECORDED BY 8 Harford Work Request No. 3362628 EASEMENT S~T !js Rg.3l) E This Inslrumenl Prepared By. - wp , - 0 - Name: Johnle Wilson paJ'cell.~ '.30 "30 <PI ~8 SO. Name: Florida Power & Uaht Comoanv (Maintained by Counfy Appraiser) OOOOAddress: PO BOX 2149 Form 3722 (Stocked) Rev. 7/94 Sanford. Fl32n~g 1 of~. The undersigned. in consIderation of the payment of $1.00 and other good and valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, grant and give to Florida Power & Ught Company, its licensees, agents, successors, and assigns, an easement forever for the construction, operatfon and maintenance of overhead and underground electric utUity facilities (including wires, poles, guys, cables, conduits and appurtenant equipment) to be installed from time to time; with the right to reconstruct, Improve, add to, enlarge, change the voltage, as weil as, the size of and remove such faciHties or any of them within an easement 10 feet in width described as follows: - See Attached Exhibit "A" 00 00 r--.. I N r--.. r--.. N "" fDrCln:::uI!.Courf Ras ...J I..L. Together with the right to permit any other person, firm or corporation to attach wires to any facilities hereunder and lay cable and conduit 'within tile easement ana to operaie the same for communications purposes; the right of ingress and egress to said premises at all times: the right to clear the land and keep it cleared of all trees, undergrowth and other obstructions within the easement area; to trim and cut and keep trimmed and cut all dead, weak, leaning or Clangerous trees or 11mbs outside of the easement area whIch might interfere with or fall upon the lines or systems of communications or Rower transmission or distribution; and furthefgrants, to the fullest extent t1)e undersigned has the power to grant, if at all, the rIghts hereinabove granted on the land heretofore described, ever, along, under and across the roads; streets Dr highways adjoining or through said property. ~ ~ IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the undersigned has signed and sealed this Instrument o.n,. .',t~ .-.. Z ~ ,.... .~ Si ned. s.ealed and deliv . the presence of: .' , "'. , Q I . '.... 'S- .-. l ,1~lI.re '" O~" L ensslQtls 'prin~'N'me':AV'--4Jr<+:" o/IU;qj)J/,/~~,:; .i,a K h _ ' ,Ii _ -.: p.w.tcldre~,.;_ 3,\.TV N Pa rk Ave nue ! . ~ . z; f ~,;. ~~'~~; S'aftford. Fl 32772-1788 /\ (Witness'Slgnaturel : f.<....~.. "J~. ' , .; ,.'. '. ~~ j ... Atl~N 'J .' ,.,,~ I '/tr72J.c/f1 II [t[ ..,~. "",;pepu y acre rySSlgn e lty Clerk Signature (Witness) <>>., Pli.l;~ N~e: .' Gin t h i a Po r t e r '~ldfe;~:,,~ '300 N Park Avenue , Sanford, Fl 17777-1788 (Corporate Seal) :0 ~ o 4- C ,11l Vl , . 2e1;) '1 x o co ignature o CL :0 ~ o 4- C I1l l/l Print Name: 4- o >- .j...J STATE OF /U;t!t~ AND COUNTY OF St:.Y;t //\JO Lc-. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this d'3.-tUfay of:J"UiV€: . 20Q]. by L-./ N7;:),4 {c.u ff ,v , and respectively the h1tf'{I'ft.. P~ili'i,{c...otand Secretary of -r1tC C try o-p S,ft1/ t:c-(O , a corporation, on behalf of said corporation, who are<€f$onafly known to ~ or have produced as Idenllfo=atlon. and who did (did "of) lake an oafh. ~ . "lI~-"'J My Commfssion Expires: ~.IYu/2~~'n~~ Notary Pubfic. Slgnafure . . ~~ u ,:.:.. ~ Q) u >- '.j...J u o .j...J Print Name C. SIMMONS Notary Public, State of Florida My comm. expires July 25.2012 No. 00784069 Bonded thru Ashton Agency. Inc, (800)451-4854 .C ~ =' ..j...J Q) 0:: 00 00 r-- I, N r-- r-- N ('/'\ -l LL. -0 l...- e- .... e:- ll):' (/)' Exhibit "A" 00 00 r-- x o co o 0- "0 I- o .... C lU (/) .... o >- ~ u ~ I- C1l u >- ~ u o ~ C I- ::J ~ C1l 0::: co co r--- Mill Creek FPL Easement Legal Description I N r--- r--- N (V'\ Beginning at the southwest corner of lot 18, Block "A" of Country Club Manor, Unit 2, according to the plat thereof as recorded in plat book 11, page 100, public records of Seminole County, Florida; thence run North 36025' East, a distance of 310 feet; thence run North 08035' West, a distance of 70.7 feet; thence run North 36025' East, a distance of 5.86 feet; thence run North 53035' West, a distance of 25 feet; thence run South 36025' West, a distance of 20 feet; thence run South 53035' East, a distance of 25 feet; thence run South 08035' East, a distance of 56.57 feet; thence run South 36025' West, a distance of 313.21 feet; thence run South 89051'50" East, a distance of 12.40 feet to the Point of Beginning. ...J I.J... -0 I- o 4- C co (/) See Attached Sketch co co r--- x o a:l o Cl... -0 I- o 4- C co (/) 4- o >- -I-l u ~ I- Q) u >- -I-l u o -I-l C I- :J -I-l Q) cC PLOT DATE: ,3/.30/2009 > ~ " c c; > C I Z P ~ m ~ m ~ " ! ~l ,,: ! ~il -~ ~ "U ~g ~ [~ -( <" g.r:l it i; ~3 ~g i G; ~; ~ ~. ~ :~ ;~! ~ II ~ '! ~ i ! g ~ . . 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