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ADDRESS OWNER $ento & Eva M. Concalaves OCCUPSNCY 152 Country Club Cr. Lonnie Thomp LEGAL DESCRIPTION Lot 6 Blk A CC Nanor Unit # 2 CONDEMNATION GR 74/83 -1105 B UILDING RECORD 2/7/66 - Permit 3779 (Owner) Enclose existing carports (300) 7 -15 83 Douse. Bufn }- fee Slip- EG $ -ri -$y GrGSS 11 -83 >�a ehGn - SQe. S1:p - 8S 1716 -84 Permit #NA Y City of Sanford - Demolish Condemned S/F Res �`� - � erno 1; s h � G� ' 5 - 13 - 86 Permit # 20866 SmokeRise Const. .Erect S/F Res ($37,000) S -1q -86 - Fau.r,,C� - &-k --ca 1 5 -8.- Sly_ a-it-- (0 - 3 - 4b - l.n{_Qq o A6 - =-LcLn� - cA-L- s,�. Q_M -_c�a �.�.nj - - �S 'OVER) PLUMBING q ELECTRICAL I OTHERS I 3/14/66 Harriett 1 closet 8086 1 lavatory 5 -27 -86 Permit # 2024 LaBree Plumbing One Water Closet Additional Water Closet ---------------------- - - - - -- 0Z- _- % -- � o (4.0 --------=---------- - - - - -- - - -- t� - 6 -4 -86 Permit # 11063 S.E. Dollen 101 -200 Amp 6 -10 -86 Permit # 4088 Conditioned Air of F1 Install Heat & Air 4-1 -� 6 R � 2