HomeMy WebLinkAbout472-Lowman & Margaret Oliver PREPARED BY: sWlLLIAM L. COLBERT, ESQUIRE .O. BOX 4848 ANFORD, FL 32772-4848 PARCEL ID 25-19-30-5AH-0000-0380 PIARYANI, IE HORSE CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT"-` 839650 qFHINOLE COUNTY, FL. ~,~CORDED & VERIFIED -8 PR GRANT OF UTILITY EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE, made this ~TZ~' day of May, A.D., 1996, between LOWMAN OLIVER and MARGARET D. OLIVER, husband and wife, of the County of Seminole and State of Florida, parties of the first part, and CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, situate in Seminole County, Florida, party of the second part; WITNESSETH, that parties of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration to be in hand paid by party of the second part, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted and conveyed, and by these presents do grant and convey to party of the second part, its successors, assigns, and licensees, a perpetual easement under, upon, and across the property situate in Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, more particularly described as a utility easement in Section 25, Township 19 South, Range 30 East over the following described property: Beginning at a point 78 feet West of the Southeast corner of Lot 38 North of 13th Street in the Subdivision of Robinson's Survey on an Addition to Sanford, Plat Book 1, Page 92, run North 36 feet, thence Southeast to a point 24 feet East of the Pint of Beginning, thence West to Point of Beginning for public utility purposes, including specifically storm and sanitary sewers, and for the installation, inspection, servicing, repair, maintenance, and replacement of all utilities now existing or hereafter to exist on said property, such easement including the right of free ingress and egress over and across said property for any of the purposes aforesaid. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties of the first part hereto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of witnesses: ~nature Printed Name Printed Name LOWMA~J OLIVER ,..2 707 Sanford Avenue Sanford, FL 32771 M,~R'GARL:~'/I- d. OLIVER 707 Sanford Avenue Sanford, FL 32771 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, personally appeared LOWMAN OLIVER and MARGARET D. OLIVER, husband and wife, who are personally known to me, who executed the foregoing instrument, and who acknowledged before me that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this day of MayA. D. 1996. Printed Name: ,,~.~-~x'[,~ ~.~ Notary Public, State of Florida ¸LO C. NOTE: ~PE OF LOAN: :. IliA 4. VA 2. FMHA 5. CONV. INS. 3. CONV. UNINS 6. Fil~ # 7. Loan # NAME OF PURCHASER: ADDKESS OF PURCIIASER: NAME OF GR:,MCrOR: ADDRESS OF GRANTOR: NAME OF LENDER: ADDRESS OF LENDER: CH'Y OF SANFORD, FLORIDA P.O. BOX 1788 SANFORD, FL 32772-1788 LOWMAN & MARGARET D. OLIVER Sanford, FL 32771 NA G. PROPERTY LOCATION: H. SETTLEMENT AGENT: PLACE OF SETFLEMENT: 1. SETTLEMENT DATE: Sanford, FL 3277 I WILLIAM L. COLBERT, ESQU1RE 200 WEST FIRST STREET, SUH~ 200 SANFORD, FL 32771 MARCH ,1996 J, SUMMARy OF BORROWER'S TRANSACTION K. SUMMARY OF SELLER'S TRANSACTION 100. GROSS AMOUNT DUE FROM BORROWER: 101. Contract sale price 103. Settlement chargas to borrow~ (~om line 1400) 104. 105. ADJUS'FMENrFS FOR ITEMS PAID BY SELLER 106. City/town 107. County taxes 109. 640.00 130.40 120. GROSS AMotncr DUE FROM BORROWER: $770.40 200. AMOUNTS PAID BY OR IN BEHALF OF BORROWER: 201. Deposit or earnest money 202. Principal amount ofnewloan(s) 203. Existing loan(s) taken subjcct to 204. 205. 206, 207. 208. 209. ADJUSTMENTS FOR ITEMS UNPAID BY SELLER: 210. City/~own taxes 211. Countytaxes 214. 215. 216. 217. 219. 300. CASH AT SETTL ,EMENT FROM/Fo BORROWER: 301. Gross amount duc borro~.~r 0ine 120) 302. Less amount paid by borco~r (line 220) 303. CASH __FROM TO BORROWER 770.40 0,00 $770.40 400. GROSS AMOUNT DUE TO SELLER: 401. Contract sales ptlce 402. Personal property 403. 404. 405. ADJUSTMENT FOR ITEMS PAID BY SELLER IN ADVANCE: 406. City/town taxes 407. County taxes 640.00 420. GROSS AMOIJIWr DUE 'ro SELLER: $640.00 REDUCTIONS IN AMOUNT DUE TO SELLER: ~xcess deposit Settlement charges-seller (line 1400) Existin8 loan(s) (subject to) Payoffoffita~ mortgage loan Payoff of a~cond mortgage loan 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. 509. ADJUSTMENTS FOR H~.MS UNPAID BY SELLER: 510. City/tows 511. County taxes 512. 513. 514. 515. 516. 517. 518. 519. 520. TOFAL REDUCTIONS IN AMOUNT DUE SELLER: $0.00 600. CAStl AT SET1]~EIVIENT FFO / FROM SELLER: 601. Grosa amount due seller (line 420) 602. Le~ total reductiorm (line 520) 603. CASH FROM TO SELLER 640.00 0.00 $640.00 L. SETTLEMENT n;HARGES 700. SALES/BROKER'S COMMISSION: $0.00 BASED ON ~ DMSION OF COMMISSION (LINE 700) AS FOLLOWS: 701. $ to 702. $ to 703. Commission paid at seillement 704 800. ITEMS PAYABLE iN CONNECTION WiTH LOAN: PAID FROM PAID FROM BORR()WER'S SELLER'S FUNDS FIYNDS AT AT SETTLEMENT SETTLEMENT 803. Appraisal Fee to: 900 ITEMS REQUIRED BY LENDER TO BE PAID iN ADVANCE: 901, fatarest fxo to (~$ /day 902. Motlgage insurance premium for too.to 903. ltazard insurance premium yes.to 904. Flood Insurance Premium for yis.to 905. 1000. RESERVES DEPOSITED WITH LENDER: 1001. Hazard insurance months ~ $ per month 1002. Mortgage insurance months ~ $ per month 1003. City prope~y taxes months ~ $ per month 1004. County property taxes months ~ $ per month 1005. Annual ~s~essments months ~ $ per month 1006. Flood i~mrance months ~ $ per month 1007. months ~ $ per month 1008. months ~, $ per month 1100. ~q~E CHARGES: Attorneys' Title 115.00 1200. GOVERNMENI~ RECORDiNG A/ID TRANSFER CHARGES: 1201. Recordm8 fees: Easement $10.50 1202. City/county tax/stamps: Deed $ ;Mortgage $ 1203. State tax/stamps: Ea~m~nt $4.90 1204 1205. 4.90[ 1300. ADDITIONAL SETTLEMENTCHARGES: 1301. Survey to 1303. 1304. 1305. 1306. 1~00. TOTAL 8E?TL~I¥1~#T OHARO[$ (Ear,ton line 103, Section J-and-line 502, Section K) $130.4C $0.00 I have carefidly reviev, ed the HUD-1 Settlement Statement and. to thc best of my knowlcd e and belief, it is a true and accurate statement of all Settlement Agent Date WARNING: It is a crime to knowingly make false statements to the United States on this or any other similar fom~. Penalties upon conviction can include a fine or imprisonment. For details see: Title 18 U.S. Code Section 1001 and Section 1010.