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AonRESS 2 ,501 /E LM AVENUE LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 1 BLK 3, 2nd SECTION DREA WOLD BUILDING RECORD 7/13/60 - PERMIT NO 684 (SELF) ENCLOSE CARPORT 10/21/60 -- Permit # 3140 (Shoemaker Constr.) Interior alternation & relocating Beauty shop im single family dwelling. 8/4/67 - Permit 4601 (Owner) Interior alterations to commercial. bldg. ($500) 6/9/71 - Permit 7090 (Steinmeyer) Reroof (partial) existing commercial building ($600) 05/04/79 Permit #13860 (Green Brothers Reroof commercial building ($1200) Roof ing) 16 -C ? -�r,r- LL41<c Mprzy Rem l� 10 -26 -88 Permit 4 23230 Install Wall Sign 1 �^ L� Owner ( OVER) WE ADDRESS OWNER OCCUPANCY 2501 Elm Avenue Bob Ball, Jr. Certificate of Occu anc : LEGAL DESCRIPTION Date Approved: 1 -20 -30 - 504 - 0 30 0 - 0 010 L ot 1 B1k 3 PB 4 PG 30 BUILDING CONTRACTOR Sub. Reg's. Apply: Yes No BUILDING: I, 2/6/89 Permit #k23485 BUILDING RECORD &4- Final Inspection Owner �I� �-JL _ � _ �} Erect 6' Stockade Fence FEES: ($300-00) Development Fees Streets Paved Unpaved Street Paving Fee UTILITIES: Water Lines Meter Set Sewer Lines Sewer Tap i Storm Sewer ENGINEERING /PUB. WORKS: Drainage Street Paving Street Name Signs Street Lights [OVER Maintenance Bond OWNER OCCUPANCY � Bob Ball, Jr. P44- 11-II,1-1i B4YD SINGLE -- FAMIL DWELLING PLUMPING ELECTRICAL` OTHERS 7/25/60 BURNS 1 1 V- - Permit #$7065 PERMIT NO 8311 `�' Sanford Htg. & A/C 6 OUTLETS J Install Central Heating Air Conditioning - Electric 6/9/71 - Permit 2302 $1,700.00 Harvey Electric 1 service 200 amps