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ADDRESS OWNER OCCUPANCY 1501 S. French Keystone Motors Certificate of Occupancy: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Date Approved: BUILDING; CONTRACTOR Sub. Reg's. Apply: Yes No BUILDING: 7 -24 -86 Permit # 21054 BUILDING RECORD Final Inspection Aaction Signs Erect Temp Mobile trailer Sign FEES: NEXT SIGN: 3 -24 -87 Development Fees 5 -18 -87 Permit # 21751 _ _ Streets Paved Unpaved Marilyn VanDerleenden (�� Street Paving Fee General Repair to existing UTILITIES: Comm Bldg ($1000) Water Lines Meter Set Sewer Lines Sewer Tap Storm Sewer ENGINEERING/PUB. WORKS: Drainage Street Paving Street Name Signs Street Lights [OVER] Maintenance Bond 9DOPESS DwNFn•- .. - �{SCOLLA-+ 0-1&� � .f.V..Y OCCUPANCY 1501 S. French Ave. �€s Certificate of Occupancy: LEGAL DESCRIPTION _ Date Approved: BUILDING CONTRACTOR - BUILDING RECORD 1 -21 -83 Permit #182 0 cc„ /-;c5 - PP Final Inspection Owner gr,i WCk" 4JD FEES: Erect 4'x7' Sign- e x isting pole Development Fees (140 Streets Paved Unpaved Street Paving Fee 1 -10 -85 Permit # 20734 �'o Tr �; 1�2 s. - 'CCzus� �� S UTILITIES: Trail R -Signs dye �Uorll 4-rZ cl � 4�u. �y Water Lines Erect Temp Mobile Sign 60 days Meter Set CA - I D °� 5' Sewer Lines 5 -1 -85 Permit #20973 Sewer Tap Owner Erect 4 x 8 Roof Sign Storm Sewer _ R-N5 permit # 20216 -- - �3 r 'n` S ` - p ENGINEER INGIPUB. WORKS: J IS N Signs Drainage Erect 4x8 Ground Sign Street Paving (800) Street Name Signs Street Lights Maintenance Bond OVER ADDRESS - - - -- - �!L �A)i ar 1501 S. FRENCH AV m L4',�,�; -3S3- AVENUE - C - iL CO . �i 7yT ( � LEGAL pESCR1PTION SERVICE ST 9 � AMENDED PLAT OF ORANGE HTS, LOTS 1, 2 & 3 USS R w FO CONDEMNATION GROUP 61/80 -971 BUILD[NG RECORD 8 NOV. 57 - APP. 170. 5041 - PER. NO. 1052 (SELF) INSTILL UNDERGROUND FUEL OIL TANK 4,000 GAL CAP. & pUMp 18 NOV. 58 - APP. NO. 5635 - PER. N0. 1633 (,SELF) ERECT SIGN 1 3 MARCH 59 - APP. NO. 5815 - PER. NO. 1811 (SELF) REINSTALL SIGN 10/14/60 - Permit No. 830 (Wildwood Sign Co) Erect sign 10/14/60 - Permit No. 831 (Wildwood Sign Co) Erect sign 8/24/67 Permit No. 4639 (self) Erect tvM ground signs. 288 sq. ft. @ $0 .15 per sq. ft. 4 -22 -74 Permit # 10487 Owner Erect 2 Ground signs (284.00) (OVER) PLUMBING ELECTRICAL 7 OCT. 57 (SANFORD ELEC) PIZ. NO. 7461 I ELEC. SIGN 17 DEC. 57 (SANFORD Ea C) PER, 140. 7524 1 MOTOR 1/3 OIL FUMP 6 MARCH 59 (SANFORD ELEC PER. NO. 7876 4 FIXTURES 4 FLOODS 13 MARCH 59 (SANFORD ELE PER. NO. 7884 2 FLOODS _ -,, ; - -y .� - 1 OUTLET o_(L :� 7/15/60 SANFORD ELEC. PERMIT NO 8303 1 (1 /3HP) MOTOR 1 FLOOD LIGHT 1 SIGN 9/14/60 SANFORD ELEC. PERMIT NO 8343 replace lsign reflector AP OTHERS