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OCCUPANCY I ADDRESS OWNER 1806 S. French Ay. Certific of Occupancy: LEGAL DESCRIPTION Date Approved: 36 - BUILDING CONTRACTOR Sub. Reg's. Apply: Yes No BUILDING: 6 -21 -88 Permit # 22750 BUILDING RECORD Final Inspection E & J Signs Erect Temp Mobile Trailer Sign FEES: NEXT SIGN: 2 -21 -89 Development Fees A ) r,� Streets Paved Unpaved '` ioQr'?'I• 7� Q�'�� /Pr s / G AJS' Street Paving Fee 7 -19 -88 Permit # 22852 E & J Signs, Inc Install wall Sign ($600) 9 -13 -88 Permit # 23070 E & J Signs ERect Inground Sign ($700) [OVER] UTILITIES: Water Lines Meter Set Sewer Lines Sewer T Storm Sewer ENGINEERING /PUB. WORKS: Drainage Street Paving Street Name Signs Street Lights Maintenance Bond Veridell- A ee' 1 tt ADO RESS OER 1$06 $ . French Ave. mE� C© -S,i"FL C- Certificate of Oc anc P_ Y LEGAL_ DESCRIPTION Date Approved: i BUILDING CONTRACTOR Su Reg Apply: es o BUILDING RECORD BUILDING: �� .�,� Final Inspection 4 -27 -82 Permit 416872 ��+ �� -1 EES: Mobile Signs of FL —Erect Mobil�e��� D � , ���'� t g , � � Trailer Sign (60 days) 6 1Y%0 - �uyr p` -�� IZ�P Development Fees Streets Paved Unpaved 3 -21 -86 Permit # 20715 Street Paving Fee Mobile Trailer Signs UTILITIES: Erect Temp Mobile Trailer Sign Water Lines NEXT SIGN: 11 -21 -86 Meter Set 3 -31 -86 Permit # 20742 d ,, a U n k- Sewer Lines Awnings by Carey -Mr. Boyd Erect Awnings to Comm. Bldg ($600) s7 f I � �J o - FA,-j i 12 -2 -86 Permit #21351 Mobile Signs Erect Temp Mobile Trailer Sign Next Sign: 8 -7--87 ( ovER ) NS. Sewer Tap Storm Sewer ENGINEERING /PUB. WORKS: Drainage Street Paving Street Name Signs Street Lights Maintenance Bond