HomeMy WebLinkAbout081009 ws agn & min MINUTES 147 City Commission, Sanford, Florida Werli SeSSie8 August 19,299' - E00514441DW CITY OF SANFORD CITY COMMISSION WORK SESSION MONDA V, AUGUST 10, 2009 4:30 PM Railroad Depot Ro m 2nd FI or Sanford City II 300 North Park Aven e Sanford, Flori a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of th se proceedings should contact the City Clerk at 407.688.5010 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting. Advice to the public: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he or she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provi ed by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.01 OS) AGENDA ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - 1) Interview applicants for the Sanford Museum Board, Sanford Airport Authority, Police Officers' Retirement Sy em Board of Trustees and Firefighters' Retirement System Board of Trustees. [Commission Memo 09-290] 2) Bentley Wilson Park FRDAP Grant Application - discussion. [Commission Memo 09-288] 3) Proposed location for a City Welcome Sign - discussion. [Commission Memo 09-289] 4) Red Light Camera Enforcement System - presentation. [Commission Memo 09-275] 5) Wellness Center concept - discussion. [Commission Memo 09-286] 6) Q2U Quarterly Report - Third Quarter Management Report - information.[Commission Memo 09-285] 7) Agenda Items - additional information and/or questions. 8) End the meeting. ., J ~ .... ...... IIIlIIIlIIII ~ .... ..... I I I IIIlIIl r- L ,.... ~ ,.... ~ !I""'- -.. ,.... ..... 148 MINUTES City Commission, Sanford, Flori~6rk Scni6B l..8~8St 19,2999 E00514441DW The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, August 10, 2009 at 4:30 PM, in the Railroad Depot Room, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 300 North Park A venue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Linda Kuhn Vice Mayor Randy Jones (Arrived at 4:39 PM) Commissioner Velma Williams Commissioner Art Woodruff Acting City Manager Kristi Aday City Clerk Janet Dougherty Assistant City Attorney Lonnie Groot Administrative Specialist Pat Lee Absent: Commissioner Jack T. Bridges City Manager Robert (Sherman) Yehl Mayor Kuhn called the Work Session to order at 4:35 PM 1) Interview applicants for the Sanford Museum Board, Sanford Airport Authority, Police Officers' Retirement System Board of Trustees and Firefighters' Retirement System Board of Trustees. [Commission Memo 09-290] The Commission interviewed three applicants for the Sanford Airport Authority: Larry Blair; Rocky Harrelson; and Stephen Smith. Mayor Kuhn announced additional interviews will be held on August 24th with appointments to be made in September. The Commission discussed term limits and the loss of experienced board members. Mayor Kuhn noted a request from SAA board member Bill Miller who asked for consideration since his term was up in 2006, and he did not get reappointed at that time but still continues to serve, who requested that his term be continued to 2010. 2) Bentley Wilson Park FRDAP Grant Application - discussion. [Commission Memo 09-288] Marc Hultin, Parks and Grounds Operations Manager, proposed applying for a FRDAP Grant in the amount of $112,500, to be matched with Recreation Impact Fees in the amount of $37,500. The deadline for applying is September 15th; with the grant applications to be ranked in January, 2010 and the Governor would sign the grants in May, 2010. Commissioner Woodruff stated his desire to replace the equipment now, prior to the grant award. Mr. Hultin verified that installation could take place now and still be counted as an eligible expenditure match. It was the consensus of the Commission that Mr. Hultin proceed with applying for the FRDAP Grant. 3) Proposed location for a City Welcome Sign - discussion. [Commission Memo 09-289] Kristi Aday, Deputy City Manager, reviewed the three proposed locations for a City Welcome Sign. Owners of the Slumberland Motel have been contacted regarding the possibility of purchasing an easement. The consensus of the Commission was for staff to speak with the owners again and bring this item back with further information. 4) Red Light Camera Enforcement System - presentation. [Commission Memo 09-275] Chief Tooley stated it was his intent that these cameras do not cost the City anything, that the vendor install and maintain them and receive a percentage of the fines collected from the violations. Mr. Groot stated that the ordinance is well tested now and the technology is there. Chief Tooley recommended Lake Mary Blvd. /17-92, Airport Blvd. /17-92, and a location near the Seminole Towne Center Mall. Mr. Groot recommended having the vendors suggest locations. The City's only obligation, if necessary, would be the Special Magistrate if a hearing is necessary. The consensus of the Commission was for staff to move forward with implementing red light cameras. MINUTES 149 City Commission, Sanford, Florida 'IV en k Sess;ou Au~u~t16,1669 ---- E00514441DW 5) Wellness Center concept - discussion. [Commission Memo 09-286] Ms. Aday stated that, in searching to find ways to reduce health care costs, staff has explored use of a Wellness Center (clinic) by which employees and their families could visit a doctor or nurse at a reduced cost which takes it off the City's health care costs, noting the City of Lakeland has saved over $1 million over the last two years. Mayor Kuhn noted she has visited the City ofOcoee Wellness Center and was extremely impressed with the operation. Ray Tomlinson, Matthew Brown and John Watson, Crowne Consulting, gave a power point presentation, noting some agencies "share" a location, such as the Cities of Apopka and Ocoee. Physicians are solicited from the current health insurance plan; the center is a voluntary option and does not replace their current physician; they can do drug testing, physicals and dispense generic prescriptions. They projected a conservative $1 million net savings over the next three years for Sanford. There was consensus among the Commission for staff to move forward with further research on implementing a Wellness Center. 6) Q2U Quarterly Report - Third Quarter Management Report - information. [Commission Memo 09-285] Mr. Poulalian presented the Third Quarter revenue and expenditure report noting that both revenues and expenses are down, with the operating reserve being at about 13%. He noted the water and wastewater funds and that staff will be coming back with a request for a rate increase. 7) Agenda Items - additional information and/or questions. Ms. Aday distributed a revised ordinance for Item 7.B, noting the correction to the year on page 2. She stated she made $8 on EBay selling the 1970's era City Hall furniture. She clarified that Mr. Hultin checked into the Bentley Wilson grant application and verified that any project related costs are eligible to be used as a grant match retroactive to May 27, 2009. Commissioner Woodruff stated his concern about a recent low bidder (a former city employee who was asked to resign) not being awarded the bid and the lack of a policy regarding such bidders. Attorney Groot will respond to Commissioner Woodruff directly. 8) End the meeting. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:01 PM. Attest: Cf:!f' ;Wa~. ~'- pI .., J J J ] ]