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ADDRESS OWNER OCCUPANCY ° 180 Lakeside Cir Calton Homes Certificate of Occupancy: LEGAL DESCR[PTION 11- 20- 30 -5GJ -0000 -0700 Lot 70 Hidden Lakes Subd PB 38 PGs - j ..` 74 -80te Approved: 'S£ BUILD[NG CONTRACTOR Sub, R eg's, Apply: Yes No BUILDING: 10-°11 -88 Permit # 23167 BUILDING RECORD Final Inspection Dumont Dermon Erect S/F Res 4 -`2'2 l�r -8�r r: L a�" « FEES: L t lc� > -_ 0t:0 ($48,000) Development Fees l2 Q —ti; Streets Paved Unpaved Y�' j< - ��t+J Street Paving Fee UTILITIES:. ° Water Lines Meter Set Sewer Lines Sewer Tap Storm Sewer [OVER] z ENGINEERING /PUB. WORKS: Drainage Street Paving Street Name Signs Street Lights Maintenance Bond PLUMBING ELECTRICAL � MECHANICAL. 10 -13 -88 Permit 42685 10 -24 -88 Permit # 12366 - - 8 Permit 4770 CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR Kepco Plumbing Sheppard Electric Air Fow Designs FIXTURES FIXTURES FIXTURES Kepco Plumbing 101 -200 amp service Install Heat & Air INSPECTIONS ROUGH QQ_lt ---Q 0 FINAL — tt —'�6�_ C.�__ 7�4 INSPECTIONS p INSPECTIONS ^ { ROUGH IN 16Q C)'[r � l�_.� -� ROUGH IN s