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AOORESS OWNER Fred Weldon OCCUPANCY 11 -4 TIAGNOLIA AVENUE �������'��_.____ 11 S INGLEIFAMTLY DWELLING LEGAL OESCRIPTIOM BLY, 9 , TR.. 3 LOT 4 13UILDING RECORD 2/29/60 W PE'R1_UT NO 402 (H H LEE) REROOF E RT OF STHGUr�- FAAILY DWELLING 1 -3 -72 - PERMIT 9435-Yates Roofing Reroof entire S/F dwelling. ($490.) 11 -2 -76 Permit #12270 Owner -Erect 10 x 9 metal utility bldg. & add 4 x 8 to existing garage ($300.) 7/21/82 Permit #17559 Reroof S/F Res - Adcock Rfg. ($2,760.) (OVER) PLUMBING ELECTRICAL OTHERS 1-18-73 PERMIT 3469 Owner service 200 amps