HomeMy WebLinkAbout4294 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Ordinance No. 4294 An Ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida amending the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan, as previously amended; providing for amendment of the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land Use Element of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan relative to certain real property, approximately 91.3 acres in size, and located at 3430 Cameron Avenue within the City Limits (maps relating to the property are attached) (Tax Parcel Oldentification Numbers 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0190, 03-20- 31-5AY-0000-0210, 03-19-30-5AY-0000-0290, 3-19-31- 5AY-0000-0310 and 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0410) said property being more specifically described in this Ordinance; providing for legislative findings and intent; providing for assignment of the land use designation for the property; providing for the adoption of maps by reference; providing for severability; providing for ratification of prior acts of the City; providing for conflicts; providing for codification and directions to the Code codifier and providing for the implementation of the statutory expedited State review process and an effective date. Whereas, Strategic Acquisitions Corp. (whose corporate officers are Sadique Jaffer and Surinder Rametra) and William Kirchhoff and Nixie Coleman, Trustees, together with Airport Industrial Partners, LLC, are the owners of certain real property which land totals approximately 91.3 acres in size, is located at 3430 Cameron Avenue and is assigned Tax Parcel Identification Numbers 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0190, 03-20-31- 5AY-0000-0210, 03-19-30-5AY-0000-0290, 3-19-31-5AY-0000-0310 and 03-20-31- 5AY-0000-0410 by the Property Appraiser of Seminole County, which ownership information was provided by the applicant referenced hereinafter and was not the result of a title search; and 1 Whereas, the real property which is the subject of this Ordinance is located on the north side of East Lake Mary Boulevard between Skyway Drive and Cameron Avenue in the City of Sanford; and Whereas, Stephen H. Coover, Esquire, of the law firm of Hutchison, Mamele and Coover, applied, on behalf of the owners, to the City of Sanford, pursuant to the controlling provisions of State law and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, to have the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land Use Element of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan, as previously amended, relative to subject property, changed from the assignment of the AIC, Airport Industry & Commerce, land use designation to the PRO, Parks, Recreation & Open Space, land use designation; and Whereas, the City of Sanford's Planning and Zoning Commission (P&ZC), as the City's local planning agency, held a public hearing on May 16, 2013 to consider amending the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land Use Element of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan and recommended approval of the proposed Future Land Use Map amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for the subject property as requested by the property owner; and Whereas, Section 163.3184(3), Florida Statutes, relates to the amendment of adopted local government comprehensive plans and sets forth certain requirements relating to an expedited process of State review of proposed amendments to local government comprehensive plans and relates to processes and actions relating thereto; and Whereas, the Citizen's Awareness Participation Plan (CAPP) requirements of the City relative to the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan have been met by the applicant to the satisfaction of the City and the CAPP procedures of the City 2 have been adhered to and honored with the applicant and owners being willing to meet with any concern citizen or stakeholder should they have any questions or concerns regarding the application and proposed use of the subject property; and Whereas, the City's Planning and Development Services Department has conducted a thorough review and analysis of the demands upon public facilities and general planning and land development issues should the subject application be approved and has otherwise reviewed and evaluated the application to determine whether is comports with sound and generally accepted land use planning practices and principles as well as whether the application is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan and determined that the p tY P proposed the amendment of the City's Comprehensive Plan relative to the subject property as set forth in this Ordinance is internally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford and the controlling provisions of State law; and Whereas, the City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing this amendment to the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan including, but not limited to, Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes, as well as other controlling law. Now, therefore,be in enacted by the People of the City of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. Legislative findings and intent. (a). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby adopts and incorporates into this Ordinance the City staff report and City Commission agenda memorandum relating to the application relating to the proposed amendment to the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan pertaining to the subject property. (b). The City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of 3 Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance. (c). This Ordinance is internally consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford. (d). The exhibits to this Ordinance are incorporated herein as if fully set forth herein verbatim. Section 2. Amendment to Future Land Use Map. (a). The Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford and the City's Future Land Use Map are hereby amended by assigning the PRO, Parks, Recreation & Open Space, land use designation to the real property which is the subject of this Ordinance as set forth herein. (b). The property which is the subject of this Comprehensive Plan amendment is described as follows: A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 3, TOWNSHIPS 19 AND 20 SOUTH, RANGES 30 AND 31 EAST, CITY OF SANFORD, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, NAMELY: LOTS 19 AND 20 AND WEST 1/2 OF VACATED RIGHT-OF-WAY ADJACENT ON EAST (LESS ROAD), PLAT OF SANFORD CELERY DELTA, AS RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 75 THROUGH 76; LOTS 21 AND 22 AND EAST 1/2 OF VACATED RIGHT-OF-WAY ADJACENT ON WEST (LESS ROADS) PLAT OF SANFORD CELERY DELTA, AS RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 75 THROUGH 76; THAT PART OF LOTS 29, 30, 43 AND 44 LYING NORTHERLY OF EAST LAKE MARY BOULEVARD AND EAST 1/2 OF VACATED RIGHT-OF-WAY ADJACENT ON WEST (LESS ROADS) PLAT OF SANFORD CELERY DELTA, AS RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 75 THROUGH 76; AND LOTS 31 AND 32 (LESS ROAD) PLAT OF SANFORD CELERY DELTA, AS RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 75 THROUGH 76; AND LOT 41 (LESS ROADS) PLAT OF SANFORD CELERY DELTA, AS RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 75 THROUGH 76. (TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0190, 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0210, 03-19-30-5AY- 0000-0290, 3-19-31-5AY-0000-0310 and 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0410). Section 3. Implementing Administrative Actions. The City Manager, or designee, is hereby authorized to implement the provisions of this Ordinance as 4 deemed appropriate and warranted. Section 4. Incorporation Of Maps. The maps attached to this Ordinance are hereby ratified and affirmed and incorporated into this Ordinance as a substantive part of this Ordinance. Section 5. Ratification Of Prior Actions. The prior actions of the City Commission and its agencies in enacting and causing amendments to the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford, as well as the implementation thereof, are hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to impair the validitrdinorce or effect of any other action or part of this Ordinance. Section 7. Conflicts. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 8. Codification/Instructions to Code Codifier. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the codified version of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan and/or the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, Florida in terms of amending the Future Land Use Map of the City. Section 9. Effective Date. The Comprehensive Plan amendment set forth herein shall not become effective, in accordance with Section 163.3184(3), Florida Statutes, until 31 days after the State land planning agency (Florida Department of Economic Opportunity) notifies the City that the Plan amendment package is complete. If timely challenged, the Plan amendment shall not become effective until the said State 5 land planning agency or the Administration Commission enters a final order determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance. Passed and adopted this 22nd day of July, 2013. City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida Attest: G�aQ,tlC -4e-G( ��/��xe I%ia J et Dougherty, City lerk Jeff Triplett, M. as to form and legality: (/ William L. Colbert, Esquire City Attorney 6 City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2013 Site:3430 Cameron Avenue Parcel No's:03-20-31-5AY-0000-0190 Present Future Land Use 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0210 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0290 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0310 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0410 Proposed Future Land Use: PRO-Parks,Recreation and Open Space 96.50 Acres , - -„ ffi . ..- .E R. : � . Legend ,i --, egend ' Ilit Existing Land Use Future Land Use Agriculture -Airport Industry& .'d;; i, Commerce 1111 t Forested Wetlands 1,. / Public/Semi-Public ,E. .* Herbaceous Wetlands IllIM11..- Parks, Recreation& t.- 1 Single Family Residential Open Space 11 I 4 Vacant ill + — .LAKE 'A- :L'. *0 -: zap as .‘21 c , High Int.nsity s „ o_2 Planned De I-lopmJ..:. r Existing Land Use Requested Future Land Use Ilimil. 19 4 r lip ,, ,„,,,,, „. ,j: 4.e. 44 II " ,,, am" .. . _ T , ".- .AS' L'Al-f, , . El til - i , Ce la II® High Int nsity , .. . a. '..'"e s; o 1 , u ■, Planned De I-lopment iiff1 I City of Sanford Department of Planning&Development Services,May 2013 c57171019, WS_ RMX C Item No.Z — —1877= C•si CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM 13-135 '`°4 JULY 22,2013 AGENDA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Co 'on PREPARED BY: Russ Gibson,Planning and Development Se es erector SUBMITTED BY: Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr., City Manager SUBJECT: Comprehensive Plan Amendment for 96. acr at 3430 Cameron Avenue SYNOPSIS: Ordinance No. 4294 to change the future land use map of the Sanford Comprehensive Plan for approximately 96.5 acres at 3430 Cameron Avenue from AIC—Airport Industry & Commerce to PRO—Parks,Recreation& Open Space is being considered for second reading and adoption. FISCAL/STAFFING STATEMENT: An analysis comparing the economic benefits of the subject property developing with commercial and industrial uses which are currently allowed versus a sports complex which requires changing the future land use map was prepared. The analysis found that if the 96.5 acre site developed according to land uses permitted in AIC, Airport Industry and Commerce, the property could potentially yield$103.9 million in economic impact to the community. The analysis indicated over $19.1 million would be generated if the site was developed as a sports complex(ball fields). BACKGROUND: The 96.5 acre site is located on the north side of E. Lake Mary Boulevard between Skyway Drive and Cameron Avenue. The property owners have submitted a request to amend the future land use map designation from AIC-Airport Industry& Commerce to PRO-Parks Recreation& Open Space for the purpose of allowing a sports complex to be built by Seminole County. The owners have also applied to rezone the property to PRO-Parks, Recreation & Open Space to be consistent with the proposed PRO future land use designation. Per the State's Growth Policy Act (Chapter 163 F.S.), any plan amendment shall discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl. In order to determine that a plan amendment does not constitute urban sprawl, the amendment must be analyzed as to whether it incorporates a development pattern or urban form that achieves four or more of the following eight criteria: 1. Directs growth and development to areas of the community in a manner that does not adversely impact natural resources; 2. Promotes the efficient and cost effective provision or extension of public infrastructure and services; 3. Promotes walkable and connected communities and provides for compact development and a mix of uses at densities and intensities that support a range of housing choices and a multimodal transportation system; 4. Promotes conservation of water and energy; 5. Preserves agricultural areas and activities; Page 1 of 3 6. Preserves open space and natural lands and provides for public open space and recreation needs; 7. Creates a balance of land uses based on demands of residential population for the nonresidential needs of an area; and, 8. Provides uses, densities and intensities of use and urban form that would remediate an existing or planned sprawl development pattern or provides for an innovative development pattern such as transit oriented development or new towns. The development of recreational facilities or a sports complex is generally consistent with the City's comprehensive plan. Specifically,the proposed amendment furthers the following policy: Policy 1-1.11.3: Parks, Recreation and Open Space Land Use Designation (PRO). The Parks, Recreation and Open Space land use designation is intended to distinguish Sanford's parks, recreational facilities and opens space facilities from other public uses. This designation is intended for developed City parks and areas of significant open space, including cemeteries. Parks and recreation areas shall be readily accessible at the neighborhood and community level. Parks shall be developed and redeveloped according to the level of service standards for parks and recreational facilities, community demand and community input. Parks shall generally provide outdoor recreational facilities. However, community centers and indoor facilities are also permitted up to a floor area ratio of.25. Also, Policy 6-1.1.1 establishes a Level of Service (LOS) standard for Parks and Recreation Facilities at 4 acres per 1,000 residents. According to the 2010 Census, the City's population was 53,570. The 2009 Data Inventory and Analysis in the Sanford Comprehensive Plan indicated there are 229 acres of park land within the City of Sanford. On June 10, 2013,the City Commission approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 4294. On June 11, 2013, pursuant Section 163.3184(3) and (5), Florida Statutes, staff transmitted the required copies of the plan amendment to the State Land Planning Agency and other required review agencies. The State Land Planning Agency received the amendment on June 17, 2013 and had until July 17, 2013 to issue a comment letter. As of July 17, 2013 the City has received comment letters from the following agencies: Florida Department of Education, Florida Department of Transportation — District 5, Department of Environmental Protection and the St. Johns Water Management District. All received letters have issued no additional comments for the proposed amendment. RECOMMENDATION: On May 16, 2013, the City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission serving as the City's Local Planning Agency recommended approval to change the future land use map of the Sanford Comprehensive Plan for approximately 96.5 acres at 3430 Cameron Avenue from AIC—Airport Industry & Commerce to PRO—Parks, Recreation & Open Space. The Planning and Zoning Commission also stated they would like to ensure that the consideration of the land use change and rezoning for the subject property is consistent or compatible with the forthcoming vision and strategic plan. Page 2 of 3 It is staff's recommendation that the City Commission approve the proposed land use change based on consistency with the goals, objectives and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan and the State's Growth Policy Act. Additional comments or recommendations may be presented by staff at the meeting. SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4294 to change the future land use map of the Sanford Comprehensive Plan for approximately 96.5 acres at 3430 Cameron Avenue from AIC—Airport Industry&Commerce to PRO—Parks,Recreation& Open Space." Attachments: Project Information Sheet Site Vicinity Map Future Land Use Map Amendment Ordinance No. 4294 (6 pages) Applicant's Written Explanation/Justification for Proposed Land Use Amendment Affidavit of Ownership and Designation of Agent(4 pages) Economic Analysis Comparing Two Development Scenarios(15 pages) Analysis of Land Use Amendment Request(2 pages) Letter of Support from Orlando Sanford International Airport Letter from Florida Department of Education dated June 27, 2013 Letter from Florida Department of Transportation-District 5 dated July 8,2013 Letter from Department of Environmental Protection dated July 1,2013 Letter from St. Johns Water Management Districted dated June 20,2013 T:\Development Review\03-Land Development\2013\Kirchhoff-3430 Cameron Ave\CPA\CC Memo-CPA-3430 Cameron Avenue doe Page 3 of 3 PrOkil PROJECT INFORMATION--31430 CAMERON AVENUE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT Requested Action: A Comprehensive Plan Amendment to change the future land use map designation from AIC—Airport Industry&Commerce to PRO—Parks,Recreation&Open Space Proposed Use: Sports Complex Project Address: 3430 Cameron Avenue Current Zoning: AG,Agriculture Current Land Use: Vacant,citrus trees Tax Parcel Numbers: 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0190,03-20-31-5AY-0000-0210,03-19-30-5AY-0000-0290, 03-19-31-5AY-0000-0310 and 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0410 Legal Description: LOTS 19 & 20 & W 1/2 OF VACD R/W ADJ ON E (LESS RD) SANFORD CELERY DELTA PB 1 PGS 75-76; LOTS 21 & 22 & E 1/2 OF VACD R/W ADJ ON W (LESS RDS)SANFORD CELERY DELTA PB 1 PGS 75-76;THAT PT OF LOTS 29,30,43 & 44 LYING NLY OF EAST LAKE MARY BLVD & E 1/2 OF VACD R/W ADJ ON W (LESS RDS) SANFORD CELERY DELTA PB 1 PGS 75-76 & 03-20-31-5AY-0000- 0430 THAT PT OF LOTS 43 &44 LYING SLY OF EAST LAKE MARY BLVD(LESS RDS)SANFORD CELERY DELTA PB 1 PGS 75-76; LEG LOTS 31 &32 (LESS RD) SANFORD CELERY DELTA PB 1 PGS 75-76; and LEG LOT 41 (LESS RDS) SANFORD CELERY DELTA PB 1 PGS 75-76. Site Area: 96.5 acres Property Owners: Tax Parcel Number Tax Parcel Numbers 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0410 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0190/210/290/310 Strategic Acquisitions Corp William Kirchhoff and Nixie Coleman,Trustees 27 N. Summerlin Avenue 2044 Hibiscus Court Orlando,Florida 32801 Sanford,Florida 32771 Names of Officers: Sadique Jaffer Sadique Jaffer Surinder Rametra Mohamedtaki Jaffer Applicant/Agent Hutchison,Mamele&Coover Stephen H.Coover 230 N.Park Avenue Sanford,Florida 32771 Phone:407.322.4051 Fax:407.330.0966 Email: steve.cooverahmc-pa.com CAPP: The applicant held a Citizen's Awareness Participation Plan meeting on June 5,2013 and is also willing to meet with any concern citizen or stakeholder should they have any questions or concerns regarding the request. Commission District: District 1 -Commissioner Mark McCarty T:\Development Review103-Land Development\2013\Kirchhoff-3430 Cameron Ave\CPA\Project Info Sheet-Comp Plan Amend-3430 Cameron Ave.doc Page 1 of 1 i .4 a I t s Orlando Sanford Airport :.".. t,. .". .r.... «v.tv.s -'. • ' • a4a.ii �M66R y= Y l � • � .. ¢.n 1. rr a..-",°7,7,6t.�' '- ' . ,,•'".'... �.�-.r,.� { 4 4. • "-_!G#lMir! 9 ljC • , - : rte. .1 i i Nor Y"f .. • Ma tT RETT A1J ,� , ., rr y y' k «. s::, •," ) •..,t _4 •{�i 3 1 + • z',:,..F....4 r_,.•� td-Iris • ,I A • //_. ♦ IP =-� i"4- _.mss.'„? • w` fff Els eta , ,i I Y a. t J T 1 is CC j 1', ' _ f;• i{ r s 1 i t rt.If ii Site f- ./� •�_ i _ J' l a -' , a 3430 Cameron Avenue _ _ ,• e 4 ,i4. 4 Parcel No: 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0190 •.-. s. . :_Y ?,> -0t'- 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0210 ' P= �.. 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0290 - NJ KAY S�� , r 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0310 - : , • 5 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0410 ._;t `` .' ,,,..._..r.1-srrn AM -... n+auunn nln+rnl.+'s..1 • .E�- ._ X334: .!'. r`+.'. • City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan Amendment May 2013 Site:3430 Cameron Avenue I Parcel No's:03-20-31-5AY-0000-0190 Present Future Land Use 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0210 _ 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0290 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0310 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0410 Proposed Future Land Use:PRO-Parks,Recreation and Open Space 96.50 Acres II Legend II il El Existing Land Use Future Land Use 'I Agriculture ® Airport Industry& 1111 i'' Commerce Forested Wetlands q i i I lo- _ a_ Public/Semi-Public pi Herbaceous Wetlands Parks, Recreation& 1 Single Family Residential Open Space I! �1 � ' i Vacant li i MI a w II-.. 1. H In � � � *� Planned meat 131, � � 1,-i _ :. 111 I. iii n i . _ Existing Land Use Requested Future Land Use II �y ► '�7 1 ., 1 1 Si A B2 l '� �` #' 0 : 11 III ' 1 all /a 4 A ALAr. +` - 4 B.LAKE,z 9 — 4 High Int 'ty Planned• ' ..ment ,).. a ° _ City of Sanford Department of Planning&Development Services,May 2013 Ordinance No. 4294 An Ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida amending the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan, as previously amended; providing for amendment of the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land Use Element of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan relative to certain real property, approximately 96.5 acres in size, and located at 3430 Cameron Avenue within the City Limits (maps relating to the property are attached) (Tax Parcel Identification Numbers 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0190, 03-20- 31-5AY-0000-0210, 03-19-30-5AY-0000-0290, 3-19-31- 5AY-0000-0310 and 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0410) said property being more specifically described in this Ordinance; providing for legislative findings and intent; providing for assignment of the land use designation for the property; providing for the adoption of maps by reference; providing for severability; providing for ratification of prior acts of the City; providing for conflicts; providing for codification and directions to the Code codifier and providing for the implementation of the statutory expedited State review process and an effective date. Whereas, Strategic Acquisitions Corp. (whose corporate officers are Sadique Jaffer and Surinder Rametra) and William Kirchhoff and Nixie Coleman, Trustees, are the owners of certain real property which land totals approximately 96.5 acres in size, is located at 3430 Cameron Avenue and is assigned Tax Parcel Identification Numbers 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0190, 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0210, 03-19-30-5AY-0000-0290, 3-19- 31-5AY-0000-0310 and 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0410 by the Property Appraiser of Seminole County; and Whereas, the real property which is the subject of this Ordinance is located on the north side of East Lake Mary Boulevard between Skyway Drive and Cameron Avenue in the City of Sanford; and Whereas, Stephen H. Coover, Esquire, of the law firm of Hutchison, Mamele 1 and Coover, applied, on behalf of the owners, to the City of Sanford, pursuant to the controlling provisions of State law and the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, to have the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land Use Element of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan, as previously amended, relative to subject property. changed from the assignment of the AIC, Airport Industry & Commerce, land use designation to the PRO, Parks, Recreation & Open Space, land use designation; and Whereas, the City of Sanford's Planning and Zoning Commission (P&ZC), as the City's local planning agency, held a public hearing on May 16, 2013 to consider amending the Future Land Use Map of the Future Land Use Element of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan and recommended approval of the proposed Future Land Use Map amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for the subject property as requested by the property owner; and Whereas, Section 163.3184(3), Florida Statutes, relates to the amendment of adopted local government comprehensive plans and sets forth certain requirements relating to an expedited process of State review of proposed amendments to local government comprehensive plans and relates to processes and actions relating thereto; and Whereas, the Citizen's Awareness Participation Plan (CAPP) requirements of the City relative to the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan have been met by the applicant to the satisfaction of the City and the CAPP procedures of the City have been adhered to and honored with the applicant and owners being willing to meet with any concern citizen or stakeholder should they have any questions or concerns regarding the application and proposed use of the subject property; and 2 Whereas, the City's Planning and Development Services Department has conducted a thorough review and analysis of the demands upon public facilities and general planning and land development issues should the subject application be approved and has otherwise reviewed and evaluated the application to determine whether is comports with sound and generally accepted land use planning practices and principles as well as whether the application is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan and determined that the proposed the amendment of the City's Comprehensive Plan relative to the subject property as set forth in this Ordinance is internally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford and the controlling provisions of State law; and Whereas, the City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing this amendment to the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan including, but not limited to, Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes, as well as other controlling law. Now, therefore, be in enacted by the People of the City of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. Legislative findings and intent. (a). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby adopts and incorporates into this Ordinance the City staff report and City Commission agenda memorandum relating to the application relating to the proposed amendment to the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan pertaining to the subject property. (b). The City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance. (c). This Ordinance is internally consistent with the goals, objectives and 3 policies of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford. (d). The exhibits to this Ordinance are incorporated herein as if fully set forth herein verbatim. Section 2. Amendment to Future Land Use Map. (a). The Future Land Use Plan Element of the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford and the City's Future Land Use Map are hereby amended by assigning the PRO, Parks, Recreation & Open Space, land use designation to the real property which is the subject of this Ordinance as set forth herein. (b). The property which is the subject of this Comprehensive Plan amendment is described as follows: A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 3, TOWNSHIPS 19 AND 20 SOUTH, RANGES 30 AND 31 EAST, CITY OF SANFORD, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, NAMELY: LOTS 19 AND 20 AND WEST 1/2 OF VACATED RIGHT-OF-WAY ADJACENT ON EAST (LESS ROAD), PLAT OF SANFORD CELERY DELTA, AS RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 75 THROUGH 76; LOTS 21 AND 22 AND EAST 1/2 OF VACATED RIGHT-OF-WAY ADJACENT ON WEST (LESS ROADS) PLAT OF SANFORD CELERY DELTA, AS RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 75 THROUGH 76; THAT PART OF LOTS 29, 30, 43 AND 44 LYING NORTHERLY OF EAST LAKE MARY BOULEVARD AND EAST 1/2 OF VACATED RIGHT-OF-WAY ADJACENT ON WEST (LESS ROADS) PLAT OF SANFORD CELERY DELTA, AS RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 75 THROUGH 76; AND THAT PART OF LOTS 43 AND 44 LYING SOUTHERLY OF EAST LAKE MARY BOULEVARD (LESS ROADS) SANFORD CELERY DELTA, AS RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 75 THROUGH 76; AND LOTS 31 AND 32 (LESS ROAD) PLAT OF SANFORD CELERY DELTA, AS RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 75 THROUGH 76; AND LOT 41 (LESS ROADS) PLAT OF SANFORD CELERY DELTA, AS RECORDED AT PLAT BOOK 1, PAGES 75 THROUGH 76. (TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS: 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0190, 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0210, 03-19-30-5AY- 0000-0290, 3-19-31-5AY-0000-0310 and 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0410). Section 3. Implementing Administrative Actions. The City Manager, or designee, is hereby authorized to implement the provisions of this Ordinance as 4 deemed appropriate and warranted. Section 4. Incorporation Of Maps. The maps attached to this Ordinance are hereby ratified and affirmed and incorporated into this Ordinance as a substantive part of this Ordinance. Section 5. Ratification Of Prior Actions. The prior actions of the City Commission and its agencies in enacting and causing amendments to the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford, as well as the implementation thereof, are hereby ratified and affirmed. Section 6. Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to impair the validitrdinorce or effect of any other action or part of this Ordinance. Section 7. Conflicts. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 8. Codification/Instructions to Code Codifier. It is the intention of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this Ordinance shall become and be made a part of the codified version of the City of Sanford Comprehensive Plan and/or the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, Florida in terms of amending the Future Land Use Map of the City. Section 9. Effective Date. The Comprehensive Plan amendment set forth herein shall not become effective, in accordance with Section 163.3184(3), Florida Statutes, until 31 days after the State land planning agency (Florida Department of Economic Opportunity) notifies the City that the Plan amendment package is complete. If timely challenged, the Plan amendment shall not become effective until the said State 5 land planning agency or the Administration Commission enters a final order determining the adopted amendment to be in compliance. Passed and adopted this 22nd day of July, 2013. City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida Attest: Janet Dougherty, City Clerk Jeff Triplett, Mayor Approved as to form and legality: William L. Colbert, Esquire City Attorney Y 6 WRITTEN EXPLANATION/JUST'IFICATION FOR PROPOSED LAND USE AMENDMENT The applicants submit this preliminary statement to support the land use amendment being requested to change approximately 96.5 acres from AIC to PRO for the purpose of allowing a sports complex to be built by Seminole County Government. This complex will serve all residents of the county and will promote tourism related to sporting events being held at the site. The City currently only has 1.84%or 229 acres of its property in recreational land use. On the other hand,the City has 19.40%or 2,415 acres of its property in airport and industry related land use.Lake Mary Blvd. and SR 417 provide excellent transportation facilities to and from the proposed site and to hotels and restaurants. The applicants reasonably believe that the proposed amendment is consistent with the criteria set forth in the Comprehensive Plan,and specifically with Policy 1-1.1.1 of the Future Land Use Element. The proposed PRO future land use designation will be compatible with AIC and other surrounding land use designations. This request will create a clear benefit to the City which will enhance the character of the community. Applicant's Affidavit of Ownership and _. i yp �_� -,_ Designation of Agent • vramsardoedllgov I.Ownership I, Li![.L!as h.-) K J'I 2Cl,ui4a f ,hereby attest to ownership of the property described below: Tax Parcel No(s): 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0190, 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0210,03-20-31-5AY-0000-0290,and Address of property: 3430 Cameron Avenue t 03-20-31-5AY-0000-0310 for which this P'..-a-„w,, '4- -7n 9./..,— GW .G�.--`,application is submitted to the City of Sanford. The ownership,as shown on the deed of record,is in the name of KIRCHHOFF WILLIAM E&COLEMAN NIXIE CO TRS ET AL Please complete the appropriate section below(type or print legibly) rg Individual ❑ Corporation ❑ Partnership Name: Name: Provide Names of Officers Provide Names of General Partners Dept of State Corporate Registration Number: Name/Address of Registered Agent II.Designation of Applicant's Agent (Leave blank if not applicable): As the owner/applicant of the above designated property for which this affidavit is submitted,I designate the below named individual as my agent in all matters pertaining to the application.process•In authorizing the agent named below to represent me.or my company,I attest that the application Is made in good faith and that all Information contained in the application is accurate and complete to the best of my personal knowledge. Applicant's Agent S-1--.U1 CO c>\.) .12 Print Name Applicant's Address: Contact Person: Phone: Email: Fax: ocEabx2009 Affidavit of Owns(hip.pdr III.Notice to Owner • A. All changes in Ownership and/or Aplicanrs Agent prior to final action of the City shall require a new affidavit. If ownership changes,the new owner assumes all obligations related to the filing application process. a. If the Owner Intends for the authority of the Appitanr's Agent to be limited in any manner, please indicate the limitation(s)below.(i.e., t.irrited to obtaining a certificate of concurrency;limited to obtaining a land use compliance certificate:etc.) IV.Acknowledgement Individual • Corporation Partnership Print • • Name Rini Name BY: BY skreurtf—Print Print Print \ Name: Name: : Address: Address: Address: Phone: Phone: Phone: Please use appropriate notary block STATE OF 4101;a t. COUNTY OF [Individual 'Q Corporation Partnership me this 1(0 day of Beforestne this day of Before this day of 201 personally lly —,20_.personally 20_,personally appeared i_t ehn,K i I 1eic—9' appeared appeared who executed the foregoing instru- as , parbedagent., behalf of runt,and acknowledged before me for , that same was executed for the a a partnership, • executed the purposes therein expressed. (i.e.:corporation, . etc.) foregoing instrument • aclnnowl- and acknowledged before that edged before me that - was same was executed for the purposes executed for the purposes therein therein expressed. expressed. „us.% DEBBIE BLANTON = Notarylic-State oh Florida 4 •s My Comm.Expires Feb 25.2015 �: Commission ih EE 60182 Personally known Er; Produced identification El . 1 Assn Type of identification produce '�a► � (NOTARY STAMP) Name: --"h►e- 11C- My cornrnbsion expires: Notary Public Octe ur2o09 ARfdaritofOwwahipDol - �s 01 Applicant's Affidavit of Ownership and Designation of Agent —1877— weaaaaatordtgav I.Ownership Sadique Jaffer ,hereby attest to ownership of the property described below: Tax Parcel No(s): 03-20-5AY.000-0410 Address of property NE corner of Lake Mary Blvd./Skyway Drive/3430 Cameron Ave for which this land use change application is submitted to the City of Sanford. The ownership,as shown on the deed of record,Is In the name of: Strategic Acquistions Corp. Please complete the appropriate section below(type or print legibly) • ti ❑ Individual ® Corporation ❑ Partnership Name:Strategic Acquistions( Name: Provide Names of Officers Provide Names of General Partners Sadique Jaffer Surinder Rametra Dept.of Slate Corporate Registration Number. P97000052995 Name/Address of Registered Agent: Stephen M.Stone 725 Magolia Ave Orlando,FL 32803 11.Designation of Applicant's Agent (Leave blank if not applicable): As the owner/applicant of the above designated property for which this affidavit is submitted,I designate the below named individual as my agent in an matters pertaining to the application process.In authorizing the agent named below to represent me,or my company,I attest that the application is made in good faith and that all information contained in the application is accurate and complete to the best of my personal knowledge. ' ' r,-Y Applicant's Agent: /(tye -"'-%.1 Print Name Stephen H.Coover Applicant's Address: 230 N.Park Ave.,Sanford,FL 32771 Contact Person:Stephen H.Coover Phone: 407-322-4051 Email:steve.coover @hmc-pa.com Fax: 407-330-0966 October 2009 Affidavit or Own«shrp pdt III.Notice to Owner . A. All changes in Ownership and/or Aplicant's Agent prior to final action of the City shall require a new affidavit. If ownership changes,the new owner assumes all obligations related to the filing application process. B. If the Owner intends for the authority of the Applicant's Agent to be limited in any manner, please indicate the limitation(s)below.(i.e., Limited to obtaining a certificate of concurrency;limited to obtaining a land use compliance certificate;etc.) IV.Acknowledgement ❑ Individual E] Corporation ❑ Partnership Strategic AcqUi5lcins Corp PAM Corpora ionWam PAM Partnership Name Suture By: b i�`(_ P *I By: Signature Print Print Sadi ue Jotter Print Name: Name: q Name: Address: Address:27 N.Summerlin Avf, Address: Orlando,FL 32801 I Phone: Phone: - Phone: Please use appropriate notary block STATE OF 1 COUNTY OF ❑ Individual Corporation ❑ Partnership Before me this day of Beforgg me this 03 day of Before me this day of .20_.personally Am.,i 201.personally ,20_.personally appeared twin- ed 6Adr Ja ?A tit In_ appeared , who executed the foregoing instru- as ►a e S i c t , r partner/agent on behalf of ment,and acknowledged before me for SJ-RAle&;C A tqui s.t i 6i I / that same was executed for the a {,OJ./14 a partnership, who executed the purposes therein expressed. (i.e.:corporation, company, etc.) foregoing Instrument and acknowi- and acknowledged before me that edged before me that same was same was executed for the purposes executed for the purposes therein therein expressed. expressed. 0 AL. - - - - - - 0 '—a - 41:1'174::•„ I AYL A TSESMELIS 0 / ' S'', -1;`=: Notary Public•Stale of Florida Personally known , 71,:,,,:,11; , ;•1 MY Comm.Expires Aug 14,2015 / j-,�,G'�'`,�/ •r4. Commission*EE 117581 w p a i/' __ Produced identification ❑ 1 , ;",:.t.%•' Bonded Through National Notary Assn. _/, �' Type of identification produced: t J (NOTARY STAMP) Pnme: )A J 1A-kES I751 My commission expires: Notary Pubic October 2009 Affidavit at OenesNp.pa =F' can ri . .,,... , , „.,.,:_„:,,,,---:::.._.,. , ... 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'at", 3OcD0 ° 0 L.0) Q - 0 �° 0-(a- X'o " Cf) O o 3 O o c -,- O Q 0 > (/) C • .....-_-7 1 =! • r."1 -i 3 Q rn —• ---4-0 Q Tpc- 0 (Q C C FDF -� CD otQ ()4 -h 5 a) (:) c a CD CP CZ ov OooOQOOOo3 _ . 73 C -NDDQO --sue 3 (,) moo _.ciao 5 o oQQaoa � o (Q a t �, oaQO � g. , O =� ( 0 - 0 C3 O_� C -- , -- - 5 O - D -,- �'-< D 0 -r Q o0 0 < O D O D -Lin CD CD ° C - t„ C O < X 3O Q -0 .10, ' Q St Q CD >.9, o al' - ft o O El- -t n. � oo � -ti CD a 9ao ' .--f- O c CC),r< • Q o -�-. c n Q CD CD Q_ `< Q z -7„ z c CD trl (f) O < Q > (4). (-13(Q � _. � � o - - a. • moo 9 Q_ O � -h o Qo (co (D 0 cr zi. J. . O = c , J °. c Z3 Q -�- O CD 9. z z- a („D, 4• Fcf., C rri cn y CD z Qin • N, ANALYSIS OF LAND USE AMENDMENT REOUEST 1. Directs growth and development to areas of the community in a manner that does not adversely impact natural resources; • The AIC land use designation allows commercial, industrial and high density residential. The residential element is not favored where airport--noise impacts are-present, such as areas east of Skyway (Policy 1-1.6.3 b). This site being changed to PRO leaves virtually all of the AIC sites south and east of the Orlando Sanford Airport available for development(Map 1-1 Future Land Use). There would be no adverse impacts on natural resources in granting this request. 2. Promotes the efficient and cost effective provision or extension of public infrastructure and services; • Potable water,gray water,sewer, and transportation(including bike lanes)are all existing and adjacent to the site. 3. Promotes walkable and connected communities and provides for compact development and a mix of uses at densities and intensities that support a range of housing choices and a multimodal transportation system; • This site has bike lanes, sidewalks, and E. Lake Mary Blvd. connects to SR 417, providing a 12 minute drive to The Lake Mary Westin and The Lake Mary Marriott. The Orlando Sanford Airport is proposing a future link to Sunrail. 4. Promotes conservation of water and energy; • The site has gray water adjacent to the site for irrigation of the sports complex green areas. Seminole County proposes to use the latest green technology in lighting, reducing use of energy to current state of the art.All lighting will be kept on site. S. Preserves agricultural areas and activities; • The request does not meet this requirement. 6. Preserves open space and natural lands and provides for public open space and recreation needs; • The use of this site for a sports complex will result in the creation of"recreational"open space under the Comp Plan. This use will result in a significantly higher percentage of open space than any use allowed under the AIC land use designation. 7. Creates a balance of land uses based on demands of residential population for the nonresidential needs of an area; and, • This request will meet current demand from existing southeast Sanford neighborhoods and future demands which will be created in southeast Sanford when Brisson East, Brisson West, and pending requests by Abdulussien and Silver Lakes are built out during the current housing expansion. 8. Provides uses,densities and intensities of use and urban form that would remediate an existing or planned sprawl development pattern or provides for an innovative development pattern such as transit oriented development or new towns. • It is not believed that an existing or planned sprawl development pattern needs remediation in this area, however,this request proposes a use which provides for a need as stated in number 7 above,which is very compatible with the Orlando Sanford Airport and the rural residential uses in the area. OVERALL This request will provide for increased tourism, hotel rooms, recreational open space, and outdoor recreational areas for youth.The cost of the facilities will be borne by Seminole County. This request meets the objective in Policy 1-1.11 to allocate lands for parks,recreation and open space. The City currently has approximately 229 acres (or 1.84% of all City lands) in the PRO Iand use. Policy 6-1.1.1 requires approximately 214 acres based upon the 2010 Census, so the City is slightly over the Comp Plan mandate. However,the next housing expansion will increase the population and need for more lands placed into the PRO land use. This site is located in the area of the next expansion.The closest recreational facilities are located at Mellonville Ave. and Celery Ave. The site currently is predominantly agricultural in use and generates minimal ad valorem tax revenue. Any economic projection showing that the existing land use will generate more economic impacts than as proposed acknowledges that the timing of development drives the economic numbers. Since 1980 the areas around the Orlando Sanford Airport have had a very large inventory of industrial and commercially available sites, few of which have developed in the last 30 years. The city has 2,415 acres (or 19.40%) in the AIC land use and the request will not negatively impact that inventory, while meeting a need for providing more options for our youth to get involved in desirable activities that are favored by the community. 2 OrlandoSanford INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT May 14,2013 ECEIVE II SANFORD AIRPORT AUTHORITY Stephen H.Coover Board of Directors Hutchison, Mamele&Coover, P.A. MAY ? 6 2013 * * * * * 230 N.Park Ave. Sanford, FL 32773 BY Stephen P.Smith Chairman j Re: Letter of Support for Proposed Future Land Use Change Tom Ball and Rezoning for 3430 Cameron Avenue(96.5 Acres) Vice Chairman Dear Mr.Coover: U.Henry Bowlin Secretary/ Treasurer It is my understanding that you represent the owners of the property located at Jennifer T.Dane,Esq. 3430 Cameron Avenue. This property is adjacent to the Orlando Sanford Board Member International Airport and consists of 96.5 acres that Seminole County wishes to Whitey Eckstein purchase for a site on which to build a sports complex. Towards that end, your Board Member clients have submitted a request to the City of Sanford to change the Future Land Use from AIC (Airport Industry & Commerce) to PRO (Parks, Recreation and Open Frank S. loppolo,Jr.,Esq. Space), and to change the zoning classification from AG (Agriculture)to PRO (Parks, Board Member Recreation and Open Space). The Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission will William R.Miller consider that request on Thursday, May 16 2013. Board Member I am pleased to offer this letter of support for the aforementioned change in land Clayton D.Simmons,Esq. Board Member use and zoning. The Sanford Airport Authority welcomes compatible uses in the Airport vicinity and finds the proposed sports complex to be compatible with both Tim M. Slattery the Airport's current and future development. Further, we have met with Seminole Board Member County to discuss the project and have provided guidance for development to A.K. Shoemaker ensure there are no airport-related issues as the project moves forward. Chairman Emeritus Should you have any questions,do not hesitate to contact me. Kenneth W.Wright Counsel Very tru ryours,,, Larry A.Dale,C.M. President&CEO /! L•rry A. Dale President/CEO /lad (407)585-4000 • 1200 Red Cleveland Boulevard Sanford,Florida 32773 • Fax: (407)585-4045 www.OrlandoSanfordAirport.com � l FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION w • • STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION Dr.Tony Bennett GARY CHARTIA%Choir Commissioner of Education JOHN R.PADGET,rice Choir Members ADA G.AIWA&M.D. SALLY BRADSHAW COU JOHN A.COLON TO CO M DOWN BARBARA S.FELLD KATHLffiiSHANAHAN June 27,2013 Ms.Mary Moskowitz,ACIP,Planner Department of Planning and Development Services City of Sanford 300 N.Park Avenue Sanford,Florida 32771 Via E-mail: Mary.Moskowitz(n),sanfordfl.gov Dear Ms.Moskowitz: Re: Sanfordl3-1 ESR Thank you for the opportunity to review the city's 13-1 ESR proposed amendment package, which the Florida Department of Education received on June 17, 2013. According to the department's responsibilities under Section 163.3184(3), Florida Statutes, I reviewed the amendment considering provisions of Chapter 163, Part II, F.S., and to determine whether the proposal, if adopted, would have the potential to create adverse effects on public school facilities. The package relates to a future land use map amendment to permit development of a county sports complex. Because the amendment does not appear to adversely affect public school facilities, I offer no comment. Again,thank you for the opportunity to review the proposed amendment. If I may be of assistance,please contact me at(850)245-9312 or Tracy.Suber(a,,fldoe.org. Sin. ely, Tracy. Suber Gro' ' Management and Facilities Policy Liaison TDSI cc: Mr. George Kosmac,Seminole County School District Ms.Ashley Porter and Mr. James Stansbury,DEO/State Land Planning Agency THOMAS H.INSERRA DIRECTOR,OFFICE OF EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES 325 W.GAINES STREET•Su rrE 1014•TALLAHASSEE,FLORIDA 32399-0400.850-245-0494•Fax 850-245-9304 www.fldoe.org Florida Department of Transportation RICK SCOTT 133 South Semoran Boulevard ANANTH PRASAD,P.E. GOVERNOR Orlando,FL 32807-3230 SECRE'i"ARY July 8,2013 Ms.Mary Moskowitz,AICP,Planner City of Sanford Department of Planning and Development Services 300 N.Park Avenue Sanford,Florida 32771 SUBJECT: PROPOSED COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT: CITY OF SANFORD DEO#: 13-1ESR Dear Ms.Moskowitz: The Department of Transportation has completed its review of the above proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment package as requested in your memorandum dated, June 11, 2013. We appreciate the opportunity to participate in this review process. Since the amendment does not appear to have significant adverse impacts to the State Highway System or the Florida Intrastate Highway System,the Department does not have any review comments. If you have any questions, please contact Heather Garcia at 386-943-5077 or by e-mail at heather.garciaadot.state.fl.us. Sincerely, Susan Sadighi,P.E. Intermodal Systems Development Manager C: Nicole Gulllet,Seminole County Brett Blackadar,Seminole County Andrew Landis,ECFRPC Rob Magee,FDOT Ray Eubanks,DEO James Stansbury,DEO File: H:\0OW'S:nning\Growth Management\CPA Project Files4Sati _3emioole\Aeview\ao1313anford 13-iESR4Sanf id 13-IESR Pmpoeed Cover Letter.Docc www.dot.state.fl.us Muse, Mary From: Ray, Suzanne E. <Suzanne.E.Ray @dep.state.fl.us> Sent: Monday,July 01, 2013 4:31 PM To: Moskowitz, Mary Cc: DCPexternalagencycomments@DEO.myflorida.com Subject: Sanford 13-1ESR Proposed Dear Ms. Moskowitz: Re: Sanford 13-1 ESR—Expedited Review of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment The Office of Intergovernmental Programs of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (Department)has reviewed the above-referenced proposed amendment package under the provisions of Chapter 163, Part II,Florida Statutes(FS.). The Department's review focused on whether the amendment, if adopted, would adversely impact important state resources or facilities,specifically: air and water pollution;wetlands and other surface waters of the state; federal and state-owned lands and interest in lands,including state parks, greenways and trails,conservation easements; solid waste; water and wastewater treatment; and the Everglades ecosystem. Based on our review of the submitted amendment package,the Department has found no provision that would result in adverse impacts to important state resources subject to the Department's jurisdiction. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. Suzanne E. Ray,AICP DEP Office of Intergovernmental Programs 3900 Commonwealth Blvd.,MS 47 Tallahassee, FL 32399-3000 (850)245-2172 office (850)245-2189 fax Please take a few minutes to share your comments on the service you received from the department by clicking on this link DEP Customer Survey. 1 St. Johns River ,,mist, Water Management District ePre_ Nits& Iu,Balcuthe Director 4049 Reid Street • P.O Box 1429 • Palatka,FL 32178-1429 • (386)329-4500 On the Internet at floridaswater.com. June 20,2013 Mary Moskowitz,AICP City of Sanford Department of Planning and Development Services 300 N.Park Avenue Sanford,FL 32771 Re: City of Sanford Beach Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment#13-1ESR Dear Ms.Moskowitz: St.Johns River Water Management District(District)staff have reviewed the above-referenced comprehensive plan amendment which consists of one change to the future land use map(FLUM). District staff review focused on flood protection and floodplain management,wetlands and other surface waters,and regional water supply as they relate to important state resources and facilities, as outlined in Florida Statutes. District staff did not identify any adverse impacts to important state resources and facilities. If you have any questions,please do not hesitate to contact me at(386) 329-4436 or cfoerste@sfrwmd.com. S' y, ,JCPAS ) Cathleen E.Foerster,AICP,Intergovernmental Planner Office of Communications and Intergovernmental Affairs cc: James Stansbury,Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Andrew Landis,East Central Florida Regional Planning Council CITY OF SANFORD Suzanne Ray,Florida Department of Environmental Protection Nancy Christman,St Johns River Water Management District JUN 2 4 PLANNING AND DEVEI OPMENTI • GOVERNING BOARD Lad D a n i e l s,amour J o h n A.M i k i o s.vx s MAWS Douglas C.Boumique,SE terray tsxysm H.6byabi,fl1E&su PAaeOIMILE 011111100 V9 O EMI OR OS NAM Douglas Burnett Chuck� George JACKSONVILLE W.Robbins Fred N.Roberts.Jc W Leonard Wood STAMEN t1CNA MIIMANDeNA NAM